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Creationism and intelligent design aren't even Biblical ideas but a creation of American fundamentalists in response to evolution. You don't need to know any science to see that the earth is more than 6000 years old, since even humans have been around long before that. Why is the age of the earth or intelligent design relevant to saving souls, especially when it's not even stated in the bible? Just because you believe in the possibility of a designer doesn't make you saved, because that's pretty much what agnostics believe and why couldn't the designer be a different god. I just hate it when creationists make dumb circular arguments like "if humans evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys today" or if a house has a designer, then living things must have a designer. Manmade things can't reproduce, so of course they need a designer. A knowledgable Christian would never make an argument like that.

2007-03-08 18:12:11 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers

They hold their lies dear. Try not to think of them as Christians. They place more stock in Genesis 1, than truth or the teachings of Christ. Creationism is their religion.

2007-03-08 18:24:12 · answer #1 · answered by novangelis 7 · 2 3

Creationists might not intend to stigmatize Christianity, but it's certainly unfortunate that the loudest ones aren't necessarily the most well-spoken ones.

But you know what? It's kind of difficult to imagine that we are all here as a result of some freak natural phenomenon and evolved against all odds from organic molecules to our present state. I personally can't fathom why scientific atheists trust in Nature' miracles, but not God's. Have atheists ever considered the possibility that science makes sense because God's universe does?

I have to point out that our religion isn't so much about the Genesis and the Old Testament as the New Testament. There really is too much debate over the Beginning, and this argument is getting old. Forget it, Christians. We've got better things to do - things like spreading the Gospel and fulfilling the Great Commission.

Another thing: I bet that half the nation doesn't know why humans can co-exist with monkeys after we evolved into our present states, so please stop holding that piece of scientific knowledge against us.

2007-03-09 04:46:32 · answer #2 · answered by tigertrot1986 3 · 0 1

You are right, salvation does not depend on ones belief in creation. Salvation comes through Jesus Christ and what He did for us. Other gods create the world? No. There are no other gods. The God is described in the Bible, not to mention thousands of other writings, is the one and only God and creation is by His hand. If a person believes God, then he believes in what God teaches. God, via the Bible teaches creation in the first portion of the Bible. I didn't evolve from a monkey, apes, etc. There is no monkey in my "family tree." How long the first days were (24hrs. 100hrs, a year, a million years) is up to interpolation. Note: the sun (that marks our days, years, etc.) was not put into motion till the fourth day of creation. There was light before then, but it wasn't from the sun. I personally believe creation happened just as the Bible teaches. God is the intelligent one that masterminded and created all things.

2007-03-09 02:32:14 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Correction. The Bible clearly teaches that God CREATED everything in six days. And because God is all knowing, He is also all intelligent. Thus the Bible does teach creationism and intelligent design.

BTW, how do you KNOW that the earth is more than 6000 years old? Based on what? Please do not appeal to science since you just said you don't need to know science to answer that.

Why is the argument that a house must have a designer considered a dumb argument by you? We argue like that because it seems that the most ardent evolutionists have an issue with that. Somehow they see the evidence of design in the natural world but say it is due to chance. Are you able to lead them into the light on this one?

2007-03-09 02:27:34 · answer #4 · answered by Seraph 4 · 1 2

Oh yes, an explosion created DNA; the genetic instructions for the development and functioning of living organisms. DNA is a pattern. Patterns can only occur by an intelligent designer. The big bang followed by time and change will not create a pattern. Creation is biblical (Genesis 1:1) and intelligent design is just common sense.

2007-03-09 03:02:18 · answer #5 · answered by Matt 2 · 0 0

First of all, you have the wrong bible. The right one is usually clearly marked "Holy Bible".

If humans were older than about four and a half thousand years, then there would be billions more of us around. That's just simple math. Of course, there could have been a tragedy about that time which brought the numbers of the humans from whatever, down to one family. Hm, now I wonder, what could have done that? All the humans worldwide, gone...must have been quite a few of them about if you believe the humans are that old, probably a few trillion.

It is rather interesting that you believe that things "poof" into existence. I suppose you have the magic wand which does these sorts of things handy somewhere? (Let's call the magic poofing wand something nice, how about evolution?)

2007-03-09 02:25:39 · answer #6 · answered by Shawn D 3 · 1 1

How is Genesis not an account of creation? Of course the Bible teaches that we were created and this world was created.

Evolution has been proven false so many times, but people are so afraid to look at the alternatives that they keep trying to say that it's true.

Here are a few points to consider:

1). It is mathematically extremely improbable that in the whole universe a planet that supports complex life would appear by chance. There are too many things that are needed all together for complex life to exist. A very specific pressure, gravity, tilt, rotation, moon, atmosphere, sun, magnetic field. All of these are just right. Whenever mathematicians tried to quantify the probability of all of these things happening in one place by chance, the numbers had so many zeroes that even if you were to take the whole universe and the whole time it's been around (even if you use the longest ages theorized by science), it is still so improable that all of these conditions for life would come together in one place, that it is simply unrealistic. Which means that someone made them all be together at the same place.

