you're baby probably IS moving everyday .. it's just so little you don't feel all those flutters :)
have you ever gotten that feeling like you've got gas? like that little bubble feeling where you feel like you're going to have to pass gas, but don't have the urge? that could be your baby kicking!
I just barely started feeling my little guy bouncing in there at 18 weeks (mildy) ... like every other day, very sporatic. Then at 20 weeks .. got more noticable .. and now at 22 weeks I feel him every morning!
A good way to get them to move (where you can feel it) is to drink something HOT .. like a de-caf coffee, or some hot-chocolate! the warmth gets them kicking and by the drink filling up your bladder is gives them less room so you feel it more! Orange juice always works too! something about the tangy/sweetness ..and BOOM! you've got a jumping bean in your tummy! :)
*don't worry about the movements being sporatic .. that's perfectly normal!
My friend is 20 weeks pregnant and just had a sonogram and has a very healthy baby boy in there! and she still hasn't felt any movements ..but he was very active on the sonogram machine (and she's thin) but she just cant feel him moving..
good luck! God bless!
2007-03-09 04:51:27
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I felt flutters at 15 weeks with my daughter. The movements gradually got more consistent over the next few weeks, but it wasn't an everyday thing.
Right now, your baby is still small, so he/she still has a lot of room in the amniotic sack to move around. As the baby gets bigger, you will be able to feel movements more frequently. Congratulations and best wishes.
2007-03-09 12:56:30
answer #2
answered by Melissa B 5
18 weeks is extremely early to be feeling the baby everyday...even at 25 weeks, it is sometimes still sporatic, this is why they dont usually start kick counts until about 28 weeks. The baby is def. moving...but you cannot feel it all the time. His bones are not hard enough and he/she is not big enough to really make an impact yet!!!
You will feel flutters, or gas bubbles often...but dont expect to feel kicks until you get a little further along!!! If you are really nervous about not feeling him/her then get a heart monitor for at home. You can rent on on for about $25.00 a month, and then return it when you are done. That way on days that you are nervous...or just everyday bc you want to here the little heartbeat, you can listen and relax. You will be able to find the heartbeat everytime this far along!!!
Have fun!!! Good luck!!!
2007-03-09 13:18:47
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I was worried about the SAME thing (about 3 weeks ago :o) I was around 18 weeks and I felt it flutter one day a couple of times and then it was like 5 days before I felt anything (Scared me to death) But I am now 21 weeks and feel her everyday.'s normal. It's still real tiny right now and the posistioning of him/her has a lot to do with it too. You'll notice it more and more in the next couple of weeks.
Doesn't it feel awesome though?????
2007-03-09 12:53:31
answer #4
answered by boz4425 4
First of all, congrats! I'm 18 weeks today too, and I've been feeling the baby every day...however, there are great periods of time where I don't. I asked the dr since I was worried, and he said babies need sleep, too. It's probably just in a sleep cycle right now! if you're worried, eat something high in carbs or sugar, then lay down in bed and see if the baby responds to the influx of energy! I began feeling these movements at 15 weeks. it's so exciting! don't worry!!
2007-03-09 13:07:14
answer #5
answered by Sirius's Mommy 3
Your baby is fine. I went throught tha same thing and the doc told me that you might not be feeling them cause your active or moving around. It is not uncommon to feel like the baby is not moving from time to time, dont sweat it. When my flutters began I would feel them on and off. sometimes it would take a few days. Good luck
2007-03-09 13:07:03
answer #6
answered by cookie4me_04 2
I`m 19 weeks and feel my baby move , but only when I`m relaxed because I have a 8 month old to chase after!! Try eating something sweet or spicy and then lay on your side and pay close attention to it..Congrats!!
2007-03-09 13:00:35
answer #7
answered by bad kitty 4
Yes its commen. Your baby is still small so you probably wont feel her move. Plus she may move when you do or when your asleep. Most women dont feel anything till around 20 weeks. Of course any worries you have should always be checked with a doctor so you stop worrring.
2007-03-09 13:20:12
answer #8
answered by Littleblonde-kacey is here 6
You should drink something cold, like a glass of milk or something then lay down and focus on your belly, it might take and hour or so but being 18 weeks pregnant, you should feel a little something.
2007-03-09 12:53:31
answer #9
answered by ♥It's a boy♥ 3
i hadn't felt my baby move at all at 18 weeks, and it's normal after the first movements to not feel them regurarly.
i felt my first movement at 19 weeks, and now at 31 weeks he hardly ever stops moving
2007-03-09 13:07:21
answer #10
answered by TN girl 4