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Okay so my school has this thing that kids can be kept they do all kinds of stuff. Both my kids are in it. So I go and get my kids because we are about to go shopping. I sit them in the car and am putting my stuff up. I turn on the radio and oh yeah comes on. My little 2 year old(just turned 2 yesterday) is singing along with it well rapping should I say LOL. Anyway she isn't sayin the curse words and one of my friends says something to me and I'm talkin to them and I'm waiting and the doors open just as I'm about to leave this parent who was parked beside me shakes her head and says such a shame your exposing your daughters to this mess. I am so shocked I don't even know what to say this woman comes back tommorrow should I confront her. She was really rude and arrogant about it. What do yuo think about parents who poke their nose into other parents bussiness YES EVEN teen parents?

2007-03-08 11:43:59 · 39 answers · asked by lol 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting


Yes I am 16 years old do not judge me for it. Me and my boyfriend raise our kids with no support from our parents or the government. We live in a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom house. Our kids recieve what they need.

2007-03-08 11:47:25 · update #1

We don't even live in the same STATE with our parents.

2007-03-08 11:47:55 · update #2

You can listen to the song here.


2007-03-08 11:52:49 · update #3

Boogerman if you came to be a ***** you shouldn't have answered.

2007-03-08 11:56:46 · update #4

This applies to everyone scorning me EXCEPT Lacey because she was the only one not acting like a no it all. I do listen to rap music in front of my kids. They could care less. She knows what to say and what not to say. You can bad mouth rap all you want but don't come to me with that crap. To amberess or whatever your name is.
1.I listen to all sorts of rap and still don't find it degrading it is just music. A lot of women whine about how rap music is degrading but don't complain when a R&B song says that men are all cheating liers and crap now do they? I asked this question to get opinions on what I should do about this NOT HEAR YOUR CRAP OR ANY OF THE REST OF YOU THAT ACTED LIKE THAT ABOUT WETHER OR NOT I SHOULD LISTEN TO RAP MUSIC IN FRONT OF MY KIDS OR LET THEM LISTEN TO IT.

2007-03-08 13:40:04 · update #5

I'm not teaching my kids that if thats what your trying to say also. They know well enough what to say when they are singing with the song and what not to say so I think you just need to keep your mouth shut. Amberwavess really is the one who is irritating me the most who thinks she has the right to tell me how to raise my kids.

P.S.:The music wasn't loud. The ONLY reason that women could hear it was the fact that she was parked right next to me.

2007-03-08 13:43:23 · update #6

39 answers

its only music! there is no harm with music! except if its talkin about killing people and drugs...but other wise its fine...my kids can sing along to any song they want!

2007-03-08 11:48:33 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

I listen to heavy metal/rock and I hear this a lot, especially from my mother in law. I tell her that it doesn't hurt children to hear curse words, as long as they understand they are bad. I don't listen to music with racist or sexist wording because those kind of words actually hurt people. This woman is from a different generation than you so you'll just have to ignore it. A lot of people were raised during a time when it was okay to be involved in a strangers personal life and they do not realize that time has passed. I usually ignore stuff like tha because i know I am doing what is right by my kids. My parents listened to metal when I was a kid (that is where i get it from) and I did not become a serial killer or anything bad. Just do your thing and don't worry about what others think.

2007-03-08 13:43:56 · answer #2 · answered by lilly j 4 · 0 1

My kids listen to rap all the time and when my daughter was 2 or 3 she was listening to Master P. And i think that they probably hear worse out in the world than listening to music. Come on what is this mother a saint who her kids have never heard rap or cussing I don't think so. She shouldn't judge anybody and it has nothing to do with you being 16 at all your still a good mom. Your raising your kid and that's what counts.

2007-03-16 02:57:43 · answer #3 · answered by mistywoods27 1 · 0 0

Your her parent and as much as the other lady didn't like what you allowed your daughter to listen, the choice is up to you.

If you see her again, just come out and say "I felt your comment was rude and nonappreciative" and just walk away. Don't respond back nor anything. Just let her know what you felt about it and let it go. She won't be the only person to ever say something to you or under their breathe.

I don't agree fully with it, but I don't disagree either. As long as your daughter learns to have good language, then I don't think it is a big deal. I am against music that degrades females (sex symbol or pimp talk) and cuss's every other word. Then I don't consider that music, but stereotypical, racist and genderization.

