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i need help on my dog,im training him to sit,stay and everything else,but what i dont know how to teach is how to make a dog not bite,i know my dog is little and he bites i understand,but when he get older hes going to bite evern more,and more harder also.So i wanted to know if anybody can tell me anything on how to teach a dog not to bite,or not play as rought,Thx alot.

2007-03-08 12:05:04 · 29 answers · asked by Danny V#87 1 in Pets Dogs

29 answers

When your dog barks or bites, you just have to put your hand over his muzzle, and say No sharply. Your hand is just like you biting him which is what the alpha pair (if he was in an actual pack.) would do. If he yelps or crys, he is just startled because he never new that you would "bite" back. Dont worry, this technique will not hurt the dog emotionally or physically. I watched it on the Dog Whisperer with Ceaser Milian. Then I checked with my vet and he said that that was the best technique next to just saying No and you dog not obeying.

Have fun with your new pupp/dog! They live a long time and make GREAT pets! Good Luck!!!!!! :)


2007-03-08 12:22:28 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Is he still a puppy? Because there is a difference between biting in an agressive way and puppy teething.

If he's teething it's natural for him to chew everything in sight, your fingers, the furniture and all manner of other inappropriate things. When he does this it's up to you to redirect him, give him a toy that's especially for teething puppies (stay away from rawhide which when ingested in large quantities can make your dog really sick and even cause intestinal blockages which can be fatal), it could be that his poor little gums are just sore while his adult teeth come in, if this is the case, don't worry, he'll grow out of it.

If he's biting in an aggressive way or if he's really hurting you that's a different story. The most important thing is to remember that you cannot allow your dog to be in the "alpha" position, dogs are pack animals, as such they live to please the leader of their pack, you need to be the alpha dog, so to speak, puppy classes can be really helpful in learning how to do this. The point is not to dominate your dog, but to make him feel secure in his place in your pack. Dogs that are secure in their position as non-alpha dog generally don't bite.

To help him understand that biting isn't ok you might also try a quick, firm but not hard - don't beat your dog - thump across the top of his nose, use the same light pressure you would to bat away a small child's hand if they were reaching for something inappropriate. A dog's nose is very sensitive, so it takes very little force to get their attention in a hurry.

Kudos to you for wanting to make sure you don't raise a dangerous dog. Good luck!

2007-03-08 12:27:39 · answer #2 · answered by Laureling 2 · 0 1

At school we are taught that when a dog bites you, take ahold of their upper jaw. Have your 4 fingers around the top and your thumb pressed up against the roof of their mouth. Apply a bit of pressure and tell him with a strong voice without yelling "No Biting"

You may have to do it a few times in a row before they stop but they do get the message.

It's more than likely a puppy thing, and not anything to be overly concerned with.

2007-03-08 18:08:50 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What ever you do...do not listen to the comment below about tapping the snout or mouth..that is painful and cruel. You did not say how old your dog is...that is important. My puppy is 8 months old now, she use to bite like crazy, but the do that because they are teething. Once he gets older he will probably stop. Do not hit your dog, please. You can just say no firmly, and ignore him for a few minutes, he will catch on, dogs are very smart. Puppies play rough, that is what they do with their siblings, that's how they learn how hard to play or how hard to bite, etc. He will calm down when he is older. Just be firm and say no biting.
Good luck :)

2007-03-08 12:16:27 · answer #4 · answered by Laea 3 · 1 0

You have lots of good answers here (and from dog lovers so none is abusive) - I'm training my 3rd puppy right now. The method I use if it is an actual bite is a slight tap under the chin with a stern "no" and then I ignore him for 15-30 minutes.If he he just mouthing due to teething, I slip a chew toy in his mouth with a gentle "no bite" reminder. This has the added advantage of teaching him what is ok to chew and what is not - eg; your shoes, clothing, furniture, etc. :-)

2007-03-08 13:10:36 · answer #5 · answered by Tricia P 1 · 0 1

Basicly you need to stick to a routine with your dog.
PLay time is something they look forward to and they love
to play with us. This is a good time to teach them alot of
things. Biting is a no no. Don't play aggressively with your
dog. Don't pull on anything your dog has in it's mouth, this
will just teach aggression. Play ball with him, and do it for
awhile, eventually the dog will just drop the ball. Give the
dog alot of praise when he does good things, like rubbing
his belly and talking in a nice voice, also treats are a great
teaching tool. I never give my dogs toys that encourage
aggressive behaviour. Try that and I am sure you will get
the results you want.

2007-03-08 18:48:55 · answer #6 · answered by boxmaker40 5 · 0 0

How old is the dog,is it still in puppy stage, and if it is, well then most puppies out grow that stage when they become adults, but if you still run into that problem after its grown then try teaching him to play instead of biting changing the habit can alter the problem, and be sure to praise him when he does do good.

2007-03-08 12:16:04 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

If he is play biting and playign too rough, the best way to stop it is to tell him no firmly and then immediately stop the play session and ignore for a period of time - 15-20 minutes is usually enough. He will learn quickly that biting stops all the fun. They learn this very quickly.

2007-03-08 12:15:41 · answer #8 · answered by ? 7 · 1 0

Are you particular its hair? some vets got here residing house from Vietnam with a parasite that progressed interior the renal equipment. It replaced into believed to be from the leech kin. there is likewise an exceedingly small water snake which could enter small orifices of the physique called the "Horse Hair Snake". it particularly is no longer a parasite, whether it does stay in swampy aspects including leeches. have you ever been wading in this form of terrain interior the previous 365 days?

2016-11-23 16:14:59 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You are your puppies pack leader...puppies are not allowed to bite the pack leader. When the puppy bites you, grab it (not hard enough to hurt) by the scruf of the neck, give it a little (LITTLE!!!) shake and in your best growly voice tell it no.....then walk away and ignore it for a couple of minutes. Same goes for too rough play.

Remember to always praise & reward proper responses and behaviors!

2007-03-08 12:22:12 · answer #10 · answered by Shalvia 5 · 0 1

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