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If Earth was perfect, & God knew that Adam & Eve could not possibly be smarter than Satan,

Then why was not Satan cast immediately into hell after his fall from heaven?

Man would never have fallen, all would always be perfect, & there would be no problems.

Satan allowed to land on a perfect Earth with God on it? And to destroy Adam & Eve?

Why wasn't God defending the Earth from Satan so the dinosaur of intelligence doesn't deceive mere man with his lies?

Smart thinking? Allow sin in heaven too? Goodness, maybe if God never allowed Satan to land on Earth in the first place, he wouldn't have to worry about them being deceived, or tricked.

Seems this was really God's fault? Pair smart Adam against the most powerful super-intelligence in the universe on the evil side? Guess who knows more?

2007-03-08 23:19:36 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Case in point:

If they hadn't sinned, Satan should have been banned from ever being around them!

2007-03-08 23:20:19 · update #1

Arragorn, the flaw with your logic of God just testing them:

God knew they would fail, so it wasn't a test.

2007-03-08 23:53:25 · update #2

11 answers

Friend, Satan was already a fallen angel way before Adam & Eve. He was a fallen angel in the begining, It is true that Satan is the head of the evil forces, But did you also know that there was some angels in the prehistoric time which was the testing grounds for angels, That sinned so bad that God has put them in Chains, not to be released, Until they will be judged by Christ & His Bride. You may ask why are they chained now, because they were so evil that God would not allow that much evilness loose again on this earth, You made think things is bad now in this earth, which I do agree, But think what it would be like if these other angels was turned loose. God had to chain them until the Great white throne judgement.

2007-03-08 23:43:41 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Honestly, i feel that the entire concept doesnt make sense so i dont see any valid answer .. or question.
In the common working of everything- for everything that is good there is a sort of yin and yang effect with things that are good.

Aside from that.. if that was the real story then we would all be some distant form of incest and we should all be bumbling idiots based on the trickle down effect of the gene pool when dealing with incest.
And then when and what created dinosaurs? If Adam and Eve are depicted as such up-standing humans then why does the theory of evolution exist- more so what of cavemen? Is it that theory of incest yet again? I would fail to believe that dinosaurs came after Adam and Eve and i would fail to believe that they came before- given that whole concept of the Earth not being in existence then.
And if God planted dino bones deep in the Earth for later generations to dig up- then God is simply a dirty trickster that shouldnt be trusted and wanted to stir things up a bit..

Which might then explain the Satan and Adam thing

2007-03-08 23:28:53 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Adam & Eve got a bad rap - no question about it. They were set up for the fall. God put them in the snake infested garden with this tree they weren't suppose to touch. You don't need a rocket scientist to know how that story would end. Still they didn't have the knowledge of good & evil until AFTER they snitched the fruit. Do you understand what that means? It means that when the grabbed the fruit they didn't yet have the knowledge of evil and thus were incapable of sin. Yet they were booted from paradise anyhow. Like I said, it was a bad rap.

2007-03-08 23:35:24 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

you are able to deduce the respond by way of good judgment. No scripture says that Adam and Eve have been in immortal bodies formerly they sinned. The death they experienced the day they sinned grew to become right into a spiritual death that then mandatory to be reconciled, no longer the commencing up of a actual death. they did no longer bodily die the day they sinned, did they, yet scripturally, while sin first entered the international, then got here religious death that then needs to be reconciled. The scripture says that "all have sinned and fall wanting the appreciate of God." it particularly is impossible for finite human beings to stay appropriate sinless lives; for this reason, there grew to become into no might desire to create Adam and Eve in immortal bodies considering the fact that God knew till now that grew to become into no longer mandatory. You ask what the Earth may be like. no longer one single scripture says the animals have been in immortal bodies and that the autumn of guy affected the natures of animals. have been the fish vegetarians? Did no injuries ever ensue that would injure or kill any organic international. that is an errant assumption to end that God created an immortal planet wherein no death or calamities ever occurred in the absence of a single scripture saying that. So, the planet might have long gone on extraordinarily lots as time-honored, and Adam and Eve might have procreated and died. We study on the 6th day, formerly Adam and Eve are suggested intimately after the seventh day, that guy (mankind) have been created to multiply and fill the earth. If not one of the animals or human beings ever died the earth might attain a factor that it may no longer sustain the populations.

