and if you don't believe me, i can send you emails of a hundred women who will verify this. i get several emails a week from women who are ill and many don't even want to live.
go here,
and, if you do get one, contact me later for reversal info to get you out of misery just like many do every week.
one thing to remember, you cannot disrupt god's work (or whoever you think made the human body) and not have consequences
PTS is often the result of a rapid decline in estrogen levels due from the blood supply being damaged to the ovaries during the TL surgery. Depending on the damage to the veins and capillaries, blood volume to the ovaries may slightly decrease or can be eliminated completely (isolated ovarian syndrome, common with hysterectomy operations). Many of the symptoms of PTS are associated with having an estrogen/progesterone imbalance.
Other theories of PST and the hormonal imbalance that results after a TL is that "target" or "receptor" cells that are important in the relay of hormonal messages are damaged, destroyed, and or removed during the TL surgery. It is derivable that these target or receptor cells are located within the fallopian tube.
'Listen To Your Body'
A Gynecologist Answers Womens Most Intimate Questions
By Neils Lauersen,M.D.
And Eileen Stukane
Page 354
(Researchers who have started to study the after effectsof tubal sterilization have named the postoperative condition post-tubal ligation syndrome (PTLS).Women who experience this syndrome after surgery may have pelvic pain,irregular menstrual bleeding severe premenstrual syndrome(PMS),and galactorrhea,amilky discharge from the nipples. Some times women are so incapacitated by the pain of PTLS that they undergo further surgery. Most likely ,PTLS is caused by hormonal imbalance. If a physician cauterizes,removes ,or damages to large a portion of the Fallopain tubes and their blood vessels , he will reduce blood flow,the ovaries might shrink, and women may bleed less menstruation. A hormonal inbalance might result in abnormal ovulations with irregularmenstrual bleeding. Whe ovulation is off, there can be decreased progesterone production which brings on premenstrual syndrome with its excessive mood swings and depressions.)
My Body My Decision
(What you should know about the most common female surgies)
Written By: Lindsay R. Curtis
: Glade B Curtis,M.D.
: Mary K Beard, M.D.
PAGE 257
( Although sterilization is simple,safe and certain,it occasionally causes changes in menstrual flow- making periods heavier or lighter - and it may cause adhesions.If there is enough interference with blood supply to your ovaries{ovaries and fallopian tubes share the same blood supply},the sterilization procedure can cause a permature menopause.While these complication are uncommon ,they are a possibility).
Premenstrual Syndrome and You
By : Niels H. Lauersen ,M.D.
Page 74
( If a physician cauterizes ,removes or damages too large a portion of the Fallopian tubes and their blood vessels ,he will reduce blood flow . The ovaries might shrink ,and women may bleed less during menstruation. A hormonal inbalance might result in abnormal ovulation with irregular menstrual production which brings on premenstrual syndrome. Research has shown,in fact that tubal ligations women have high serum estradiol{estrogen}and low serum progesterone in the second half of their menstrual cycles,the same monthly hormonal inblance that Drs.Israel and Dalton have cited as the caused of PMS. This hormonal dysfunction in the second half of the menstrual cycle,which is also called the luteal phase).
It's Your Body
By: Niels Lauersen M.D.
: and Steven Whitney
Page 266
(Tubal sterilization in a women involves destruction of part of the fallopian tube.If this destruction is too extensive, interference with ovarian blood flow may occur and systemic effects can follow. A women might experience certain menopausal sympyoms such as "hot flashes". A change in the pattern and the amount of menstrual bleeding may occur,and there is some indication of increased susceptibility to the development of the ovarian cysts. Adhesion formation is also possible.These adhesions can caused pain, and in rare cases,necessiate a hysterectomy).
Every Womens Body
Everything you need to know to makes informed choices about your health
by Diana Korte
ISBN: 0345386523
(It is unknown how often the controversial'post-tubal-ligation syndrome' which includes pelvic pain,spotting,and cramps occurs,though some research shows it may take up to five years for menstrual symptoms to occur. However, as many as half of women report changes in their menstrual cycle, including an increase in bleeding,irregular cycles, and cramps. Part of the explanation for immediate menstrual changes may be that many women had used the pill previously, which usually reduces menstrual symptoms,so that reports of increased bleeding and pain may be due to going off the pill.Some women who became sterilized in their twenty's have hysterectomies later and those women who've been sterilized with cautery techniques {burning the tubes closed, instead of tying them off} have higher hystercetomy rates as well.Cautery sterilization can interfere with blood supply to the ovaries, which may effect their function. Hormonal output could decrease, causing irregular ovulation. The end result might be an abnormal pattern of uterine bleeding that can lead to a hysterectomy. Endometriosis{an often painful condition in which normally found in the uterus is found in other nearby parts of the body, causing irregularand painful menstruation or pain during sex} occasionally occurs following tubal ligation. However, sterilization most often occurs in the age group of women who are most likely to be diagnosed with endometriosis, so this factor may not be a cause}.
