Most women are on a 28 day cycle. From the first day of your last period, count 14 days, and that is when you should ovulate. You always start at the first day of menstration, that is when your cycle begins. You can also begin traking your tempurature in the mornings for a few cycles, on the days your tempurature is elevated, you are ovulating. There is only like I think a 48 hour window, if the egg is not implanted, then it is too late that cycle. Wild huh, of all the unplanned pregnancies in the world it is such a small window of conception. However, I think that sperm can live in a womans body for up to 72 hours, provided you are not running a high fever as this will kill them, I think. You can also just go to walmart and buy an ovulation kit, they are like pg test, you pee on them and they will tell you if you are ovulating. Are you trying to concieve. I was told to drink tea, and to have my partner not drink mt dew, oh, and contrary to popular belief, sperm does not decrease with male masterbation. I heard it takes 24 hours for sperm to reproduce, so habitual masturbation would decrease sperm count, not true, as a matter of fact it is healthy for a man to masturbate, as regular ejaculation keeps the prostate healthy, reducing the risk of cancer in the prostate. Good luck
2007-03-09 05:21:09
answer #1
answered by veachypoo 2
track your period. mark down the day you start, then look to about two weeks after you start. that's when you're ovulating. you don't need to have sex every day, since sperm will live inside of you for about three days, but during your estimated ovulating time have some fun "practicing." Don't even bother with those expensive ovulation tests, since they tell you only WHEN your ovulating, and more times than not, it'll be too late by then. Ideally, you'll want to have sex a day or so before you start ovulation, so that the sperm is already there when you release the egg.
2007-03-09 05:19:04
answer #2
answered by LittleItalianInMe 3
When you ovulate a few things can happen. You could have cramping on ONE side of your abdomen, you can have tender breasts, your vaginal discharge will increase. Usually when a woman is most fertile her discharge will look like raw egg whites. You can also check your cervix, if you feel comfortable doing that. Make sure your hands are washed. You can either lay down on your back or put one leg up on the toilet. You insert your middle finger and stop when you feel your cervix. If your cervix is low dry and firm (it feels like touching the tip of your nose) then you are most likely not fertile. But if your cervix is Soft, High (you can barely feel it), Open and Wet (Think of the word SHOW) then you are most likely ovulating. Make sure that when you do this that you are doing this at the same EXACT time each day.
2007-03-09 05:24:18
answer #3
answered by Angela 3
There are several ways of knowing when your body is ovulating you can purchase a ovulation prediction test from the pharmacy these test usually require either saliva or urine. You could chart your basal body temp, noting a surge in temp. this is usually when your body is ovulating. Some women notice a yolk like discharge in their underwear, and some notice a change in their normal discharge. Some women even notice an increase in their libido.
2007-03-09 05:17:29
answer #4
answered by themomma 1
Usually, after the period, the woman's body begins to prepare for ovulation. Cervical fluid begins to build up and becomes increasingly more fertile quality (slippery, stretchy, and raw eggwhite in appearance) the nearer to ovulation. Once the woman has ovulated, her cervical fluid begins to dry up and her temperature shifts to a higher level.
To know when YOU are ovualting and most fertile, I highly recommend charting your fertility signs (cervical fluid, cervical postion though that is optional, and basal body temperature).
Some resources: The Couple to COuple LEague's website ( as well as The books The Art of Natural Family Planning and Taking CHarge of Your Fertility are also excellend resources.
2007-03-09 05:17:42
answer #5
answered by Kari 4
Some people get small cramps when ovulating, and clear stretchy cm, but it usually depends on how many days your cycle is! if you are on a 28 day cycle then you will more then likely ovulate on day 14 of your cycle!..starting from the first day of your last ovulate in between the last period and the next~ (middle)
that website is very helpful on keeping track of your cycle days!
2007-03-09 05:37:12
answer #6
answered by babygirlz3n2 5
Go there and punch in your details. It's about 2 weeks after your last period starts. Some women don't notice anything, I get a little pain and cramping when the egg is being released. Check the calculator at the link above.
Good luck!
2007-03-09 05:18:22
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
It's usually right in between your cycle. If you know how many days your cycle is..... It's 10-14 days after you start your period... and usually 12-14 days before you start your next period. You also get that egg-whitish mucous on the toilet paper when you wipe. There's other more in depth ways to track it... but i never worried about those and it only took me 2 months to get preg.
2007-03-09 05:28:20
answer #8
answered by ms.pontes 3
Only fertility tests can ACCURATELY tell you when you are ovulating. Symptoms are not reliable, and can very easily result in disappointment whether you are trying to conceive or trying to AVOID conception.
2007-03-09 05:25:01
answer #9
answered by Daria319 3