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14 answers

Man-made divions are every where !!!

some profess it in the name of Caste (although caste system is not really a hindu religious idea...as it is professed now... hence it becomes a social evil.. not religious problem

some profess it in name f Black and white

some profess it as catholic, protestant, Jeh.wit., witchcraft

some profess it as sunni shiya, ahmedia, bohra etc etc

some profess it as Developed nation v/s underdeveloped ones

Some profess it as Rich v/s poor

there is no end to human hatered in the name of such idiocies

2007-03-08 19:53:01 · answer #1 · answered by ۞Aum۞ 7 · 3 0

The definition of caste system is that they have to marry
persons within the sect and follow the worship of caste
gods. In a general sense, this is what is happenning with
the monotheistic religions - each religion is like a caste.
They have their exclusive rules and restrictions. Religion is
a liability in other countries. Such an attitude breeds atheists.
You can find so many such persons in Yahoo answers
itself. Religion is the way of life in India. Among all countries
in the world, India has the smallest percentage of atheists.

Hinduism is polytheistic. All rivers finally reach one
ocean. The Hindus believe that worship of any god will finally
reach one Almighty. In India, we are free to choose a god
of our liking. This is what it keeps our individuality
and spiritual freedom. It is part of us.

India is the only country which accepted all cultures from around the world.

India is the only country whose culture is accepted
by most countries of the world.

2007-03-08 18:58:13 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Elsewhere it may be the "Good Old Boy" system, an "in" clique, or a secret club. All religions have levels of division for the upper classes. Hell look at the bible where even the angels have nine levels! Slavery used to be a Christian institution and it still persists in the Muslim world. Check out the bible for slavery are they were into it too. The Buddhists have a light version of the system that you will see if you travel to Thailand.

2007-03-08 17:24:34 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

There is always a class order to society. It might be something inherited from our ancient apelike ancestors. But Hinduism was the only religion we know of to make it their official doctrine.
Yes the noble were only to marry nobles in Europe, but by getting enough power to knock off a noble family you officially became a noble.
In the Americas the social order is determined totally by cash. The breeding is secondary to wealth.

2007-03-08 17:23:24 · answer #4 · answered by U-98 6 · 2 0

Any chance you can ask questions in a more clear way?

I assume are you asking how many caste levels does Christians/Buddhists/and Jews have.

And I assume just by the way you phrased your question you already believe they do. So I guess I should ask, what is your definition of a caste system?

Judasim and Christianity do not have a caste system by any means as due Hindus.

2007-03-08 17:19:16 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

Religiously, there isn't any such sect in Islam, Christianity or Judaism. They have social sects though.
Whereas Hinduism divide their followers in categories.

2007-03-08 17:21:54 · answer #6 · answered by ManhattanGirl 5 · 1 0

How does it matter ? Even if there are such man made divisions , are the dirty politicians of those countries playing with those divisions?
God is one. Religion is one . We are playing with the sentiments of the people , by dividing our basic fabric of life , for our petty gains.
People in other countries are too educated to be lured by such filthy cheap popularism of a criminalised and divisive game of the politicians.

2007-03-08 17:25:10 · answer #7 · answered by ssen1232006 2 · 1 1

Every religion, every nation has social divisions with different names..which are far worse than caste system..

Here in U.S. even today many of my white Christian friends believe in seggregation..the difference b/n black and white which is far worse than caste system..slavery was prevalent in a 250 yr old democratic christian majority nation..

Islamic: Just one example of rivalry b/n Sunnis & Shiyas is enough..and how they treat women..

If anybody wants to qestion caste system in HInduism read my thread:

Chapter 9. The Most Confidential Knowledge

mam hi partha vyapasritya
ye 'pi syuh papa-yonayah
striyo vaisyas tatha sudras
te 'pi yanti param gatim


mam--unto Me; hi--certainly; partha--O son of Prtha; vyapasritya--particularly taking shelter; ye--anyone; api--also; syuh--becomes; papa-yonayah--born of a lower family; striyah--women; vaisyah--mercantile people; tatha--also; sudrah--lower-class men; te api--even they; yanti--go; param--supreme; gatim--destination.

O son of Prtha, those who take shelter in Me, though they be of lower birth--women, vaisyas [merchants], as well as sudras [workers]--can approach the supreme destination.

It is clearly declared here by the Supreme Lord that in devotional service there is no distinction between the lower or higher classes of people. In the material conception of life, there are such divisions, but for a person engaged in transcendental devotional service to the Lord, there are not. Everyone is eligible for the supreme destination. In the Srimad-Bhagavatam it is stated that even the lowest, who are called candalas (dog-eaters), can be elevated by association with a pure devotee. Therefore devotional service and guidance of a pure devotee are so strong that there is no discrimination between the lower and higher classes of men; anyone can take to it. The most simple man taking center of the pure devotee can be purified by proper guidance. According to the different modes of material nature, men are classified in the mode of goodness (brahmanas), the mode of passion (ksatriyas, or administrators), the mixed modes of passion and ignorance (vaisyas, or merchants), and the mode of ignorance (sudras, or workers). Those lower than them are called candalas, and they are born in sinful families. Generally, those who are born in sinful families are not accepted by the higher classes. But the process of devotional service and the pure devotee of the Supreme God are so strong that all the lower classes can attain the highest perfection of life. This is possible only when one takes center of Krsna. One has to take center completely of Krsna. Then one can become much greater than great jnanis and yogis.

2007-03-09 08:21:50 · answer #8 · answered by anser_quest 3 · 0 1

None. Christians have no caste system.

2007-03-08 23:16:13 · answer #9 · answered by flugelberry 4 · 0 2

Yes there is caste system everywhere you go.

2007-03-08 17:35:11 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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