OK I've got around 22 now. I'd like to get maybe 15 more.
When giving frequency please avoid ambiguous answers like "all the time". I'd prefer something like "3x a month".
I trimmed a couple of questions out to make it easier.
1. M/F?
2. How often on average does your husband/wife give oral to you?
3. Are you happy with how often you get it?
4 How often on average do you give oral to your husband/wife?
5. Why do you do it? Or, why DON'T you do it?
6. Is your partner happy with how often they get it from you?
7. What could they do that would make you want to do it more for them?
PLEASE be honest.
By the way, when I ask about oral, I don't mean 1-2 min of horsing around, I mean all the way.
I'll ask 1 more time later and tabulate all.....thanks.
6 answers
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Family & Relationships
➔ Marriage & Divorce