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im talking about the christian religion...

2007-03-08 17:09:29 · 28 answers · asked by kate j 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

28 answers

Sex is a gift from God to married couples. When sex comes to the scene, the focus of the relationship goes physical and the more important things are now secondary.

2007-03-08 17:11:28 · answer #1 · answered by Disciple 4 · 9 1

Based on Scripture sex before marriage would be an impossibility. Further there is no sacrament of marriage in Scripture.

In God's sight if a man and a woman agree to marry they are married at that moment. When a man and woman have sex they become one. Becoming one is married in God's sight and God makes no distinction between the the word and the deed. (Everything else is social, religious, political, and legal bs)

The only place parents have in the matter is keeping male and female idiots apart long enough to reach a level of maturity; where they don't marry themselves without fully understanding the consequences or the boy is unable to provide support. God does not accept ignorance as an excuse for anyones oath.

So if you had sex you are already married. You can of course throw a big party and call it a wedding and pay somebody to do the civil and religious paper work, take photos, etc. God has nothing against a celebration or a honeymoon. In fact in Scripture, early on, the man got a year off just to spend with his new wife.

The down side is that with the committment and/or sex; if you go to live with another then you are in adultry -- church or civic papers aside. Neither the state nor the church can really marry you or divorce you. You will want the license and blood test to comply with law under God's call for subjection to authorities but not under His requirements for marriage.

The major ground for separation (divorce) is unfaithfullness of one partner. God can read, so just make sure it is more than incompatability. If that is all it is you are going into adultry regardless of how much you pay the lawyer or how big a write off you get from any church. The faithfull partner may leave to remarry. The party at fault is in adultry every time they marry or co-habitate thereafter. That is the upshot of one husband / one wife.

There is a similar situation for a pagan marriage where one party is later converted and the unbeliever elects to leave. The believer is free to remarry, but only another Christian.

2007-03-08 18:51:53 · answer #2 · answered by Tommy 6 · 0 1

it's for the welfare of both, speciallyt the girl if ever she gets pregnant.Also, proper sex is such a pleasure that one would seek it ,like it repeatedly, However, it one would perform it in any willing partner, the damage goes much to the emotional well being, the sense of loyalty would be lost, sex would never be enjoyed more, dissatisfaction would escalate, one would always seek a different partner for pleasure, but the more one have sex with different partners, the more unfulfillment one experienced. ]
also having premarital sex would rob your future excitement in the long run. Since familarity breeds boredom within the bond, more so to sex. The holy scriptures is not just a world of God, it's a time tested, observed behaviors of a society, family or individual "laboratory" that says this things would be good or bad
the roads are mapped, guided for the good, but if you choose to stray and seek and try your own path of investigation and experience, go ahead, but be wary of the grave consequences. The saying goes, if you want a better chance of success to an endeavor, ask those who have been there . FOREWARNED IS FOREARMED.

2007-03-08 19:04:40 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Sex is to be founded out of true love. Love and devotion for your mate (husband or wife) and that person only. If sex were to be conducted with anyone a person wishes, wouldn't a multitude of people want to have sex with the same person? Sex with multiple others also opens the door for problems. AIDS, unwanted pregnancies, and other mental/physical issues. Waiting for sex till being married, assures few or no, health problems and makes sex something to be looked foreword to. It's more interment, more out of love then just physical appeal. If a person has sex before marriage, why stop there? Why not continue on with others while being married?... Bad move.

2007-03-08 17:27:32 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Warning: Lengthy post

God is like a parent. He tells you not to do something because in the long run it is for your benefit. In our great wisdom we do it anyway and suffer the consequences He would have had us avoid. Like when your mom said 'don't eat all those twinkies before dinner.' You ate them anyway, and they were good, but then you felt sick. Your mom didn't want you to feel sick, however much you enjoyed those twinkies.

Sex is not a sin. Sex was created by God because He wants us to take pleasure in each other. There is more in the Bible about enjoying sex than there is about condemning it. (There's an entire book devoted to the joys of the sensual between two people, Song of Solomon. (granted a lot of the imagery no longer makes sense, but it's evident the two are ready to get it on). In Paul's letter to the early church he tells women to honor their husbands, but he tells the husbands to 'satisfy' their wives). Sex as a sin was a newer development by later church fathers. (Aquinas, Luther, and Augustine no less - boy those guys had to do some fancy footwork around Song of Solomon to try to explain it wasn't really about carnal pleasure). God designed us to enjoy sex.

