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t helps relieve stress, I'm always sad, I'm ugly, fat, and I just can't stop, my friends don't know, the only time I'm at peace is when i see the blood coming from my arm. It only started as just wanting a way to help myself. Bc my friend did it and said she felt better so every day after school we would go behind the school and cut, now she moved away. but I'm still sad/ depressed. I sometimes cut myself 10 or 11 times a day. And i just feel good. My friends I have now, well i guess I act happy at school but the keyword is act, All day i just can't wait for passing period so i can go to the bathroom and get that razor near me. Is it so wrong to cut, and i want to stop without therapy but i just can't I've tried working out and journeling it doesn't work

2007-03-08 12:29:14 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

17 answers

You answered your own question when you said "i want to stop without therapy" You cant ! Therapy is the help you need to solve you problems that cause you to want or need to cut.
You have tried everything else but therapy. Nobody can do anything without someones help! Your young and can change this problem. you must get to the seed of the issue and deal with that through therapy and then your cutting will slow and finally stop. Don't be scared to ask for help! If you don't want to talk about it to you family or friends then write a note and slip it to an adult, You can get help and start to feel better. Is that what you want, HELP?

2007-03-08 12:36:42 · answer #1 · answered by michael m 3 · 1 0

Here's some ideas I've gotten from therapists:

Besides journaling you can use the rubber band method, which is the method of putting a rubber band on your wrist and snapping it against your skin, you still get the pain and Adrenalin but no permanent scars.

You can also grab a couple ice cubes and squeeze the H out of them! It hurts like H and also is kind of relaxing.

If you really like to see blood, you can draw "cuts" on yourself with a red marker.

Wow there are so many others i can't think of right now.

But Cutting/Self injury is more than about the blood or even the rush. It's an addiction (eventually) and a bad substitute for healthier ways of dealing with your emotions. Eventually you'll need to speak to a therapist or a counselor because there is a reason you are doing this and there are alternatives out there.

Therapy isn't so bad actually it's nice to be able to talk to someone without worrying that they may betray your secrets- you just have to find the right one.

Keep in mind that you have to WANT to stop before a therapist can really help you.

Here is a very good website to visit
Visit the section on self-help for some ideas.

Good luck.

2007-03-08 13:41:45 · answer #2 · answered by KittyFly 4 · 0 1

a million) eat more suitable modern-day fruit and vegetables and lean meat. 2) stop eating out / eating prepackaged and processed nutrition that are best in fat, salt, has any HFCS's and MSG. 3) eat a artwork of fruit even as you upward thrust up the first issue interior the morning, this may grant your body a metabolism boost for the leisure of the day. 4) walk, do crunches, raise some weights 5 lbs a minimum of. replace what you do by no ability to the equivalent challenge 2 cases. 5) do no longer supply up. even as dropping weight effect do not ensue in one day. they can and do take time. supply your self a minimum of six weeks to look properly effect. 6) IF or maybe as you fail(and also you've got faith me I particularly have many a time). Do now no longer stop, look interior the mirror and tell your self that you'll and may take a inspect once more suitable! ignore about what others say about you. 7) Do now no longer assume the 'speedy weight help' pills odds of them operating below a million%. Plus all of them say 'even as worried with a properly desirable nutrition and challenge'. it truly is what you'd be doing besides. keep you funds!

2016-12-05 10:43:35 · answer #3 · answered by endicott 4 · 0 0

In the short term, try putting a rubber band around your wrist and snap it (only keep it on for a maximum of a few minutes). See your doctor about this as soon as possible. Phone 1800 dont cut Visit http://www.focusas.com/selfinjury.html and www.mirror-mirror.org Practice daily for 20 mins., and whenever you feel the need to cut, the meditation technique in http://www.healthyplace.com/communities/ (.com/communities/) You may need to join. Another technique is in the last 6 blogs of Shan Eris in MySpace; blogs at www.myspace.com (join for free), then click on "groups" in the bar near the top of the myspace homepage, select "other" and pick a group, maybe changing later, possibly exchanging phone numbers, I.M., or email addresses. Also Yahoo! groups. Go to http://choosediet.blogspot.com/ and select one, snacking on as many celery sticks and carrot sticks as you like (2 celery, 1 carrot); have 6 - 8 small meals, with a glass of water 15 - 20 minutes before a meal, and if you divide up your protein allowance, it will delay the emptying of your stomach. No-one is a good judge of how they look; wait until you are an adult, and if you still feel that way then, consult a cosmetic surgeon. Something can be done about most problems.

