Funnyish. :P
Jenevive is on to you.
Your son started school on a Friday? >:P
2007-03-09 03:26:29
answer #1
answered by AMEWzing 5
Yes this is very cute, I can still remember crying all the way back to my car when my little girl started half days at nursery when she was about 3 1/2, she didn't even look back and loved every minute of it. I cried even more when she went in to reception and now she is in year 1 moving up to year 2 in September. She will be 6 in May and sometimes over night I can see a change in her personality and outlook on life its great.
Someone once said to me there not little for long and at the time I wondered what they meant, now I know what they meant.
My girl is my life inspiration, without knowing she has helped me hugely and I have a lot to thank her for...
Anyway enough of me yabbing on, keep up the good work and give your boy a hug for me
2007-03-09 11:45:13
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I remember my sons first day at school, i cried my eyes out along with the other mums. He looked so sweet in his little uniform, so grown up. Wouldnt think so now to look at him hes 6' 3 and nearly 21. They do grow up so quick. x
2007-03-09 11:27:47
answer #3
answered by spensmum 4
That is very cute. And it just gets better from here. That was my favorite age when my son was little. They start acting like little people and say things that will either amaze or embarrass you daily!
2007-03-09 11:26:27
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
haha That is the cutest thing i've ever heard. My mom tells me when I was started school i used to cry when she would pick me up early and say " but I still have 5 minutes of my education"
2007-03-09 11:28:37
answer #5
answered by LoveLeighe 4
really cute+ funny kids say the greatest things but this wouldn't be out of place coming from any age as a joke !
2007-03-09 11:31:20
answer #6
answered by ibeme 1
My little boy came home from school and said "dad were learning to count with fruit" so i said "whats two apples and two apples" He said "I dont know we're doing oranges this week.
2007-03-09 11:35:59
answer #7
answered by brillo 3
Too quick. My oldest is looking at colleges already. Enjoy every day
2007-03-09 11:26:47
answer #8
answered by biscuitperifrank 5
That's so cute! omg ! That's the cutest thing a child can say when they come from school.
2007-03-09 11:41:06
answer #9
answered by Bubblez ♥ 3
Ha, that's super cute :O) Congrats on having such a smart little fella :)
2007-03-09 11:37:08
answer #10
answered by ☆Karma☆ 6