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I am and have always been 100% of that view,"that man is not capable of making the change that the world hype has been trying to flannel us with for the last decade" It is caused entirely by the Suns activity acting on cosmic radiation, When a massive volcano blasts millons of cubic kilometres int the atmosphere the effects have a limited time before it has disapeared, if man pumped all the oil from the planet into C.O2 it would not change what Nature has in store for us, as it has been doing the same old job for millions of years

2007-03-08 23:28:51 · 50 answers · asked by Anonymous in Science & Mathematics Earth Sciences & Geology

I am extreemly pleased at the response to this question be it "for or agin" as it is bringing it out into the open instead of being driven so forcefully, by pollitical brain dead people

2007-03-09 06:00:17 · update #1

50 answers

I watched it and thoroughly agreed with all it said. NEVER will anybody convince me that if I accidentally forget to turn my TV from standby to off overnight will I endanger something the size of planet Earth ! ! !

2007-03-09 01:57:35 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 8 3

I have been a strong advocate for global warming on moral and common sense grounds. I am now uncertain as to the validity of the science. However, it should be easy to resolve - put the mechanism into the model where it should be if the effect is as large as is claimed.

I would be very interested to hear what those in the AGW modelling community make of these claims and the rebuttals if any that have been made against their validity.

I have gone back and read the IPCC report and can find no mention of the coupling effect of cosmic rays, the solar wind and cloud formation. That doesn't mean that it isn't there, just that I couldn't find it.

Also I must say that I am shocked at the seeming ease that this programme was able to throw serious doubt on the core assumptions associated with the science.

Finally the programme itself was not 100% either. Greater warming at the poles was said to lead to calmer weather (and the alarmists have taken this, turned it on its head and are now saying its going to get much more violent - the reverse) - Well from simple observation the weather IS get more energetic - the number and intensity of major weather systems IS increasing.

It looks to me as though the debate has finally reached a crescendo - if the AGW scientist can credibly rebut the points made then there is a problem and AGW ie real - if no rebuttal is forth coming or one cannot be made - then the models are wrong.

2007-03-10 07:35:09 · answer #2 · answered by Moebious 3 · 0 0

I did not see the program, but I don't think I missed anything, since all I've seen mentioned here are the same fallacious canards that many global warming deniers cling to with religious devotion in spite of all the evidence to the contrary. If this show had offered anything new besides the usual curmudgeonry I'm sure someone would have mentioned it here.

Why is it so hard for people to accept reality, and instead invent all sorts of bogus mental acrobatics to justify inaction? That seems to me to be the real question for this topic. My answer to that is along the lines of creationists who still think those fossils in the ground are a few thousand years old and leftover from Noah's flood - it's just more comforting to think such things. Not a very courageous perspective, nor very scientific, but there it is.

2007-03-12 16:17:45 · answer #3 · answered by yoericd 3 · 0 0

Glaciations come and go. The north pole also has changed in the past, meaning the planet sort of rolls over, with quite a lot of sea displacement, with London in the tropics. Woo Hoo !!! I was glad to see that the might of natural phenomenon largely makes human activity negligible. I do feel some concern for the complex impacts of long term and potentially brutal climate change on our economies and people around the globe, and so on. I'm not sure that chucking the last tree in the rain forest and killing the last big cat in the wild is any good and we sure can do something about that. But vilifying people all the time and scaring them is a media spin that just becomes tiring.

2007-03-09 02:10:02 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

Yes I watched the programme and it confirmed the doubts I have ..its obvious really when you look logically at the situation regarding sea temperatures! The sea is miles deep and so it will take hundreds of years for it to change temp, not a few!!and as for the CO2 claims ,well if volcanoes create more than all the humans and there cars and manufacturing it just shows what insignificant little dots we really are -compared to the power of the sun...anyone who is in any doubt about the real reason for this hype should watch there tax bills sore over the next few years.
I feel sorry for the real victims of global warming,people who have no electricity or means of developing there country's to get out of poverty...aren't they all in dept to the west??? think about it people...
The real concerns we should have about the environment should be concentrated on protection of habitat/conservation were man is encroaching etc ,but we shouldn't be so arrogant as to believe that we are more powerful than nature!.
The fact is that co2 only rises after the air temp and not the other way round....its all a con!! This programme should be made compulsory viewing for all!