Sexual Sterilization
The Couple To Couple League
P.O.Box 111184
Cincinnati,Ohio 45211-1184
{A follow up study of 374 patients with tubal ligation revealed that 43% had subsequent gynecological treatment for such conditions as menorrhagia ( heavy menstrual bleeding),menstrual disturbances requiring hormal treatments, cervical erosion, ovarian tumors, and recanalization of the fallopian tubes requiring a second operation.)
There is an increased incidence of women with tubal ligations undergoing subsequent hysterectomy because of severe menstrual problems. Of the 374 patients followed in the study cited above ,70- or 18.7% - return for a hysterectomy. A study by James G. Tappan found a 40.7% incidence of menorrhagia and suggested that cystic degeneration of the ovary as a result of an interruption of the uterine artery might account for this. In any case,the figure of a 40% increase in menstrual problems as the results of tubal ligation seems standard. In addition the rate of cervical cancer experienced by one group of 489 women three and a half times the normal rate).
Nontraumatic tubal occlusion as a new technique for female voluntary sterilization.
Author : Manuaba IB
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine, Udayana University, Denpasar, Indonesia.
Source : Adv Contracept, 1993 Dec, 9:4, 303-11
Female voluntary sterilization is the most popular method of contraception worldwide. It is estimated that around 138 million or 16% of fertile couples, have been sterilized by this method. Female sterilization has been widely employed in Bali since 1970, in accord with '100' formula. The acceptance rate of female sterilization as a family planning method is 7.8% in Bali, and 5.1% nationally in Indonesia. But late complications associated with psychosomatic, psychosexual and menstrual disturbances are not infrequently found, complications attributed to the damage of ovarian blood vessels during the operation.
Over the years the female sterilization acceptance rate has kept increasing, especially among the younger age group (around 30 years). A nontraumatic tubal occlusion technique has been developed to preserve the ovarian blood vessel during surgery. With the new technique, late complications could be overcome so women could enter a normal menopausal period. This new technique described here needs further study.
From MSNBC Chicago Chanel 5
The hidden risk of tubal ligations
by Marion Brooks
CHICAGO – More than 600,000 American women will have their tubes tied this year. But there may be a rare side effect of the surgery, the most permanent type of contraception, which few patients may know about.
In August 1995, Susan Bucher’s surgical sterilization,which she got for the purpose of birth control, was uneventful. Patients are told about some of the potential side effects, like post-surgical pain, stomach cramps and fatigue. But another, more controversial side-effect may not get mentioned: the risk of being castrated from tubal ligation.
Gynecologist Dr. Vicki Hufnagel takes part in a Web site explaining what is called post-tubal ligation syndrome. She believes that in about two percent of all tubal ligations, surgeons closing the fallopian tube also inadvertently damage or destroy blood vessels to the ovaries. That can kill the ovaries, producing the post-menopausal symptoms of a woman who has undergone a hysterectomy.
Susan was just 36 years old when she signed her consent for tubal ligation. It didn’t mention it might alter her periods. But it happened, and it was two years before another doctor diagnosed her condition with a hormone test. Until then, Susan suffered from abnormal menses, memory loss, confusion, and mood swings. Her sex drive hit zero. “My husband would initiate a love-making session and I would want to have nothing to do with him,” she said. Susan says her first doctor never mentioned hormones as the cause. “He told me I should go get porno movies, she said. Dr. Hufnagel says both hormone tests and laproscopic examinations can confirm damage to the ovarian arteries. Yet the American College of Obstetricians and
Gynecologists denies that post-tubal ligation syndrome is a medical condition.
Presbyterian fertility specialist Dr. Mary Wood-Molo explains why. “As many studies have indicated, there may be a problem,” she said. “It is still is a very controversial within the field of gynecology.” Controversial or not, Dr. Wood-Molo and Susan agree that patients should be told about potential hormone changes before the operation. Those physicians who dispute the existence of the syndrome say many of the symptoms are just temporary, and probably because a patient stopped
taking birth control pills.
