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Take a look at all the questions being asked... who will we next be at war with... what if we go to war with China.... etc etc etc

For Goodness sake, life really is far too short to spend time thinking let alone discussing War. Have the last 5 years not taught Americans ANYTHING?

Maybe it has, and they have become obsessed with seeing loved ones returning home in body bags... with the full trappings of a military funeral to stir the emotions up.


Check this great site out I came across.. and learn from it - maybe then you'll all start to "get a life".. with is what all the troops on the ground are fighting for your right to do !

Just click on EVERY yellow underlined link.. it's illuminating.. as is the rest of the site.


2007-03-08 12:29:18 · 20 answers · asked by Hello 3 in Politics & Government Military

20 answers

war makes money
america loves money
war makes alot of money for americans -

deduce your answer from there

2007-03-15 08:19:13 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The right wing have an intense love of war. They read too many comic books and watched too many movies produced in the US. They are lost in a war fantasy in which they are always the hero coming to the rescue. Too bad that is not true. Too bad the American citizens of right wing leanings can't get past this complicated theory of being pissed on and going to war and at the same time heroes invading with the gift of freedom and democracy. Take a look at your history of warfare. From claiming Independence from England by fighting as insurgents, too fighting the Indian wars taking land away from the native Americans and killing like crazy, the civil war and the controversial freeing of the slaves, the 1812 fiasco,
late coming into the first world war and "saving the day" for Europe, coming in late to the second world war only after the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbour (you'd been battling Japan for years putting claim to islands in the South Pacific) and Germany declaring war With the USA, the Korean War or police action which has not been declared over yet, the Viet Nam idiocy which the US lost and was fraught with war crimes, and then Iraq 1 and 2. Not to mention all the criminal acts in between.

2007-03-15 14:15:00 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Compared to western countries only, over the last 20 years, France has participated in the most military actions, Great Britain was second, and the USA third. The question seems a bit misguided.

2007-03-08 13:03:23 · answer #3 · answered by Caninelegion 7 · 0 0

I think your question is phrased biasly. You ask it as if it is a fact but you are in error.

This might educate you a bit..I hope.
There are many reasons why we are there. I am surprised you haven't figured it out? Everybody knows it's just common sense.

Heres some reasons
1. Oil
2. To kill Sadaam (mission accomplished)
3. To allow Iraqis to vote as this spreads Democracy which is what we believe in. You do believe in Democracy right?
Oh almost forgot (mission accomplished they did vote)
4. To kill terrorists that hate the United States and try to kill us.
We are killing lots of them so that's good
5. Iran. It is easier to win a war with Iran when we are right next to it them if we have to send troops from America to Iraq and then to Iran. So Iraq gives us a closer base to launch an offensive. We will be going into Iran I assure you. Remember this post so you can look back at it and say, Yep, that person on yahoo answers was right.
6. Syria is also a problem to the United States and has major training grounds there so we are glad we are close to Syria also.
7. YOU, that's right you. If you are an American we are there for you too. Do not for a moment think that the terrorists in Iraq would not slit your throat in a heart beat.

I assure you, if they had you they would.

So it is good that America is there for folks like you and I.

After 911 do you really think the United States was just going to sit there? I mean do you really believe that we would just do nothing?

I thought it was absolute BRILLIANCE what Bush did. He killed a lot more terrorists than what the terrorists killed of us.

This is normal in warfare. The goal isn't to negotiate. The goal in warfare isn't to reason with maniacs. The goal is to utterly kick their as*es.

Here is a good example that might make you understand.

In ww2 we were beating Japan. Yet they would not surrender.

The President had an option. He could send in U.S. troops and we would lose a lot of men or he could drop the BOMB on them.

He told the leader of Japan if He doesn't surrender he would order it dropped.

He would not surrender.

We dropped it.

His people rose up and told him to surrender but the stubborn idiot wouldn't.

We dropped another and then...and only then...did he surrender.

Now what you should be asking is this.

Why didn't the Japanese emperor surrender? Why didn't he surrender and save all the bloodshed?

When you look at history you almost feel that the emperor was a complete idiot not to. His ego was so big, and in fact, they worshipped him like a God.

It was only after the power and Glory of the United States brought him to his knees did he surrender.

My grandfather was in that war and he said they had no choice but to drop the bomb.

In life sometimes there are only 2 choices.
Them or us...

That is what is in front of us right now. That's why its so hard to do what we must do because you and I are naturally caring, honest, decent folks but we are thrown into this THEM OR US war.

Well I have decided a long time ago. It aint going to be me...its going to be them.

I would rather live for what I believe in and if they want to die for what they believe in so be it.

2007-03-08 12:43:26 · answer #4 · answered by Workfortoday 3 · 1 3

Check with the KGB, they did a study in the 1980's that concluded that videogames and television had so desensitized american youth that they were capable of killing and enjoying it. Worst part is that generation has been replaced by a more bloodthirsty group.

2007-03-15 15:31:35 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Americans have a fascination with war because it is war that this country was founded on. We fought for our independence and won it, in that situation war worked pretty well as far as getting us what we wanted. Now here we are 100's of years later and we still use war as the ultimate problem solver.

2007-03-08 12:42:22 · answer #6 · answered by Michael C 1 · 0 2

The Americans don't want war.
No one wants war except a few fanatical terrorists and the madman currently in the White House.

2007-03-08 12:59:54 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Americans go to war for that simple reason... Life really IS FAR TOO SHORT for people in many foreign countries. These people have little to no rights. We're fighting wars so that people like you have the right to protest, and say what they want. If it wasn't for 'war', you wouldn't have the right to be posting stuff like this...
As for those soldiers who don't want war... they shouldn't have signed up for the army. Analogy: If you don't want to fight, you don't join a gang. My fiance, my uncle, and my cousin are all fighting so that people everywhere have the same right to protest as you do. Will I be sad if they die? Yeah, I'd be upset. I might even blame the war for awhile. But the end all? They volunteered. They wanted to fight for their country. And any 'soldier' who signed up simply for the G.I. Bill, or the benefits, or whatever other dumb reason they might have had for signing up... they shouldn't have. As I said before, you don't join a gang if you don't want to fight. Nothing in life is free.

2007-03-08 12:38:34 · answer #8 · answered by xletxmexgox 1 · 1 3

Why do Americans have a fascination about going to war?
I have no clue,Maby it is because we Americans have a long history of violence .but remember this war is good,it is horrible but good for the mankind.

2007-03-14 23:06:57 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Americans are not fascinated with war. It's the politicians who are.

2007-03-15 17:15:21 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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