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I want to kno what my fear means and how i can get rid of my fear

2007-03-09 04:16:07 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Psychology

13 answers

if it not just elevators but small places in general u are afraid of then u r claustraphobic which is a fera of enlosed spaces this fear is sometimes linked to events in childhood or in our pasts like getting locked in a small space of similar ike most fears the best way to sort it is to face it head on get one of ur mates to get in the lift with u and over come this fear that way

2007-03-09 04:21:49 · answer #1 · answered by trigga01001 2 · 0 0

If you have a fear of elevators and enclosed areas, you probably have claustrophobia. However, if your fear is restricted just to elevators, then it was probably conditioned fear. Something must have happened to trigger this fear. It could be the horrifying movie scenes where something always happens to the lone soul in the elevator. Or it could also be a metaphor for something in your life. The only way to get rid of your fear is to look from a different perspective. Instead of perceiving the elevator as a potential threat or negative possibility, think of it as a modern convenience that allows you to travel easily. It could also be a place to meet someone. You know, when you accidentally bump into someone in the elevator and you get flabbergasted. The elevator is not out to get you. Release your fear by treating the elevator as a convenience, not a psychological threat.

2007-03-09 04:48:32 · answer #2 · answered by MimiUdang 2 · 0 0

I used to be scare of elevators, because as a very young kid, i had to ride one, that shook and jolted hard when in stopped.

But later i desided the fear was silly, and just when in one,
some people don't like closed spaces, or being trapped with groups of people with not much room to move.

go with a friend to somewhere with an elevator, during a time when the place is quieter, then ride the elevator top to bottom..

facing the fear is a good cure

2007-03-09 04:24:54 · answer #3 · answered by steven m 7 · 0 0

heavily, interior the nicest actual way, you will could recover from this. in case you need to use them with the aid of stroller, then there is not any decision. All lifts (elevators) could have an emergency button or telephone in the event that they get caught. I worked someplace for 4 years and a few people individual have been given trapped it in (one time). This replaced into because of the fact they overloaded the load decrease! the hearth brigade got here, wound the elevate down and that they have been rescued very right now. and in case you carry a cellular telephone, you additionally can call for help to boot as pressing the emergency button.

2016-11-23 17:25:57 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

It could be claustrophobia.

People think of elevators as dangerous things that can fall down elevator shafts at high speed and kill you. This isn't true and only happens in the movies.

There are so many safety precautions built into elevators that it is pretty much impossible for anything to go wrong. It's not just steel cables that stop you from being in danger, they have several sets of automatic emergency brakes, several sets of backup automatic emergency brakes and many other failsafes that stop anything bad from happening.

Most also come with automatic ventilation, backup lighting and communications (with backups for all of these as well).

2007-03-09 04:26:29 · answer #5 · answered by greenfan109 4 · 0 0

I am clostrophobic too.
I went to visit the DMZ in Korea and they let us go into a tunnel built by the North Koreans under Seoul. I had a panic attack and started crying when the tunnel got really small deep down at the bottom.
I am ok though in lifts and planes, because it is in the air!!! and I know exactly when and where I am getting out. Under the earth though, it is another story and another phobia for me...

2007-03-09 05:13:08 · answer #6 · answered by thegreaterescape 3 · 0 0

fear of elevators is a common indicator of claustrophobia. there are various 'hypnotists' that claim the ability to cure most phobias, but be careful because there are a lot of scammers out there. try researching claustrophobia, it may help if you understand it more. but aside from counselling/hypnotherapy, there are no other proven cures for phobias that i know of.

2007-03-09 04:23:57 · answer #7 · answered by greenday4ever 3 · 0 0

it means your scared of moving up in the world - he he! LOL

Only kidding i guess it could be claustrophobia if you're scared of getting stuck in there if one broke down!

2007-03-09 04:21:54 · answer #8 · answered by Miss Tickle 4 · 0 0

your a lil bit claustrophobic ???? plus that you dont enjoy being moved up and down in a big metal box !!

2007-03-09 04:20:29 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

it dosent necessarily mean anything, unless its linked to some past memory.

everybodys scared of something.

2007-03-09 04:23:21 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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