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22 answers

Parks and libraries are free. Most museums are quite cheap, the one in FT. Worth has a great children's place. Maybe yours would too. Zoos are relatively cheap. Around the house you could get stuff to make cookies, cakes, and pizza's or get fun crafty things to do together like make a pinata or decorate a T-shirt. Find a nature trail, do a scavenger hunt, start a garden (seeds are quite cheap and children love watching them grow.) Bury a box with a small "treasure" in it then make a treasure map. Draw picures of familiar things in the neighborhood or leave clues...place where children play...things like that, then have her her figure out the clues for a nice walk an then back to your house (or a friends) to find the X. McDonald and Burger King can be fun - I get on the slides with my kids if there aren't too many little ones around. Just be creative and be ready to act like a kid again!

2007-03-08 23:43:56 · answer #1 · answered by pebble 6 · 0 0

No $$$$-Oh I hear you!!!

My son is 9 but since he was younger than your daughter I check the local/community paper each weekend. There are often things listed that are going on close by and for little to no money. When he got older I got him involved in Cub Scouts (Girl Scouts for your daughter) which is on the whole a lot cheaper than sports and is also a place to meet new friends (for you as well). If you belong to a church, see if they have any children's functions.

The thing I try to do the most is keep him away from people and areas that show what I cannot afford for him but that others have. I think it hurts.

2007-03-09 13:21:23 · answer #2 · answered by For_Gondor! 5 · 0 0

Go to the dollar store and get bubbles and a Frisbee and other cheap outdoor toys. Then go to the park and play. (only if it is warm enough)
Go to the park.
Go on a nature hike, point out things.
If you have bikes, go for a ride.
Make cookies from a mix, the mixes are like $5, which isn't too expensive and all you need to add are eggs, water and milk usually.
Have a "tea" party.
If is is colder and snowy, go sledding.
you could have a couple of her friends over and all play hide and seek. You too! Kids like a fun mom!
If you have the right ingredients, make home made ice cream!
Play pretend, like you are Queens or sailors.
Build a fort out of a sheet and chairs.

2007-03-09 12:56:32 · answer #3 · answered by Popsicle_1989 5 · 0 0

Go for a walk and point out all the animals, different kinds of birds, trees, etc.
Have a coloring contest.
Ride bikes (this is currently my 5 yr old sons favorite thing, but only with his daddy)
Turn up the radio and dance.
Get out some old makeup and play "Beauty Pageant."
Get a couple of cheap water guns (2 for $1) and chase each other around.
Bring out the ponytail holders, barrettes, and bows and play "Beauty Shop."
Act out her favorite movies
Risk a broken ankle a play hopscotch :)
See who can pick the most purple flowers, yellow flowers, red flowers, etc
If its too cold to swim, put your bathing suits on and get in the tub--it sounds corny, but kids love it
Paint each others nails
If you have a pet, dress him/her up and put on a Pet Show.
Pretend to be animals--lions, seals, dogs, etc
See who can do the best cartwheel
Get out the photo albums and let her remind you of all the people, places and memories from her point of view.
Look up her favorite cartoon characters on the computer-most of those sites have fun games and activities
If you have a digital camera, take some funny pictures of each other, load them on the computer and use a program like Photo Funhouse to add backgrounds and objects
Most libraries have Story Day
Make a playdate with some of her other friends and their mothers and have silly contests and games together
Have a slumber party with just the two of you--stay up as late she can, watch movies, stuff yourselves with candy and popcorn, and tell stories

No matter what you decide to do, the most important thing is just being close. I love to hold my kids in my lap while we're watching TV and just smell them--the kinda sweaty-been- rolling-around-with-the-dogs little boy scent of my son and the sweet, animal crackers-n-juice baby girl scent of my daughter. I know that one day I'll blink and my son will be graduating and my daughter will be going on her first date, and these days will be gone. But I know that they'll never be forgotten, either.

2007-03-11 04:37:06 · answer #4 · answered by dmarie2101 5 · 0 0

Take a bunch of crayons and paper somewhere and do rubbings of things. You can do sidewalks and bricks and rocks and leaves.
Another thing I like to do is take the kids and have them each take a disposable camera and go to somewhere they have never been before. They take pictures and its always a surprise to see what they have taken (and whos is whos) We dont always develop the film right away either. It makes it more interesting to figure out who did what based on what height the pictures are taken from.
My best suggestion is to go to the local library and ask them what museums they have passes for. Most museums will make discount arrangements with the library and most kids museums will be either free or very inexpensive. Its a fun day that is free with a library card.

2007-03-09 07:43:50 · answer #5 · answered by ReanneDupris 2 · 0 0

There is allot of things you can do with a low income. You can make paper barbies, you can save cereal boxes and make things out of them, You can by some string at the $1 store and some beads make necklace's, you can go to the park and make pb & J sandwiches. you can make up ur own games, You can play dress up, you can make sock puppits, you can dress up and put on a play, get down some cups and have a "tea" party there is alot of things you can do if you have the imaginachion for it. My mother didn't use to have a high income either and we did all sorts of things!

2007-03-09 08:31:46 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Read together. It's priceless. Join the local library. You can check out books and videos and use the computer at the library. My son will be 6 in May, and we've just discovered a series of books called 'We Both Read' that is meant for parents and children to read together. Have fun.

2007-03-09 10:19:38 · answer #7 · answered by Char 7 · 0 0

You could check out your library. They usually have things going on for young children free of charge. You could check out a craft book and make something together, or a childs cookbook and cook together. Depending on the weather where you live, pack a sack lunch and go to the park or some place of special interest. Your fun time can also be learning time. Teach her what you know and like, music, sewing, things you will always be able to do together when she gets older.

2007-03-09 07:42:33 · answer #8 · answered by jen 6 · 1 0

6 years old is such a great age! They are so imaginitive; follow her lead and play whatever games she wants to. It's especially fun to take them to the park and let them go! You'll have a great time, too.
I have a 7 year old nephew; the other day he spent the afternoon with me. I have a book about birds that live in our area. He and I spent at least an hour trying to identify the birds in my backyard and he spent another hour pretending to be a bird in my backyard... what fun!!
I also have an aquarium; kids love to watch the fish, especially at feeding time!

2007-03-09 07:45:38 · answer #9 · answered by Frankie 1 · 0 0

You guys can go to the local park or go to the library and read some books there. You can also draw pictures and color, and you can take cute pictures together and make a "Mommy n Me" collage. You can look up some crafts online to do together. You can watch TV, go to the beach, give each other makeovers, and play dolls (is she has some). Have fun!

2007-03-09 15:38:49 · answer #10 · answered by Samantha 4 · 0 0

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