2016-09-30 10:31:24 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0


Angels were created long before the earth was prepared for habitation. Job 38:4-7; as morning stars and sons of God. At 2,370 years after Eden and Job 2:1,2 [ Satan is with the sons of God ];
Angels good or bad [ Gen.3:22 ], are sons of God. [ The bad ones are Satan, and these at Gen.6:2,4; angels before the flood Jude 6; that did sin 1Pet.3:18-20; 2Pet:2:4; to be judged by the judges 1Cor.6:2,3; then the 1/3 of the angels with Satan after the flood Rev.12:1-12 [ Cast down in the end time [ 2520 years after Babylon Empire #3, to end world Empire #7 ], when Satan the god of this world 2Co.4:3,4; has a short time [ SATAN HAS A SHORT TIME ], to Rev.20:1-6,12,13; the 1000 year reign of Christ ];


Humankind good or bad are children of God. SAUL WAS ANOINTED KING OVER THE PROMISED LAND, here we get a Satan personality in Saul, and David is trying to do as good as an imperfect person born in sin is capable of doing and he will not raise a hand against king Saul, as Jesus has not raised a hand against Satan as he is anointed fom Eden Eze.28:13-15;

God haulted violence at the flood, , Babel was dispersed, the lawlessness at Sodom and Gomorrah, as not even 10 persons were law abiding are consumed.
Pharoah killed the male infants of the Hebrew children that he had in bondage when it was time for them to go to Promised Land, Pharoah suffered equal to his kingdom and its economy,
The rebels against Moses were swallowed up by the ground, 250 consumed by fire and the seven land pirate nations Abraham knew at 470 years of age was destroyed by Joshua. There was trouble all the way to king David, then
Solomon time had some peace to 997 BC.
The Babylon Empire #3 destroyed the Promised Land and ended the kings at 606 BC.
Christ age 30, faced Satan Matt.4:1-11; John 8:44; He said Satan is a liar and a murderer from the beginning. 2Cor.11:14; Transforming himself into an angel of light. Like a roaring lion seeking to devour 1Pet.5:8;


2007-03-09 00:23:13 · answer #5 · answered by jeni 7 · 0 0

Gee, I don't know. What if Hansel and Gretel had found something about a house made of candy a bit odd? What if Snow White had been allergic to apples?

What if there's no point discussing the details of fairy tales because they are fiction?

2007-03-08 23:24:00 · answer #6 · answered by Christophe 2 · 0 0

God was testing Adam and Eve...

2007-03-08 23:31:02 · answer #7 · answered by aragorn5059 3 · 0 0

Because it fit the story better. It would have been a boring story if it went, "And God just made everything just as it is today. The end." You just wouldn't get people into the pews that way.

2007-03-08 23:22:37 · answer #8 · answered by nondescript 7 · 0 1

Biblically speaking, pain and suffering are the results of sin in the world. Adam, who represented all humanity as well as creation, rebelled against God and brought suffering into the world (Rom. 5:12). Sin is more than simple rebellion and breaking of God's law. It is permeating throughout all of God's creation bringing imbalance, famine, earthquakes, disease, etc. This does not mean that God created evil. Instead, it is God who is allowing evil and suffering to continue for His divine plan.

Evil and suffering in the world can serve as a warning against breaking God's law and then people can see the necessity of following God's truth. God's ways are right and good and following them leads to security and safety. The consequences of disobeying God's word are manifested in suffering. Therefore, suffering in the world easily serves as a demonstration of the need to follow God's words thereby vindicating what God has said

It is possible that God is simply allowing evil and suffering in the world to prove that rebellion against Him brings pain and suffering. God may be allowing sin to take its natural course in the world so that on the day of judgment God can say "Do you see what rebellion against my words brings?" This may seem overly simplistic but it may prove to be one of the reasons that God allows pain and suffering. After all, did He not make us in His image and give us the freedom to choose? And in our freedom have we not rebelled? Yes, we have. Should God then make us robots or restrict our freedom so much that we have no choices at all? Of course not. But since we are limited in our knowledge and have used our freedom to rebel, God allows us to have what we desire and in the end, our sins will prove that God's way is the right way.

God has given us freedom of choice. Having this freedom means that we can rebel against God and make choices that are contrary to His desires. Since we can say that evil is anything contrary to God's perfect and holy will, then anyone who chooses anything contrary to God's perfection is committing evil. But this is the risk of being able to have freedom of choice. Evil and suffering are the result of making bad free choices.
But how could this account for natural disasters and sickness that brings suffering? Biblically, Adam represented not only all of his descendents, but he was also the head of the created order since he was given dominion over the earth. Therefore, when he fell, sin entered into the world (Rom. 5:12) and with it the effects of being fallen spread to the earth as well as to humanity.

2007-03-08 23:51:28 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well if all this hadn't happened then you wouldn't be here to ask such questions because Adam and eve wouldn't have had children.

2007-03-08 23:56:49 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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