Stay away from them and if it's your parents then just start saving up to move out!
2007-03-09 08:20:44
answer #1
answered by Marius , II 3
First I consider what type of person it is that had to do that to me and why they did it. If it was something I needed to hear, I try to be positive about the message and work on myself. If it was someone just being mean, I distance myself from that individual, and remind myself how special I really am. Then if all else fails, I exercise to take my mind off of it, concentrating my energies into something physical. Never let anyone get you down, if you do they win.
2007-03-09 16:28:52
answer #2
answered by sustasue 7
Question why i allow someone else to have an effect upon any aspect of "my state of being". I try to, at this point in my life, take nothing personally, including what previously would have upset me.
Now, i just kind of shrug, and move on. Peoples' unkindness is usually more a reflection of their issues rather than my "perceived" shortcomings.
2007-03-09 16:37:12
answer #3
answered by drakke1 6
If they were trying to help with some constructive criticism, I would listen, take it in and think about it. But if they were just trying to upset me for the sake of it, well depending on what mood I'm in, I would either walk away from them, try to think positive thoughts and stay away from them for awhile. OR if I'm in the mood for a smackdown, I might firmly tell them they were full of crap and why, and then change the subject.
2007-03-09 16:36:33
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Nobody ever makes me feel down. That's physically impossible. I used to ALLOW myself to feel down b/c of the actions of others, but not anymore.
2007-03-09 17:09:25
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I...feel terrible for the rest of the day. I sulk...then I think about why that person did such a thing to me, and then I compare it to basic sociology and categorize and hypothesize what could have affected them in such a way that they would carry over their bad mood and take it out on others.
2007-03-09 16:39:55
answer #6
answered by Sirius Black 5
I ask myself one of my favorite questions: "In 10 years, is this really going to matter?"
And usually it calms me down. Either that, or I'll listen to some music, fast paced that I can dance to & sweat out what I'm feeling, or just moody tunes that provide catharsis.
Feel better darling!
2007-03-09 16:41:44
answer #7
answered by odella 2
You tough it out. People let people tear them down, and they shouldn't. You are who you are. If you try to be somebody else, you'll notice that you start walking on egg shells, trying to be this "Imitation." It's hard to keep it up, and eventually, it will comsume you. I, personally tell people this; "When everybody betrays you, God will not." Live by example of who you are. Be you, because that's all you can be.
2007-03-09 21:51:48
answer #8
answered by Da Mick 5
I don't give up that easy for that someone. I think I can make use of my expertise in innuendos of lines of sarcasm in a very civilized way that i get my fair share of defensive and offensive moves.
2007-03-09 16:25:31
answer #9
answered by oscar c 5
No one can make you feel down except yourself. So, ask yourself is it justified. If yes, change something, if no, don't.
2007-03-09 16:47:08
answer #10
answered by Anonymous