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Do you believe in life after death ? What happens to us ? Does the soul prevail ?

2007-03-08 16:23:26 · 30 answers · asked by RASHI 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

30 answers

Your query reminded me of a story which I would like to share with you..
Once upon a time there was a saint sitting on the river side..He wanted to know the depth of this river where he used to sit. It took him 12 years to knit the long rope. To this long rope he attached a stone at one end and threw it into this river. To his surprise he found the length of this rope is not enough to find the depth of the river.
He again started with knitting the rope for another 12 years and repeated the same but still he found the rope is not enough.
Again he repeated the same process for another 12 years but still he didn't got the depth of the river. Finally after 36 long years he jumped into the river to know the depth, He never came out of the river and how deep the river was he only know it...

I think once we/you die , you get this puzzle solved

2007-03-11 23:42:37 · answer #1 · answered by Muzaffar R 2 · 0 0

It is a very negative thinking that nothing remains of the self after death !
Is it not a very positive and healthy to think that , " Yes , a part of me , soul or my consciousness , in whatever name you call it , does not die and remains even after death?" This gives some solace that I AM IMMORTAL.
If you study the books "Life after Death", everywhere , wherever people had a clinical death , the experiences are similar . Are they all lied? All our great sages and our great books propagate that the soul is deathless.
However , our soul after death , mixes with the all pervasive world consciousness , to evolve into a better intelligence. You see the next generation , are they not better than us in every way ? How they can absorb our knowledge so fast ? This is the secret of evolution , which cannot be proved but experienced.

2007-03-09 05:32:55 · answer #2 · answered by ssen1232006 2 · 1 0

In actual sense we can never die. But in the sense of the body we die. That's the reason, more importance should be given to the eternal thing than to a thing which is going to perish any way. We should keep our physical body as healthy as possible, because it is from this human body only that we can achieve our goal. But only doing work for the body, to satisfy its gratifications, is a sin.

Human body is a tool and not the goal unto itself.

As we practice this art, supported by the guidance of a spiritual master, which is a saint, we will achieve immense happiness. Everything pleasant will happen thereafter, whether we live on or die.

2007-03-09 04:02:23 · answer #3 · answered by Vijay D 7 · 0 0

What happens after the candle is burnt away. The material - wax - was evapourated, the cotton thread burnt away, But THE LIGHT being emitted (It joins back into the bigh light)- This is your question and the correct answer is that "The cycle of life" - (The soul energy joins back to the big soul of Universe). - Every material (matter) joins back by cycle to the origin - Water (blood) to water, fire (temperature) to fire, sky (mind) to sky, earth(flesh) to earth and so on. One could understand it only through his own effort. The reasn for all the experience - good and bad - in life is - each one of us are destined to enjoy the result of our own activities. Every action has a reaction - this is appilcable to mind also - the thoughts - bad thoughts would result bad mood.
Besides the result of all our actions need time to reap the harvest. It is being done in rebirths, again and again - as long as the creations are existing.

2007-03-09 01:17:48 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Yes I believe in the afterlife and I have solid reason for it. Think of your life before your birth, it is ditto as the life after your death. So it is proved that this current life is your afterlife, and the cycle will go on. It is a miracle and don't have any explanation, that's why it is called miracle. Did I try my best to light up your inner as well as outer consciousness? If, yes, then my purpose of propagating “Vishw Paramaatmaa Parivaar" is fulfilled. Paramaatmaa (God) protect you.

2007-03-12 10:18:01 · answer #5 · answered by vishw_paramaatmaa_parivaar 3 · 0 0

Soul / Atma is the part of Paramathma. We(the Soul) have to take birth after birth, until we reach the main source of Atma that is 'Paramathma'. So after death, again birth. However the standard of life, (not financial standards), the real standards of life, depends upon the karmas we perform in this life.

2007-03-11 12:05:41 · answer #6 · answered by durga v 2 · 0 0

The present conditions prevailing with humans.......we don't have time to move with issues of present life.......where to think about the life after death...............some say there is another life after death,but no proof ...all the best.

2007-03-12 02:06:18 · answer #7 · answered by popcandy 4 · 0 0

Islam teaches us a lot about life after death. After we die, we go to a place called "barzakh", in Arabic, which is the life of the grave. Depending on what kind of person we were in this life, we may get punishment in the grave. We also see our spot in heaven or in the hell-fire.

When the end of this world happens, and all creation is dead, Allah (God) will bring us all back to life in our bodies. On this Day of Judgement, we will all be judged for what we have done in this life. It is all being recorded by angels in a very clear record. If your record is heavier in good deeds than in bad deeds, and you only worshipped one God, then God-Willing, your eternal abode will be Paradise. The Holy Qur'an describes Paradise (called Jennah) in numerous verses.

If your record is heavier in bad deeds, and you associated partners with God (i.e. that Jesus is God, or if you worshipped more than one God like in Hinduism), then, God-Willing, your home may be the Hell-Fire, who's fuel is men and stones.

God is the Most Gracious, the Most Forgiving...turn to Him and seek His pleasure. With a sincere heart, ask Him to guide you to the correct path. It's inevitable, we're all going to die, so we'd better be prepared!

There are more steps that happen also, it would take too long to describe. There are "hadeeths" which are things that the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, which describe the events.

2007-03-09 00:35:04 · answer #8 · answered by Bonjour! 2 · 0 1

1. No.
2. We return to the earth to be recycled as food for new life.
3. What soul?

2007-03-09 00:37:38 · answer #9 · answered by RickySTT, EAC 5 · 0 0

When death happens,ie., when the body perishes the eternal indestructible soul within the body goes to another body according to one's karma. Just as one changes new clothes when old cloth is torn, similarly we accept another body(new cloth) when the old body is torn(dies). Just as when a old house we are dwelling collapses, we enter a new house, similarly we give up our old body(where soul lives) and enter new body (house).

Bhagavad-gita-2.12 & 13
Never was there a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor all these kings; nor in the future shall any of us cease to be. As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. A sober person is not bewildered by such a change.

Those who are seers of the truth have concluded that of the nonexistent [the material body] there is no endurance and of the eternal [the soul] there is no change. This they have concluded by studying the nature of both. That which pervades the entire body you should know to be indestructible. No one is able to destroy that imperishable soul. Bhagavad-gita-2.16 & 17
An excerpt from the purport by, A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder-Acharya of ISKCON
(International Society for Krishna Consciousness).
There is no endurance of the changing body. That the body is changing every moment by the actions and reactions of the different cells is admitted by modern medical science; and thus growth and old age are taking place in the body. But the spirit soul exists permanently, remaining the same despite all changes of the body and the mind. That is the difference between matter and spirit. By nature, the body is ever changing, and the soul is eternal. This conclusion is established by all classes of seers of the truth, both impersonalist and personalist. In the Vishnu Purana (2.12.38) it is stated that Vishnu and His abodes all have self-illuminated spiritual existence (jyotimsii vishnur bhuvanani vishnuh). The words existent and nonexistent refer only to spirit and matter. That is the version of all seers of truth.

Lord Krishna gives further information in verses 22 to 25,
As a person puts on new garments, giving up old ones, the soul similarly accepts new material bodies, giving up the old and useless ones. The soul can never be cut to pieces by any weapon, nor burned by fire, nor moistened by water, nor withered by the wind. This individual soul is unbreakable and insoluble, and can be neither burned nor dried. He is everlasting, present everywhere, unchangeable, immovable and eternally the same. It is said that the soul is invisible, inconceivable and immutable. Knowing this, you should not grieve for the body.

2007-03-09 10:02:50 · answer #10 · answered by Gaura 7 · 0 0

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