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I am concidering opening a dry cleaners with a friend... What do I need to get started?

2007-03-09 05:53:13 · 2 answers · asked by maggs717 3 in Business & Finance Small Business

2 answers

Are you looking to start "Drop store" or "full service plant".
In both way, you have to have great location, Know-how, and finance to back you up.
For pick-up(Drop store), you will start as a alteration/tailor shop with dry cleaning on side. You won't make money with just dry cleaning. your wholesale will cost at least 50% of your sale. In this case, find good wholesaler is very important.
For full plant, you will need larger investment. minimum of quarter million dollars. You have to know how to operate all the machines. you won't Abel to hire many employees to help you since, you won't have a lot of sales at the beginning.
It's very difficult business. If you are my family, I wouldn't recommend the business. You are welcome to contact me if you need any information's.

2007-03-09 10:55:37 · answer #1 · answered by novak-9 4 · 0 0

average how much money investment I need

2016-05-29 09:07:29 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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