Kids do listen to music I don't think they should at their ages. I work with kids, of all income class, age, and a wide range of parenting styles. You are not different from someone who makes $80,000 a year who is strict on what their child listens to. A child will hear it from older siblings, friends, other family members, movies etc. It is a matter of letting them know the appropriate, why listening to it, the meaning and what age that should come about.

I think she was more focused on you being a young mother who is "uneducated" and "doesnt have morals as had a baby young". I don't think that is true myself, as I don't know you. but, that might of been most of her thinking when judging the situation........so, I bet 90% of her comment was based on your age and being a young mother more than the music itself.

2007-03-08 19:30:22 · answer #4 · answered by Mutchkin 6 · 0 1

It takes a village to raise a child. If your kids were breaking windows and you neighbor saw it would you want the neighbor to stop it? I hope so. Your kids need an example to live up to. Not a cool big sister to show them a good time. If you allow this stuff what are they going to do to get away and have a good time? The kids can listen to music but tune up something good. Otherwise you are embracing the messages in the music. If you don't want them to do it, don't embrace it.

As far as confronting the mom. If she hates you. Love her. Love is the only way to defuse haters. Confronting a hater validates the hate.

Good luck and lead by example.

2007-03-12 04:40:40 · answer #5 · answered by jason m 4 · 0 0

This person who made you feel like crap is probably the same parent that watches R rated movies with her young ones around(what's the difference). Most music from most genres in most eras either have swear words or alternative meanings with it's wording. Don't take a look personal or what they say to heart...base your decision on how you think your doing with your life and if your providing the best for your child/ren. Sounds like your doing just fine and if your choose to listen to rap in front of your kid/s then do just that. YOUR life and YOUR kid/s.

2007-03-14 10:50:04 · answer #6 · answered by supasary 3 · 0 0

Music is Music and TV is TV.

Your the parent and have the ultimate say so in their lives and get to make those choices.

As for the women, if it were me I dont think I would confront her the following day for the soul reason I wouldnt want her to think it took me that long to defend my actions. She was wrong, if she truly cared or had any kind of concern she would have handled the situation different from the beginning. Take pride that your more opened minded than she is and keep your head up.

2007-03-16 03:13:39 · answer #7 · answered by Lady 2 · 0 0

If you can I would walk away from the woman, I'm 18 and have a 17 month old daughter and am 38 weeks pregnant again and my daughter at 8 months old started bobbing her head like a rapper one time when i was listening to Eminem, now whenever she hears msic she dances and bobs her head no matter what kind of music there is, you can't make them listen to one kind of music, they need to be exposed to everything out there and just be taught whats good and whats not good, and obviously you have taught your daughter that the swearing is bad so she doesnt say those words....Your obviously doing a great job. O yea and older mothers always seem to judge teen mothers like we don't know what we are doing. We may be younger but we can still do it.

2007-03-08 14:23:42 · answer #8 · answered by Blondie 2 · 0 2

I'm actually laughing...I had to give up my R&B music for kiddy CD's. Yes, because of the words in rap, but it has such a good beat. When I can't take the kiddy cd's anymore, I'll turn on my station and feel normal again...a 29 yr old, married, white woman! My daughter even sings along with some of the songs and I think it's cute. Anyway...just ignore the woman who made the comment. I can understand why she threw a fit...as parents, we need to protect our children from the curse words and violent behavior that can come out of these songs; but if it was on the radio, it wasn't that bad. Glad to hear you are taking care of your babies at such a young age. May God continue to give you strength!!!

2007-03-08 12:03:22 · answer #9 · answered by Silver B 3 · 3 2

When picking up my kids from school I turn the music off in the car, I don't play my music loudly in the car when my children are in the car. I do think there is some music that small children should not be exposed to because of what some of them talk about and the language they use, it is just common sense not to expose them to that, I would never expose my children to rap music, most of it is degrading to women, they rap about sex,drugs,and against authority, and I don't think that would be good for them. I don't listen to rap music because of that and I certainly don't want my children to.

2007-03-08 13:16:53 · answer #10 · answered by Urchin 6 · 0 1

If I were you i'd just go on about my business. It's not like your kids arent happy and you are 16, yeah maybe they shouldnt be listening to rap but at least they arent saying the curse words. You can't listen to to baby music all day plus my lil cousin is about to turn three and he loves whatever his daddy loves and his daddy just happens to like pitbull and one of his favorites is the song back up.He's still a good child and his father is a good dad. Just ignore it.

2007-03-15 05:46:36 · answer #11 · answered by Amber 1 · 0 0

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