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i have been on the prenancy section and everywher ei look they r saying that they have 2 toddlers already and r having a baby
and at the same time the father has togo fight for the stupid country
he won't even be able to help his wife
and the wife is getting high bloodpressure
which is bad
doesn't it seem that bush is stalking ppl who r about to be parents again and sending them to iraqi???
i'm mad at him and wish he would get a stroke or sumthing
but...i can't do nothing about that
we should just blow iraqi up with bombs
who agrees with me

Bush is a bad president and we should bring our soliders home and blow the iraqi up with atomic bombs

2007-03-08 14:11:01 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

sorry for saying some of the things
forget the bombings and bringing the soliders running home
i'm just angry
and i thought that soliders were being drafted
and even if they ren't
shouldn't they have a say if they wanna go???
think about that
they r having a baby and want to see the birth which they might not see
that is supposed to be special
think about that
they should have a say if they wanna stay or not
some women won't even have any faamily to help her and she might have other children who r too little to help out

think about that

2007-03-08 14:27:11 · update #1

i was on it becuz the questions r on the main page

2007-03-08 14:29:25 · update #2

27 answers

Bring our soldiers home, and for those who died in Iraq, bringing the troops home would show them dishonor. We have a lot more to do, and soon we will withdraw our troops honorably,

2007-03-08 14:18:49 · answer #1 · answered by Carlene W 5 · 1 8

Its pretty pathetic that someone would say that the bombing of Hiroshima (and Nagasaki) resulted in suffering and (get this!) one man charred!

Why marry a military man in the states! More than likely he will go to war. Woman - you are hysterical and need some help. Call up the military and get some help. At the same time give a thought to all the pregnant women in Iraq are suffering the way you are.

Steph - oh my God!

Barney thinks he has a huge population of soldiers and he is going after the BIG war. He wants to fight in Iraq against "the Evil Empire" (like, calling them that is going to create good negotiation) He may not need to actually and physically attack Iran but there is no question that that is where he is headed. Damn - can we have an election soon?

2007-03-16 03:19:32 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

There are various groups of individuals who have some disappoint or harsh feelings towards President Bush over the Iraq & Afghanistan War. Overwhelmingly, any person(s), who have suffered from the outcome, would fit into that category: widows/widowers; employers; politicians; voters; parents of lost soldiers; derailed bills or amendments as a result of the war; American Tax Payers; any persons feeling betrayed at the resolutions of the current Administration; and this doesn't began to analyze the various countries, and entities affected by the war worldwide.

2007-03-08 22:39:04 · answer #3 · answered by Swordfish 6 · 2 1

I think that you have a very unrealistic idea of what military life is like. When a woman marries a guy in the military, or vice versa.. the presumption is thast they might be called up at anytime to defend our country... if the spouce can't live with that reality, then they probably should have rethought the decision.. Military life is probably the only life that I would agree.. it's better to live together through a tour of duty, BEFORE you get married and become a statistic.

There are a lot of women that go GAGA over a man in uniform.. but that guy also gets orders and carries a gun.

I don't agree with Bush and how he has handled things in Iraq. I believe he chose Iraq to clean up his father's record from the gulf war, but it was true.. Hussein had to go. As for Blowing up Iraq.. they are doing that all by themselves.. Perhaps we should just backoff and see who's left standing when they are finished with each other.

Bush seems to think he's the Democracy God. If democracy worked for our contry then IT MUST WORk FOR EVERYONE

Until, Palestine... they did a free democratic election, voted in Hamas.. Bush didn't like it, and said.... I Don't want to Play with you guys... ok. you can't have it both ways.

The cultures in the middle east have been duking it out for centuries, just like viet nam. having us there is not going to stop it. I don't understand why no one has done their research on this fact, of if Bush truly believes that he can bring democracy to this country.

Ok.. I'm done bitching now.

