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I know a lot of Christians and many other religious people think that abortion is wrong and is the same as a murder.
I ask that when answering this question, we don't have a debate about abortion being wrong and that no one says "God will provide" or anything along those lines.

Lets say that the right wing conservative movement manages to overturn Roe v. Wade. What programs do you think would/should/could be realistically put into place to care for millions of babies that weren't wanted or planned for?

Please remember that we have many children in abusive homes, suffering because their mothers decided to choose life and were unprepared or unwilling to provide physically, emotionally and financially for a child. Please also remember the limited state budgets.

Secondly, what do you personally do to help mothers who would have aborted and their children, but decided to have them based on the Right to Life campaign?

2007-03-08 13:40:00 · 14 answers · asked by Melanie J 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Thanks to those who actually read the question. I guess what I was getting at is that it is possible that abortion will become illegal and I would like to know what the people of this country think should happen when we have more children who will be dependant on society. I was looking for ideas that are workable on a large scale, since we are talking millions.

BTW, I have to agree with the death penalty logic.

I also wanted to see how many people are involved in putting their money/time where their mouths are. Its like not complaining about the president if you don't vote....

2007-03-08 14:45:47 · update #1

14 answers

Programs to support these families are already in place, both at the government level and in the private sector. There are many, many people, who cannot have children of their own, who are desperate to adopt children. The waiting lists are very long!

Since you choose to mention the many children already cast on the social system because of abuse, and the price tag that comes with it, I will address this also. The best way to save money is NOT to butcher potential dependents! Overhaul the system, and place as much as realistically possible into the private sector. Competition stimulates exellence, government funding encourages stagnation.

If the "best answer" to the state budget crisis includes killing off dependents, or potential dependents, then logic would dictate that the death penalty become law IMMEDIATELY in all 50 states, for all capital crimes. How much money is being poured into the criminal justice system, especially into our prisons? Wouldn't it be easier on "The Budget" to shut down maximum-security facilities, sell all the gym equipment, get rid of the TV's and etc? Which is more expensive to clothe, house, feed, and provide medical care for: an infant, or a 30-yr-old rapist-murderer?

Please, if we HAVE to kill somebody because of budget restraints, can we make it the guilty, instead of the innocent?

Why is caring for an "unwanted" child considered selfish, and a waste of money by the state, when a drug-addicted gang-banger must be cared for, educated, housed, clothed, and given continous chances to re-enter society, out of "compassion"? It seems somebody's sense of real compassion is warped!

I know you didn't ask about the death penalty, but I brought it up to counter the state budget arm of your arguement.

Have a good night.

2007-03-08 14:00:41 · answer #1 · answered by MamaBear 6 · 1 0

I normally stay away from these questions because of the way it is presented or the fact that I do not have better solutions. But, I will attempt to answer as best I can with limited knowledge as well as add a thought on the Abortion angle.

While I agree that the states have limited budgets, but that does not mean the money is not there to help mothers that meet certain criteria. I am sure you have heard of government pork. Also if taxes were levied to keep children alive I would certainly go for it.

This may sound crazy, but what about the military? If the military raised them from childhood they would be obligated for a two to four year hitch. A great many details would have to be ironed out and it would be a sore spot in American History for ever, but that too is better than death.

Now one other thought would be how to stop the problem at the source. If some one would wish to join any of these programs or Abortion (as it is not likely to be outlawed) the man and woman would be mandatory sterilized on the first offense. Sounds harsh? Yes, but they cannot expect others to take care of their poor judgments. Rape cases would of course be exempt, but the child should be allowed to live. If the rapist is caught they would be sterilized.

Maybe such straight forward solutions would curb the immediate desires of the moment and think to the future. Neither abstenance or safe sex messages have worked well so cut the problem out.

2007-03-08 22:47:55 · answer #2 · answered by crimthann69 6 · 0 0

I don't advocate destroying babies because they might have a rough go in life. And if as you say, we already see suffering, then maybe abortion isn't the answer to the problem. I'd say it's selfishness. Both the man and woman. Making it illegal won't make abortion go away. My hope would be that people would think beyond only fulfilling their own wants and desires. If there was personal responsibility, this problem and all the rest of the associated problems you listed, would go away. You have to ask the question, what have we gained as a society with abortion being legalized? Women's rights? That's all? Look at the damage it has brought. I suspect this is going to be a problem for a long time. Only because we are such selfish people to start with. Pride, selfishness - goes right back to the first sin.