2007-03-09 01:43:22 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 8 0

Yes I did.
It offered some very interesting opinions and had a lot of believable theories.
Like every major question in life it then becomes, 'Which side of the fence do I want to sit on?' and on that answer I am not sure.
Maybe what we, as man, will have little effect on the atmosphere and other 'spheres, but from what I personally think we do have some effect.
For that reason I will continue to try to be 'environmentally friendly' and recycle what I can. No I will not sell my 4x4 and buy a pedal cycle. I live in a very rural location and need my KIA to tow my caravan (yes it is big) and also want to be able to tow my mini digger without paying someone else to do it.
Finally - No I don't totally believe either side of the argument and no I don't believe the conspiracy theories. I think we have 2 opposing views firmly committed to them.

2007-03-09 02:33:56 · answer #6 · answered by naizby 1 · 2 0

Yes I did and how refreshing to see intelligent people putting forward their views without the swivel eyed "we're all doomed" approach.Unfortunately it suits this Government to follow this line as they can use it as a means to tax us even further as the many contributors said in the program the historical and geological evidence alone suggests that our climate is in a state of constant flux,it's just a shame that those with a common sense approach to the scientific analysis of the data are basically shouted down and dismissed as heretics..I saw David Bellamy a couple of years ago on the bbc's breakfast news suffer that very fate,as an expert who's name escapes me, layed into him and basically said that everything he had to say was total rubbish,poor old David was so taken aback by that mans attitude I don't think he was able to answer.

2007-03-09 04:52:15 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

The show mirrored my views as well. Global warming is a reality and no one can deny that, what is arguable is mans part in it. It does make sense to clean up our act but that wont stop global warming.
It makes sense from an economic point of view but we have to accept we live in an industrial society.This whole issue has been hijacked by the politicians after pressure from the environmentalists ( the ones who put t.he MENTAL in Environmental) Now the politicians see it as a way to tax us even further.
Last week a news item said it was the wettest winter since 1944, pretty damming eh? No, it means that the winter of 1944 was as wet ,if not wetter than now. How helpful is that.
People have been going on about CO2 releases and blaming cars, I'd like to know how much CO2 is released worldwide through the opening of soft drink cans?
OK rant over.....

2007-03-09 01:33:16 · answer #8 · answered by a3pacific 3 · 6 1

Didn't see this as no TV, however this rather pulls the rug out from under the idiots in Brussels who are trying to despoil the landscape with windmills of German manufacture that will never be able to pay back the carbon footprint but look good when talked up by the greens. Watch for 'The world is getting hot and so we will tax you for not needing heating tax'. My suspicion is that in a few years the world will cool and we will be in for a mini ice age, with tax on ice.

2007-03-09 02:42:10 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

This programme is one of the best I've ever seen on this topic. It completely turns direction to the information that the media is constantly bombarding us with. Regardless of the accuracy and bias that may have been presented in the programme, the scepticism encourages us to question the issue and not blindly believing in everything the media says. It also raises political awareness and interest. My personal view is more aligned with this programme, although I do believe human actions have altered the environment e.g. pollution, these alternative issues have been ignored more and more as a result of our growing focus on 'global warming'.

2007-03-09 06:20:12 · answer #10 · answered by Rianna 1 · 1 0

Wow! everyone seems to agree with the program and how global warming is more a function of nature and solar activity.

What is interesting is the belief that governements seem to be quick to capitalise on the hype and turn it into green taxes.

I remember 20 years ago, the threat that oil supplies were due to dry up in 20 years. This became the excuse to apply huge taxes on all types of fuel to conserve stocks. (green taxes) They also introduced the national speed limits supposedly for the same reason.

It ain't run out, and there is no sign of it running out soon !!

But the taxes and speed limits remain

2007-03-09 02:06:33 · answer #11 · answered by Ron S 5 · 8 0

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