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My ex-girlfriend and I are still in love, but we can't be together because she is unhappy with me when we are! She was raped by her ex-boyfriend when they were going out in January. Her mistake, she never told anyone until now. And she told me she is 10 days late for her period. And to make matters worse she found out I had been with other girls while we were broken up, which makes her even more depressed. I know that I was allowed to do what I wanted but at the time I didn't know she still loved me. And whenever I try to help she says I'm the problem. I offer to leave her alone and stay away from her but when I do that she gets angry with me, like she doesn't want me to leave. I don't want to leave her alone but it seems like the best idea..she's unhappy no matter what. The problem is we still love each other but can't be together. I'm 15, she's 15 and her ex is 17. I know this is alot of drama at my age but I can't seem to escape it. What should I do? She told me she doesn't want to

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22 minutes ago
tell the police about what happened because she doesn't want to go through all that court stuff again. I can't seem to do ANYTHING to help her...it's like the problem is unsolvable.

5 minutes ago
I never had sex with her if that's what you guys are thinking.She's depressed because her virginity was taken away as well when she was raped.

2007-03-08 23:43:31 · 21 answers · asked by RKO 2 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

21 answers

RUN do not walk away from her. You are about to get caught up in the middle of some serious issues and it is better if you get away as fast as you can from her.

2007-03-08 23:47:30 · answer #1 · answered by Ex Head 6 · 0 1

Its very noble of you to help her out. I would suggest that the love you feel is Platonic rather than anything else so friendship is the only way for you to go. While you can offer support she does have most of the burdon to bear and must make her choices herself. Let her know you are there for her but don't force your opinions on her unless she asks for them. If you don't work as a couple then there will be no going in that direction.
If she has been raped the last thing she will want to do is get into a relationship. she will need to seek help from a pschiatrist, this can be done via a gp, the police or family clinic. How has she determined the rape? Was it a violent attack? was she tricked or drugged into it? did she change her mind and ask him to stop without him doing so? If she is going to the police she will need to be clear and factual. If she was raped has she become an introvert? If she is dating, seeing over men then you need to question her story. I'm very sorry to say that some girls do cry rape if they have become pregnant unwillingly. I am not suggesting this is the case but you do need to know the facts. Also remember you are her friend, not her next bunk up!

2007-03-09 07:57:01 · answer #2 · answered by shortarsetitch 2 · 0 0

I personally think that she does need to go to the police, this ex boyfriend cannot be allowed to get away with raping her, if he gets away with it now what's to say that he isn't going to do it again to some other girl.

Also I think that she may benefit from counseling, she may not agree to it, but talking to someone that's outside the box really does help. You have to make a stand and tell her that you are staying no matter what. What you did when you both had broken up well it doesn't really concern her because you had broken up. She has to make her mind up what it is that she wants from you. Also where are her parents are they helping her out, do they even know. Parents are a tower of strength and they can help.

2007-03-09 07:51:24 · answer #3 · answered by babe_00001 2 · 0 0

u have to get closer to her if u really love her dont go away. let her feel that u r always there for her...phone calls sms emails and beside that never mention the rapping thing u will only depress her more. stay beside her dont leave her even if she said so just stick around u know??
and if u can if there was an opportunity go to a psychiatrist with her it will help her alot believe me. and again never try to talk about her being raped except if she wants that and really wants it....the best thing that u never had sex i think this makes her trust u more

good luck and if u want any help plz email me dimaabdin@yahoo.com

2007-03-09 07:55:28 · answer #4 · answered by dimaabdin 2 · 0 0

sounds to me that your gf/ex gf has no idea of what she wants from you or even with you. You aren't a charactor for her to mold and play with one day and not the next. I mean you could very well try talking to her, but my personal advice, is that you both need to move on because it doesnt seem that you two are good when you are together, and it seems rather unhealthy emotionally wise. Unforutanetly she is responsible for actions as well as you are, its called being an adult and taking the blame or rap for something when you did it. We cannot change things in the past or people for that matter, and it does not appear that you two will progress from this point further, trust me with all the relationships i've watched die and grow, and sometimes the people who aren't directly involved in the situation can paint a clearer picture for you.

2007-03-09 07:51:03 · answer #5 · answered by pinkblondie0314 1 · 0 0

I am so sorry to hear about her getting raped. it is very important that she get professional help. i know that you said that she does not want to talk to the police but maybe you could go down to the station and get some information about a rape crisis center in your area. you don't have to give specifics on anything that has happened to her but just get info. the best thing you can do is be there for her and let her now that you are there to help her out with what ever she might need. good luck and God Bless.

2007-03-09 07:51:25 · answer #6 · answered by Queen of the Nile 2 · 0 0

You are a little boy in a big world and she is just a Little girl in a big world. As much as you want to fix her problems this is a life altering thing that has happened to her and no amount of yahoo questioning will fix that. She needs professional help and quick. Her most prized possession of innocence has been taken away and she has a perception that all men will do those things to her. She is very insecure and hurt so when she takes it out on you it really isn't you its her situation. The only way to help her help herself and if she doesn't agree you might need to check out other avenues.

2007-03-09 07:49:09 · answer #7 · answered by Rosey83 2 · 0 0

She wants you to hang in there and just be with her for a while. someone to talk to and listen. It's understandable that she doesnt want people to know. But still, it is important. The man raped her! Make her understand the gravity and tell her if she wont tell then youll tell her parents. Itll help her in the long run even if that means she'll hate you. Thats what happens when you care about a person. You want the best for them

2007-03-09 07:50:50 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There a lot problem with this relationship but I think there best thing you can do is to get her talk to a counsel about her problems. She can go to a Rape crisis center where they won't judge her and put pressure on her to go to the police just help to get past her problems. You are both very young

2007-03-09 07:52:23 · answer #9 · answered by MJane21 5 · 0 0

She's a Minor. Get her Parents invovled! They'll bring the Police in. This Clown needs to be looked at. If this turns out to be true? You need to just be Her Friend! Nothing more. She'll thank you, much later on, when everything is over with. A friend now? will be someone special, later.

2007-03-09 07:50:04 · answer #10 · answered by Goggles 7 · 1 0

Forget about her. You lost her once, you can lose her again. Tell her to leave you alone if she bugs you. Find a new girl, you did while you were broke up. YOU don't want all that drama. Let her deal with her ex (and their child?) alone. I know you're just trying to be a good guy, but let it go. I hope this helps.


2007-03-09 07:50:13 · answer #11 · answered by nicole 4 · 0 0

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