tough love,,,,,,,,,, no punishment,,,,,your unhappiness is alot of punishment for a dog who loves you, and only want to make you happy
crate her until she learns that inside is not where you poo, and crate her over night,,,,,, and when you can't watch her EVERY MOVE!!!!!!
let her out,,,,,,,when your home,,,every hour,,,,,lots of praise,,,when she pees outside,,,,
let her out first thing in the morning
last thing at night
right before you leave
right when you come back
right after they eat a meal,or drink alot of water
I limit water at night time,,,,
don't put food in the crate,,,,,
gate up the area where the carpet is,,,,the smell will make her pee there,,,,, I can gate up my kitchen... the linoleum isn't porous,,,,,,
when you let her out of the crate,,,,,,,to play,,,,,be on MAJOR WATCH MODE,,,,,, if you see her smelling or bending,,,, send them out
dogs are smart,,,,,,really smart,........ especially your dog,,,,,, a Shepherd,,,,,I bet she is SUCH a good dog,,,,,, a dog like that needs a herding job,,,, get some chickens,,,,, that will keep her busy,,,,,or let her herd the children,,,,
2007-03-08 14:14:05
answer #1
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