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Explain why you think there's no God and don't believe in Jesus Christ. What caused you to disbelieve and give some facts if you think its a myth.

2007-03-08 12:52:23 · 28 answers · asked by hardworkur84 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Ok. Based on most of your answers, your claiming you don't believe in something you can't see. You have not seen or witness any proof, right? Do you have proof of your ancestors? No, you just know you came from someone other than your mother and father. Explain the air we breathe. you can't see it, but you know its there. Bottom line, im not saying that it's wrong the way you interpret. You have your reasons and Im not judging that. But what book contains that much revelation, inspiration, and conspiracy? The Bible has so much content that we could use today and use as a tool for order, wisdom, and boundaries of our souls. This book keeps me sane and a humble heart with someone to confide and understand. If it's not meant for you than that's fine. No one's judging you just don't judge my belief. (Sorry for typing "non-believers" I just didn't know what to call you.)

2007-03-08 13:23:37 · update #1

28 answers

Explain yourself, non believer? Gosh, Peanut, do you have a torch and pitchfork to go along with the sweet tone of your question?

2007-03-08 12:55:51 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 4

Preach on, Brother! Let the Lord work with you, honey!

I'm a believer in Christ. He is the Son of God and He is God. I am a true Christian. I know this post addresses non-believers, but the asker is a Christian, and I feel the need to back my brother up. The Bible is full of knowledge and wisdom. First, ask God to be in your life. Maybe if you pray to God for an understanding and how the Word applies to your life, you'll be more accepting of it. You cannot read the Bible with a scientific eye; God defies all logic, and He's so powerful, you can't even begin to understand. Don't get me wrong, there are some very intelligent people in the world, but you can put all the world's smartest people in a room to try to prove that God exists by logical means, and they'll come out dumb as a doorknob. Trusting and believing in Jesus Christ is more intelligent than any scientific reasoning available to this world. It's sad to see so many non-Christians living a lie. What is your purpose in life? What do you think happens after death? Do you think you'll just rot away and become dirt? I couldn't live without knowing God is there for me, and having no point for my existence. I got to have Jesus because I can't make it by myself. My wit and knowledge won't get me into Heaven; my faith will. I am just fine knowing that God is with me and can't see Him. I'll see Him when I get to Heaven.

2007-03-09 11:03:24 · answer #2 · answered by IB_08 4 · 1 0

I just don't feel there is a god-- I don't think I need factual evidence to back that up. Religious people don't need factual evidence to back up their beliefs, and I'm ok with that. That's why it's called faith. Well, I have faith in the non-existence of a deity or god. Just as you may feel in your heart that the god described in the Bible exists and Jesus was his son, I feel in my heart that isn't so. I have other spiritual beliefs that are more fulfilling to me, personally.

I do think Jesus Christ was a wise teacher, but I don't think he was anything more than a human.

I think you would be harder pressed to find evidence pointing to the idea of Jesus being God rather than the idea of Jesus being human, honestly, so don't tug that cord unless your certain you WON'T find anyone completely equipped to argue against you and win (just warning you, because some people turn faith vs. non-faith into scientific arguments.)

2007-03-08 21:11:58 · answer #3 · answered by kiwikiwi_bird@sbcglobal.net 2 · 0 1

So all non-Christians believe that there is no God? I have better inform the Jews on this one. Along with several other religious groups.

I believe there is one God - but there is where Christianity and I part ways. I don't pick and chose about what to believe - as I have been accused of doing in the past. Instead, I believe in a God that created everything - that infused life with Her fire - Her breath of life. ('Her' is for strictly linguistic purposes here - I don't believe God has a gender).

I could list numerous reasons why I believe Christianity is based on an unstable foundation - even in this short space.

Would you truly listen to me? Read what I have to say? Or dismiss me, assuming that I am siteing some of the more well known and lacking arguments?

I'll hope you will at least take the time to read this, all of this so I'll list a couple.

1. Blood sacrifice could not wash away intentional sins. Read Leviticus and what blood sacrifice is for. It is for unintentional sins - sins commited essentially by not knowing better. Which is why the high priest sacrificed for his people - to remove this. It does say, in a well cited passage by Christians that blood is life - but it does not say anywhere that blood can cleanse all sins. Only asking for forgivness can do that. One has to go to God directly, and repent.

2. Baptism is not new to Christianity, and other forms of baptism are not 'stolen' from Christianity and bastardized. I wish I had a nickle every time I have heard a Christian say that John the Baptist invented this passage. I could afford private healthcare instead of the VA! In truth, the Jews had a form of baptism - one was cleansed in running water before fully coming into the faith. On a more remote scale - women were cleansed in water once a month - to wash away the last cycle and welcome the new possibility of life. Other faiths had baptism long before Christianity.

3. Paul was not a Pharisee. A Pharisee would never favor a strange language over Hebrew when reading the sacred scripture! Yet Paul again and again recites from the Septaugint the Greek version. There may have been a reason when talking to outsiders - but not with other Pharisee's.