"One year after my tubal reversal I am testing hormonally normal again and have been off hormones for 2 months. No testosterone, progesterone or estrogen. Thank you all so much. The reversal has made my life normal again and I cannot thank you enough. Please feel free to let other women who have post tubal ligation syndrome know that this can help if not cure their problems." Lisa Helton
Hi Ladies,
I suffered with PTLS for 10 years and it was pure hell. I did eventually find a doctor who believed the PTLS and told me the only thing she could do was medicate me to make me more comfortable. I had migraines, heavy and long menstrual flow with cramps so bad all I wanted to do was stay in a fetal position with a heating pad. Nausea, bloating, horrible mood swings, no sex drive, etc. The very first month after the TR surgery we noticed a significant difference. Within four cycles all PMS and PTLS symptoms were completely gone, my sex drive has returned to normal and I have had excellent health since the surgery. My family and I will be forever grateful to Dr. Berger for giving me my quality of life back. It's been almost three years since the reversal and we thank Dr. Berger each month for making me healthy again. Good Luck to you and I hope the TR surgery will be a success and return your health to you.
HI every, I'm Rosie 25 Had TL when I was 19. Since then I have gained weight. Not my self - very moody I don't have a care in a world, Too Tired all the time. PMS each and every day of the year my husband is not happy with me.. Hot flash during when monthlys come I might as well be dead the pain is to severe for me and even pain pills don't help at all. Unwanted facial hair broke outs all over my body...Before the TL I was happy, out going, and laughed a lot.Now I'm "Oscar the Grouch" as my daughter says. Now my family hides from me when I am having a very bad case of pains and the monthly period. Some times I get them they last for 3 weeks very heavy and some times Idon't get them for months!! What's up with that? My doctor told me that I'm nuts, there's nothing wrong, ect!!!
Before TR I was prone to severe depression/PMS, and I had hot flashes before my period (I'm only 37, I'm not near menopause) which I did not have before TL. After TR (9/27/02), I don't get hot flashes, and my PMS isn't anywhere near as severe. But it hasn't been that long since I had TR, so I can't say for sure that TR is what caused these symptoms to go away (although, if it "walks like a duck"...I think TR probably did).
I am interested in TR. After reading this stuff about TL Syndrome, I am so upset. I had my TL done about 7 yrs ago and have been miserable since. I have been on antidepression medication, under went exploratory surgery, and nothing helped. Here I was thinking I was crazy and trying everything to fix "myself". I feel like I have lost so many years because of TL symptoms. Now I want the TR more than anything, even if it does not bring us a baby. Just to be 'Myself" again will be worth it!
I have posted this several times but I want to repeat it for you.
I had a TL in 1995. After the TL I had horrible cramping during AF and my periods were heavier. I had to take a lot of ibuprofen and even missed days from work because I was in so much pain. Emotionally , I developed PMS. I wasn't even putting the two together. I just thought I was getting older and it was my turn for PMS. For the 2 weeks before my period I had anger problems. I was very moody and my husband and I argued all the time. I had even sought help from a counselor thinking I might have a mental illness or depression, but I would get better and forget about making the appt.
I went to my OB/GYN and asked her about any pills I could take for PMS. She said to mark on the calendar my symptoms for each day. Chart that for 3 months and get back with her. A pattern appeared. Almost exactly 2 weeks before my period would start I would turn into "Dr. Jekyll." I felt "separated" from myself and couldn't focus properly. Everything got exaggerated in my mind. I had to FIX problems that didn't even exist. I also started growing black hair around my areola. I had to tweeze my breasts!!! My marriage to my second DH almost ended in April of last year because of these arguments. I was very mean and picked at him for everything. But, he started noticing the pattern too. He said as soon as my period started I turned into my "old sweet self" again.
Well, I started taking over the counter Premsyn to help with the mood swings, but they made me feel drugged up and zombie-ish. I thought I was losing my mind!!
On a side note, my husband and I wanted a child together. I really wanted a baby. After the Premsyn helped with the arguments, we started talking about getting my tubes reversed. And, we did.
February 12th of this year my whole life changed and I didn't even know it would happen. I told Dr Berger about the pain on my right side during my periods and that an OB/GYN told me I might have endometriosis and needed a hysterectomy, but I refused because I had normal periods and pain only during my period. After the surgery, Dr Berger told me that I had a healthy uterus and ovaries with full signs of ovulation on both sides. He said the fallope ring on my right tube was causing the pain during my period and I should be better. Just to wait and see after my first period.
I have had ZERO pain during my periods now. The hair on my breasts aren't there anymore, I do not have the mood swings and anger problems like before my TR.
I do not have PMS!! I have my life back! If I never have a baby, the surgery was worth every penny. I am in control of me now, not a hormone imbalance and cycle changes.
Sorry this is so long, but I really love to share the miracle that has happened to me since my TR.
TR 2-12-04
fallope rings
L 6cm R 6.25cm
ME 38
2007-03-09 17:27:50
answer #10
answered by Anonymous