Don't let people's political views influence you. I'm hoping my answer provides you with an impartial response.
Contact your local Planned Parenthood or hospital. Hospitals will usually perform abortions up until the 2nd or 3rd month. I think that the best option is calling a local Planned Parenthood and speaking with someone directly about your concerns. That's the only way that you will feel comfortable. The earlier the abortion, the safer it is. Since you're in your first trimester you can have either a medication induced abortion (they give you medication and the fetus is passed at home with no invasive process or operation. Can take a few days to 4 weeks to happen) or you can have vacuum aspiration (cervix is stretched open and suction from a hand-held suction device or from a machine is used to end a pregnancy). Usually within a couple days afterwards, you will recover. Medication induced abortion relief is almost immediate. For vacuum aspiration, you usually undergo anesthesia and after medications, so the recovery period is longer. For more info, go to Here you can read information AND risks involved with this decision. Know that there are other options for you, but you have the right to make an informed decision.
Make sure you're pregnant. Take a test, and act as soon as you find out for sure. You may be worrying for no reason.
2007-03-09 12:34:49
answer #1
answered by Lauren 3
Abortions put you at a higher risk of cancer (breast, ovarian , uterine, & cervical ) There is no safe option , fatalities happen in 1 in every 100 women either right after or later in life due to cancer or complications .
After the first trimester, dilation and evacuation (D&E) is the most common abortion procedure. In a D&E, the cervix is slowly stretched open. The procedure is completed by emptying the uterus using a combination of suction and medical instruments. Another option, induction — in which premature labor is induced with various medicines — is not widely available.
Please think about this before you do it . Go to the websites below ..
Life is not a choice , its a gift! Your mother didnt abort you so why would you abort your son or daughter !
2007-03-09 06:04:46
answer #2
answered by pure_sweetness1984 2
All methods of abortion have risks. In a surgical abortion, the abortionist must first force open your cervix, which is very tightly closed to protect your baby. This can result in tearing and permanent damage. He then inserts a sharp-tipped suction tube into your womb and turns on suction 30 times more powerful than a vacuum cleaner. The suction tears the baby apart and pulls her out of your womb. He then inserts a curette (a loop-shaped steel knife) into your womb to scrape out any remaining parts of the baby and your placenta. Some abortionists use only the curette to cut apart the baby rather than using suction. Abortion is a "blind procedure." The abortionist cannot see what he is doing after he inserts the sharp instruments into your womb, but must go by "feel." As a result, he can puncture your uterus, bowel, or bladder. Women have died from so-called "safe and legal" surgical abortions (see links below).
In a “medical” abortion, two chemicals are given. The first cuts off your baby's source of nourishment, causing her to starve to death inside your womb. The second chemical causes hard contractions to push the dead baby out of your body. This takes an average of nine days, bleeding is profuse, and pain is severe. Sometimes, parts of the baby are left inside your womb, where they can rot and cause infection. This is what killed 18-year-old Holly Patterson in California several years ago. At least 11 women have died after aborting their baby chemically:
Here is more information you should see:
Abortion Risks:
Abortion Deaths:
Photos and Video of Abortions, Including 1st Trimester Abortions:
Information on All Aspects of Abortion:
Photos and Facts About Prenatal Development:
Abortion Stories:
Free, Confidential Pregnancy Help (including referrals for financial, medical, legal, and housing assistance; free pregnancy tests and ultrasounds; free maternity and baby supplies; pregnancy, parenting, and adoption information; counseling and emotional support):
Support for Pregnant Teens:
Support for Pregnant College and Career Women:
Please keep yourself and your baby safe, and don't abort.
2007-03-09 10:35:30
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Well it is your body so it is your choice but I urge you to really be sure you put a lot of thought into you decision. Many people have regrets that stay with them for their entire life. It is considered safe however as with any other surgery there are risks.Google abortion risks and see what you come up with. Consider adoption as well, this good be the best choice.
2007-03-09 06:08:57
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Dont get an abortion! That is a baby, a life. You made a mistake or did not wish to get pregnant. Don't punish the baby for that. Adoption is a great option.
2007-03-09 05:38:19
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
missing your period doesn't necessarily mean you're pregnant. you should try a home pregnancy test before you start to worry about an abortion. your period may be late because of some other health issues.
Just read a comment above my own and she's right. you're not late yet. there are only 28 days in February. so your next period shouldn't be until March 13....
2007-03-09 05:42:29
answer #6
answered by julia 2
i would not have an abortion. have the baby and let someone adopt them. plus if you have an abortion, they are really risky. there are also downfalls, like not being able to get pregnant anymore, etc. that is the worst. so sometime in the future if you wish to have a baby you might have a hard time.
my friend has had 2 abortions, and this past one has really kicked her but in pain, and now they told her that she will no longer be able to have kids! watch it!
2007-03-09 06:47:16
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
It does not sound like you missed a period.
it sounds like you are late. Get a home test.
If you are I have to say adoption is the best way to go,
you asked for the safest way?
Safest for who? girlfriend,safest for who?
mother of 2 bio kids and 4 adopted kids
all loved the same
and all deserve to laugh and play.
2007-03-09 06:03:44
answer #8
answered by to tell ya the truth........... 6
This is a sensitive subject to me.
I underwent one back when I was in my early 20's and I regret it because my reasons were pure selfishness:
1. I didn't want anything to interfere with finishing my education
2. I was ashamed to let my family know
3. I was too greedy to go to term and adopt the child out
So, now I just look back and can't forgive myself. Sure, God has forgiven me, as I asked for His grace, but I can't forgive myself.
I'm sorry. I won't give you any answers today. It was too long ago to give you very exact answers, since it probably preceded YOUR birth, and I was in a very stressful haze and have tried to forget.
Today, I do a walkathon fundraiser for "Options for Women" that counsel women who DID do abortions, and provide services for women who elect to go to term. That is my way of paying back to that child I legally murdered almost 25 yrs ago.
Enough said.
030907 3:11
2007-03-09 08:13:29
answer #9
answered by YRofTexas 6
An abortion is really quick. Your body will recover in no time. The problem is emotionally recovery that takes time. You might think that it is the best option now, but emotionally you may not ever get over it or forgive yourself. It is a very painful experience (emotionally). But you have to do what is best for you. Good luck, I hope you make the right decision.
2007-03-09 05:42:49
answer #10
answered by starla 1