2. A simpler argument for the same thing is that if there is a place that is precisely fine-tuned to support life, then there should be a fine-tuner. For example, if the earth's tilt was off by one degree in either direction, human life would never be possible. It is that fine-tuned.

3. When scientists discovered DNA they found that complex living organisms store incredible amounts of data. When mathematicians tried to quantify the chances of that happening on its own, they said that if you were to fill the whole universe with monkeys typing out genetic codes and the whole time universe was around, it would be ridiculously improbable that they could randomely come up with a DNA code for an animal.

4. Then there's the more simplistic argument that if Big Bang happened (which most scientists agree, did in fact happen), than that means that this universe has a beginning. Everything in this world has a cause and affect. The letters you are seing are a direct effect of me tapping the keys on the keyboard. If Big Bang happened, then what (or who) caused it to happen? Who gave it the push? If there was nothing before this Universe, then the Big Bang would never happen. So then there is (or was) someone (or something) timeless (or older than the known universe) that has caused this universe to start. So who (or what) is the causer of our universe?

5. Then you read the Origin of Species and find that Darwin mentions that if it is found later by science that some biological mechanisms are irreducibly complex, then his theory fails. What he meant is that if you find something that could not have evolved step by step, then evolution could not have happened. A good example for that is a mousetrap. It only has a few pieces, but without even one of them it's totally useless. You have to have the platform, the striking metal part, the spring. If you had a mousetrap with even one part missing it would be useless. So if a mousetrap was a living organism, it would never come around by evolution. You couldn't add one part after the other, they would have to all come up at once, otherwise it would be useless and killed off by natural selection. Well, with the advances of micro-biology we know now of several micro-machines in our bodies that have many parts (around 40 for one of them) that are dependent on each other and would be totally useless with even one piece missing. That's what is meant by irreducibly complex. If even in it's simplest form it still has to be a complex organism to function, then it obviously could not have evolved. Read the book called The Darwin's Black Box, it's a bit dry, but it tells you about this proof against the evolution theory and it is not a Christian book, it's a scientific argument.

6). Then there's the simple argument that you cannot get something out of nothing. If I give you a game of scrabble with the letter A missing, no matter how you combine what you have, you'll never get an A. So if a single cell organism doesn't have sufficient information in it's DNA to have legs, then no matter how it evolves, it will never have legs.

7). Evolution counts on positive mutations, meaning, mutations that add something. There is no such thing observed in life. There are negative mutations, such as a fly that lives in a really windy section looses it's wings with time so it can survive better by feeding off the ground and not being blown away. But there was never an observation of a mutation where something grew legs when it was just swimming before.

8). All of the so-called transitional links for human evolution have either been disproven as hoaxes or are clearly related to either humans or primates. There is not a single actual transitional link out there that scientists know of.

There are many other points, but these are some of the major ones. Go pick yourself up a copy of A Case For Creator and see for yourself.

P.S. As for the whole 6000 years thing, I'm not sure where that came from, I think it's probably done by trying to add the lives from Adam to Jesus, but there's no accurate way I can think of doing that. Because 6 days to create the universe is probably not literal. Also, we don't know how long Adam, who was immortal at the time, was around before Eve and him sinned and became mortal. And these are just off the top of my head. So I don't know about the 6000 thing. But I also know that scientists have often tried to make improbable things seem probable by saying "Well, I know it seems very unlikely that this happened, but what if it was a really slow process that took billions of years?"

2007-03-09 03:01:48 · answer #7 · answered by yishor 4 · 0 1

some Well intentioned Christians feel they must take every word in Bible at face value. Bible only tells of adam, eve, cain, noah... so they must be it. Perhaps the Bible being only one book, didnt have room to add every single detail of how we got here and whe it all started. Many creationists also believe that carbon dting doesnt work, and is bad science. just fyi- i really think that things that can reproduce, like us, are even more in need of a designer than a house. Like Creationists, i believe that we, and all animal life, is far, far too complicated to have happenedd just by chance.

2007-03-09 02:28:23 · answer #8 · answered by getting better- 35 2 · 1 1

The same flaw in their DNA that makes them more likely to believe in creationism also makes then stupid twats.

They cant help it if they are genetically flawed so don't beat up on them too much.
And remember they don't understand what you are on about anyway so you point is lost on them most of the time and for the few who do get what you are saying we can only hope they see the light and come over to the other side.

2007-03-09 02:35:25 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Read the bible, the beginning is referred to ages. Who says the earth is 6000 years old.

2007-03-09 02:22:40 · answer #10 · answered by chucky 3 · 2 0

God created ---- and He was Intelligent-----label it what you will, those two things are facts. (doesn't take a "rocket scientist" to figure it out folks). oh, and as far as the age of the earth - why don't you take the Chronology of Scripture into account?

2007-03-09 02:23:12 · answer #11 · answered by wd 5 · 2 0

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