2007-03-08 22:01:08 · answer #3 · answered by JohnFromNC 7 · 0 0

Well, I personally think that it should be a double fronted effort of concentrating on abstinence along with it. I get a little tired of people talking about no abortions and ignoring the reason why women become pregnant in the first place. I think when they get this two sided front going then we should trust that God will help us some way because we have done the right thing. I personally think that he would do something like direct us to a huge oil find on our Continent or something that would turn the tide in all of this oil price war or something, I mean he is God and he can do anything. He is in management and we are in sales.

2007-03-08 22:18:40 · answer #4 · answered by Midge 7 · 0 0

Abortion is a very sad part of our lives. The point is, not only is the baby destroyed but the Mom's life is forever changed. Woman who have abortion are at a higher risk of infection, of the cervix and perforation of the uterus. Also, they are finding that women who have an abortion are at a higher risk of developing breast cancer. Not to mention the emotional turmoil of going through the abortion.She has no further support once the procedure is done for her emotional well-being. Yes, I was involved in the prevention of a young lady in our Church from having an abortion. The entire Church was in fact and one of the young couples in the Church adopted the baby and the baby has had a good life, that occurred several years ago. Saying that children could be abused rather than aborted is not excuse of abortion.

2007-03-08 21:50:47 · answer #5 · answered by angel 7 · 0 0

As a Christian, I pray for the day when Roe V Wade is overturned. Satan clearly was involved in that decision and he's been stirring the pot since, him and the feminist liberal women who whisper in woman's ears and tell them "its your body, go ahead, kill your child". That being said, we need to start early and reinforce to young girls/boys that abstinence is the best policy for them. They need to hear this from parents, pastors ,etc.

Second, if a woman is pregnant and can't afford to take care of the baby/or is not ready to be a mom yet, then there need to less restrictive laws on adopting in this country so these "unwanted" babies can be adopted by loving and secure couples.

Third, prayer and counseling for the ladies who were gonng kill their children, but decided to have them, praise God.

Lastly, do you really think there were that many unwanted children before 1973? I'm sure I could do a study and prove you wrong. Oh, and for those people who say "in case of the mom's health" excuse I guess I'm fortunate I had a loving, Christian mom, as my mom had cancer when I was in her womb and she choose me.

2007-03-08 21:54:07 · answer #6 · answered by the pink baker 6 · 0 0

I personally will do nothing to help many of them as I do not have the means. By this question you appear to choose death as a better alternative to a challenging life. I guess abortion is viewed as a form of mercy killing. Spare the poor unwanted child of the hard road ahead.

I grew up poor, in a bad area after my father was murdered. I didn't turn out too bad, I think.

2007-03-08 21:47:10 · answer #7 · answered by Chi Guy 5 · 2 0

Abortion is abuse it is abuse of life and ones self! We need to get out of self mode and start serving others.
-society must be willing to reach out a hand to those in difficult situations
-number one our school systems need to be changed we teach children how to get a job, but we never teach them how to grow up to be a responsible adult and take care of a family.
Really we are talking about mistakes that our government and people have created themeselves. There is no easy solution so I guess we will keep being murders!

2007-03-08 23:20:59 · answer #8 · answered by Ja 3 · 0 0

Many Churches and organizations facilitate adoption now, This should be expanded. Also local groups need to step in to befriend families that are struggling and pregnant mothers who need work, health care, diet advice and a helping hand.. The govt welfare system is overburdended and ineffective People need to have an easy way to volunteer in their communities. People are wasting inordinate amounts of time pleasure seeking and watching tv. They can be inspired and taught to volunteer.

2007-03-08 21:53:42 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I would like to point out two things:
1) Some NON-RELIGIOUS people are opposed to abortion.
2) How did we ever manage before 1973?

2007-03-08 21:54:01 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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