2007-03-08 14:06:30 · answer #4 · answered by CLICKHEREx 5 · 0 1

Cutting yourself is serious as you seem to realise. While the blood is oozing out it probably makes your problems leave also. This is very dangerous as you know. You can get infections or worse,die.You are not going to continue with cutting without others eventually finding out. You definitely need help. We as readers suggest things for you, but please do seek professional help. This could begin with a teacher,your school nurse or counselour.This may be a difficult step to take. Working out or journaling is not helping at this time. Maybe later. You can find a therapist that works with young persons as yourself. Try going to a mental health clinic, this is private. Have one of your parents or one of your friends, preferably one that you can trust. Call 911 or go to your local emergency room. These people will help you find the guidance that you really need at this time. You could also bring up other issues- the one that cause you low self-esteem.You have already said that you want help, you have asked us, now please seek professional help. It isnt anything wrong with getting help, its much better than death. You are an intelligent person, seek help. Instead of going to cut- go get help! You will find that you do not have to act anymore, you will eventually feel happy for real.

2007-03-08 15:41:13 · answer #5 · answered by Jean 4 · 0 1


I'm 15. When I was 14, I was trying to kill myself and ended up in a mental hospital.

There are alot of ways to try to stop cutting. But none of them worked for me. So your friends know right? Your parents probably will find out eventually. Mine did. It seems like hell when they do, but it'll get better. I reccommend you tell them. Or, maybe just say that you think you need to talk to someone. There could be a reason why you feel like that. I'm bipolar and nothing helped until I finally got on meds.

Do you fight with your rents alot? I'm sure you are beautiful and smart.

If you feel bad you can email me anytime. patronsaintofdenial99@yahoo.com

2007-03-08 12:51:44 · answer #6 · answered by Heather 2 · 1 0

Yeah... Isn't junior high depressing? I'm 12, and I'm a 6th grader too. Hey, I am depressed most of the time. If cutting makes you feel better, do it, but don't endanger yourself. Never overdo anything; a lesson I have yet to learn. Find random people to hang out with. For one day, don't act fake, and see how your friends react.

2007-03-08 12:42:03 · answer #7 · answered by Eden 4 · 0 1

I'm a therapist and I agree with all the folks here who speak from personal experience that you need to speak with a professional that can help you explore healthier alternatives. The longer you wait, the harder it gets, so please seek some assistance. Cutting really only works for a while and eventually it'll lose it's charm and you may find yourself cutting deeper and more often in order to achieve the same effect. Just a couple of ideas to help get you started-try to stop in small steps. Set yourself a goal to not cut for 4 hours and when you've mastered that, set yourself a goal to refrain for 5 hours and so on. Take it one day, one hour at a time if necessary. What you'll also find is that as you go for longer and longer periods of time without giving in to the urge to cut, you'll become more aware of all your feelings and what is driving them and therapy can really help you to understand it better and give you options to consider. Ultimately you need to make a choice to stop the behavior or it won't stop. But for starters, try making a choice to refrain for a few hours and challenge yourself to extend the time for longer and longer intervals. Most folks I've worked with who are cutting as frequently as you are need to set goals to stop incrementally, but it is doable.
One other thought to consider. What you experience when you cut is really more like relief from pain than it is like truly feeling happy. The absence of pain is not the same as feeling happy, so don't settle for less than really being happy. Good luck!!!!

2007-03-08 13:43:33 · answer #8 · answered by Opester 5 · 0 2

Hey there, i am not going to pretenf that self harming is ok but i totally understand where you are comming from as i am a cutter aswell but i wanrt you to remember that there is people out there who care and want to help. I am 22 and living in Australia and find that self harm not only helps relieve the emotional pain but it helps to make you a bit happier and i believe you that its hard it dose become like an addiction but u defientaley need to find other healthier ways of coping. Weather that be by seeing a pshychatrist or a counsellor. Good luck sweetheart and feel free to email me on matildarose0307@yahoo.com.au.

From someone who understands and cares.

2007-03-08 12:54:34 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Aw I'm sorry sweetheart. The best thing I can you to do is stop and don't let yourself. Find a hobby and stick with it. Everything in life is about ups and downs. Right now you're just in a down, might feel like a canyon but it will get better I promise.

2007-03-08 12:33:33 · answer #10 · answered by Æ 3 · 0 1

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