4. Jews could eat with God- fearers, those that followed the covenant of Noah, laid out in Genesis. So Peter would have had no problem eating with a God fearer, although it is protrayed that he would not have even been able to enter his house! This is not Jewish custom.

5. Jewish people followed their own laws - and were able to stone people. Them stoning people is all through the New Testament. You can argue until your blue in the face that they couldn't execute the death penatly - but in reality, they could. Nothing in history says they couldn't. So if Jesus had really commited a religious crime, they would have just stoned him. Instead, Jesus commited a political crime - claiming to be the Messiah, which was seen as a challenge to the ruler. Other Messiah figures were all executed by Romans, along with their followers sometimes, by the same method as Jesus.

7. Pilate's character in the New Testament. Reliable historical documents have numerous accounts of PIlate. He was a ruthless man, who slaughtered the Jews. He did not give in to them. The Jews had numerous uprisings - and he violently and quickly put them all down. The whole wish-washy wanting to please the natives thing is not backed up in history anywhere.

8. The custom of releasing a prisoner every year. Again not supported by any historical documents. If it truly happened, then there should be at least one other account of this happening.

There are many others, along with the actual Jewish reading of the Old Testament compared to the Christian version.

I could not reconcile these differences. After reading the OT from a Jewish point of view, and learning what some of the Hebrew actually said - I could not continue as a Christian. I had not been looking to lose my faith but strengthen it - and lost it all together. I was very devout, had a relationship with Jesus and did not believe that Christianity was about church but about having closeness to Jesus and God.

Now, I allow God to speak to me, She leads me. I am filled with peace and serenity that I have never known before. Her strength becomes my strength, Her love fills my being and I am filled with her fire.

If you have any more questions - feel free to contact me via my profile.

2007-03-08 21:17:35 · answer #4 · answered by noncrazed 4 · 0 1

I think the Bible is very unbelievable. I'm not saying I don't believe in a higher being, but what the Bible teaches is way too far fetched for me. I went to church for years and stopped going because I started to question certain things and was told I was going to hell because I wanted answers to questions no one could answer. Jesus probably was a real person that people followed and had stories written about him. Sometimes things get blown out of proportion and down the line things get added to them to make them more interesting and to make the person more like a hero.

2007-03-08 20:59:44 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Why no God?
- Lack of evidence.
- Contradictions in the Bible.
- The concept that the most complex, complicated, detailed being in the history of the universe (God) was ALREADY THERE at the beginning of time. It did not have to be created from anything; it just appeared, instantly. This has never made any sense to me.
- The concept of Hell. It's completely cruel and unusual; its existence is impossible.
- The existence of thousands of other religions.
- The fact that prayer doesn't work (this has been scientifically proven many times).

Why not Christ?
- Lack of non-Christian historians' references to Jesus (actually, ABSENCE of non-Christian historians' references to Jesus might be more fitting). Someone's going around doing all these miracles and amazing things and no one's writing about him? No one? Does that make any sense?

What caused me to "disbelieve"?
- The above.

2007-03-08 20:58:57 · answer #6 · answered by . 7 · 4 1

There is no evidence that there is a god. No evidence essentially means that someone made it up. It isn't rational or reasonable to believe in things without any evidence to back it up. You would be stuck with thousands of gods and everything else that human imagination could come up with since they all have the same evidence.

Not believing in god is the same as not believing in Odin, Zeus, Ra, Hera, Bacchus, The Great Spirit, Osiris, The Flying Spaghetti Monster and all the others. I would be no less surprised of evidence of Odin was found than I would be if evidence of your god was.

2007-03-08 20:58:34 · answer #7 · answered by Alex 6 · 1 1

In my case, it's not so much a denial in belief of God or Jesus. it's just the level of belief- science has come a long way and it's hard to believe the stories (at least in the old testament) of Adam and Eve and Noah and the Ark when science has proved evolution so well- but I would agree there is a higher power out there with some sort of level of control over human fate-

2007-03-08 20:55:59 · answer #8 · answered by actuatedtendancy 2 · 5 1

I was born and raised atheist. There's alot of reason I don't believe in a God, i'm sure Jesus was a person but son of god? No. Just the lack of a presense of a God makes me believe that there's no God. Bad things happen, if there were a God and he had oh so many powers why would he let them happen, etc.

2007-03-08 21:15:26 · answer #9 · answered by kky1313131313 4 · 0 1

There is no evidence of the existence of a god and thus no evidence that Jesus is a demigod.

Give some facts that explain why you think that Hercules is a myth, and you will understand why I don't accept the divinity of Jesus.

2007-03-08 20:59:16 · answer #10 · answered by N 6 · 1 1

"Explain why you think there's no God and don't believe in Jesus Christ".

Because natural explanation sufficiently and continually succeed in explaining all known phenomenon. If nature has shown that it alone is necessary why make up a god?

I don't believe Jesus was divine because I don't believe in god.

"What caused you to disbelieve..."


"...and give some facts if you think its a myth."

The bible is wrong regarding many aspects of reality, to numerous to mention.

2007-03-08 21:10:48 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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