Sex creates a bond between two people. No matter how casual it is, it is never without emotional repercussions. Only recently has it been without physical risk (thanks to the pill, IUDs, condoms, etc). Sex within marriage strengthens intimacy and builds trust. Sex outside of marriage (or committed relationship at the very least) causes complications and neurosis (not in all cases mind you). With very few exceptions there is no 'just sex'.

Sex outside of marriage is a sin because God said no. He said no because he wants whats best for us in the long run. But sex in and of itself is no more a sin than eating.

And believe me, there are far greater sins than sex outside of marriage.

2007-03-08 17:29:20 · answer #5 · answered by LX V 6 · 1 0

It isn't. It is a vital party of every human beings existence. It has been mad "dirty" by narrow minded and hateful people, but it is not a sin. A sin is only valid if you allow it to something you see as wrong. Sin is subjective. So relax

If you have sex before marriage, I think that makes you informed on the person you are going to spend forever with, I mean who wants to end with a person who is lousy in the sack? Not even god would want that for you, so take a test drive, and learn what you like on the way.

2007-03-08 17:13:16 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

The reason is that God wants what is best for you.

Take a look at all of the things that can happen as a result of having sex before marriage.
-unwanted pregnancies
-babies being raised by struggling single moms
-STDs- go ahead, list them.
-damaged self esteem
-regrets when you learn that you were used for someone elses gratification (eeew)with little or no concern for the feelings of the other...

God never wanted us to experience any of those things. He intended for children to be raised in the most stable environment possible and he wants you to have the best health (mental and physical) that you can have.

Lets be honest, the best way to avoid all of those negative consequences is to wait until marriage. If two people do that- what are the chances for all that bad stuff?

God is so smart!

2007-03-08 17:20:57 · answer #7 · answered by Val W 4 · 1 2

Sex became 'sinful' outside of one's marriage for a variety of reasons.

Some areas had limited resources, and it helped to curb population explosions. There are also implications of controlling certain desirable traits (primitives had no knowledge of genetics, but did find certain characteristics to be desirable).

Rampant sexuality can lead to rises in STD's. With limited knowledge of the working of the human body, these diseases were quite often fatal. Thus, it was used to prevent epidemics.

In some instances, there is a control issue. When societies and cultures were emerging, some of them were hedonistic. By controlling people's basic urges, they were able to establish the society that they deemed more desirable.

More often than not, the answers are sociological, not spiritual.

The emotional baggage that comes with sex is a direct result of the churches condemnation of something that is perfectly natural.

2007-03-08 17:18:08 · answer #8 · answered by Bill K Atheist Goodfella 6 · 1 1

Religion was invented to allow a few clever men to control many.
Christianity does this through fear and guilt mostly.
Fear of hell, and guilt for your sins.
The way to do that is to declare as "sin" everything that people like to do and probably will not refrain from doing. Then you get them to repent, confess and to sin again. You of course, get them to believe that your magic stuff might save them.

Guess what ? It works ! Some people still believe in all that even today !

Sex between consenting adults, using condoms, is fun, healthy and enjoyable.

2007-03-08 20:23:30 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's not "sex" that God is opposed to but sex outside the loving union of a man and a woman united for the purpose of creating a family...

Think about how special and beautiful it is when two virgins come together in unity. How special can it be if you're left telling your spouse, "Oh yeah...that IS fun, I've done it MANY times..."? Also consider the realities of blended/dysfunctional familes and how difficult it is to create a stable household in those situations.

Get married and have tons of sex with your husband!

2007-03-08 17:16:53 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Sex is undefiled in marriage and is a very special thing God uses to compare his love to the church. Not in a sick disgusting way but a godly way. When it is used outside of marriage, it is like spitting in God's face and taking something he made sacred and using it like it has no meaning whatsoever. Plus, do you know the dangers of sleeping around before marriage. STD and all....God is just trying to protect you and warn you so you don' mess up your life with it. Its not really that hard to understand, if you try.

2007-03-08 17:19:02 · answer #11 · answered by Miss Momma 4 · 1 0

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