2007-03-15 09:20:23 · answer #4 · answered by larsgirl 4 · 2 2

Bush and his father are major holders of Exxon stock - the magic word OIL. This is why the U.S. entered Iraq and for nothing else. Cheney's firm Haliburton is doing the reconstruction in Iraq and in New Orleans. We had no damn business entering Iraq. There is nothing worse than religious fanatics of any kind. The Shiites, Sunnis, Kurds and Baathists (I crucified that word) have NEVER gotten along and NEVER will. Thousand of young U.S. men have been killed for nothing, strictly for OIL. We have killed thousand of Iraqis. We have poisoned the soil and water with our DU (depleted uranium shells) and their children are being born deformed as well as our own soldiers returning home with uranium poisoning and their children being born deformed. Just like in Viet Nam with Agent Orange. Saddam, although a monster, should have been tried by the International Court at the Hague, not in Iraq. Just like the Nazis were. After reading the book on Pearl Harbor written by a U.S. Admiral on how President Roosevelt knew all about the attack way ahead of time and had actually planned it to get the U.S. into the war, I wonder about the towers. Odd that a plane should hit one tower and it stood, and yet when the second plane hit the second tower everything went to hell. Some observers claim they saw a U.S. fighter plane above the one tower fire a missile into the tower. I pray this is not true, but then when our CIA has killed Lumumba in Africa, President Allende in Chili and President Diem in Viet Nam anything is possible. Politics is hell and they will do anything just like the lies spread on some world leaders to undermine them, and the money spent in world elections to throw elections to suit the U.S. and then let us not forget the hidden torture chambers throughout the world set up by the CIA for interrogation purposes, and we pretend to be the epitamy of righteousness and democracy. You cannot change 3,000 years of history and try and make Iraq like the U.S. or any other country as far as that goes. It is ridiculous to even think it. I do not know how Bush sleeps nights, and I cannot understand why the American people have not demanded impeachment, as they were out for blood with Bill Clinton just for getting head from Monica Lewinsky. I do not worry about a President's sex life, but I do worry about thousands of young men dying, getting maimed for nothing, and a world situation which has exploded into hell because of our entering Iraq. May God have pity on us all.

2007-03-08 23:08:35 · answer #5 · answered by rompompe 2 · 4 1

There is no draft, therefore all these people leaving their wives and kids chose to on their OWN FREE WILL when they enlisted. Where do you get off calling this country stupid? Are you fighting over there? Call it stupid when you come back from war and can prove this war is worthless, or better yet...let me do you a favor and save you time. Go to this little place i like to call New York City and look at the big hole in the ground at 1 and 2 world trade center. ........................YEAH, I'M MAD TOO....

2007-03-08 22:47:43 · answer #6 · answered by David 2 · 1 2

I too feel Pres. Bush and the current administration has done a crapy job, not just in our efforts in Iraq and Afganistan, but with everything else he said he was going to do, and let fall apart in this country.

I don't wish him any harm, nor do I think we should bomb and blow up the innocent people in Iraq who are trying to live their lives and never asked for any U.S. assistance befor the whole Iraq conflict.

I do feel that we went into Iraq under false pretense, lies from this administrations and a ton of half truths claimed to be facts, all to rally the nation behind a bunch of hot air and lies. I'm angered that our president has missled our country and many soldiers are putting their lives on the line for a bunch of lies. Not only are the soldiers lives on the line, but their family back home suffers. I know this first hand, serving in the military myself and later living at home raising my daughter through my husbands two deployements to Iraq.

Rolling through my head daily, if something were to happen to my husband, what would I tell my daughter? What do I tell her her daddy died for? Oil, Bush because every reason he gave to the nation that justified our efforts in Iraq has now been revealed as lies!

I'm angered that this President and this administration is still in power, running our country and still running this war, despite everything that has been brought out in the light about the coruption of this president and this administration, he and his administration still have their jobs, are not being held accountable and still sending soilders to die for their personal agenda and greed.

So yes, I'm not happy with Pres. Bush and this administration, I don't support our efforts in Iraq, however I do not condone bombing another country baised on pure convience to get our soldiers home.

The U.S. stirred up the bee hive, and now we have to fix it, we did it! That is what distingues Americans as proud, nobel and honerable people, we fix whats wrong, even if we made it wrong...... we fix it, we fix Iraq before we pull out.

2007-03-08 22:35:31 · answer #7 · answered by Krazee about my pets! 4 · 2 3

i agree that Bush hasn't totally been a night in shinning armor and this country is going down hill, but we aren't living in dictatorship, he's not the only one running this country. and also these men are serving our country to make it a better place for you and your child so dont get so pissy this country is doing its best. and people need to start respecting that. what has happen to our patriotism, what has happen to tying the yellow ribbon around the old oak tree and being thankful for what IS good in your life instead of looking at it negatively.

2007-03-13 17:10:52 · answer #8 · answered by steph 1 · 2 2

Why should we blow Iraq up? They seem to be doing a pretty
good job themselves! Our so called leader doesn't care how many he sends over there or how many die each day. While they fight to stay alive he goes to sleep in a bed thicker than
his head. Not to mention the constant body guards that big eared pipsqueak has! Good thing they exist, he has so many enemies it isn't funny.

2007-03-08 22:21:09 · answer #9 · answered by Williamstown 5 · 7 3

Yes, bush is a bad president and the soldiers should come home, but I wouldn't agree with bombing Iraq.

2007-03-08 22:21:53 · answer #10 · answered by waia2000 7 · 5 3

Nice rant. It's unfortunate you couldn't put forth a good or understandable argument.
So using atomic weapons on Iraq is the answer; you're brilliant.
You must be in wonderland; may I call you Alice.

2007-03-08 22:18:44 · answer #11 · answered by Ron P 3 · 6 3

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