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36 answers

bible followers are brainwashed in practically every respect.

if you read that book with a clear head, you can see quite clearly how flawed and self-contradictory it is.

when you read it already brainwashed, with drool pouring out of your mouth, you won't notice much at all...

2007-03-08 11:25:32 · answer #1 · answered by jen1981everett 4 · 9 5

I'm sure some people may be brainwashed. Others may seem brainwashed. But most are open-minded. Whether you are straight, bi, gay, whatever... there is the same chances that you are closed minded, open minded, intolerant, etc.

You are assuming that all straight people read and believe the Bible. That's false. I know alot of straight people that don't even read it, let alone believe it!

You are also assuming that all straight people have the same attitude towards homosexuals. That is false. I don't feel the same way my wife does and we are both Christians that read the Bible.

Finally, you are assuming that we are brainwashed. That's also false. Christians willfully admit that we "CHOOSE" to be Christian. Nobody forced this on me and I wasn't born this way and I have never been brainwashed. I simply decided that God is more important than me and humbled myself to Him.

I do believe the Bible to be God's word. I do believe the words it says. I also do believe in forgiveness, mercy, grace, and LOVE. And I don't believe that I am in a position to judge anybody. If that's the "brainwashed" position, then maybe I am and didn't know it!

Be blessed!

2007-03-08 11:36:12 · answer #2 · answered by Cool Dad 3 · 1 3

From what I have observed, most of the people who go after homosexuals are men, and it would be my guess they're afraid of being gay themselves (or being perceived as gay). Personally I have nothing against homosexuals. I've known quite a few, both male and female, and they keep to themselves, they work hard, pay their taxes and are just trying to get by like the rest of us. What they do in private is none of my business. Trust me, some of the stuff heterosexuals do behind closed doors can be pretty disgusting, too.
The bible just gives bigots an excuse to publicly hate, because "God says it's wrong."

2007-03-08 11:32:14 · answer #3 · answered by link955 7 · 2 0

How can a book "brainwash" someone?
I read a book, then I reflect on the book, then I decide if I agree or not. Not everyone agrees with the bible, and bible believers are not the only ones who can clearly see that homosexuality goes against nature.
It was considered a disorder by the psychological community until fairly recently before political correctness took hold.

2007-03-08 11:33:30 · answer #4 · answered by MythBuster 2 · 0 3

Not all, but yes, many are. Even homosexuals are brainwashed into believing they are evil and sinful by the Bible, or rather the people teaching the Bible to them. It's sad how people can be so narrow-minded and stupid.

2007-03-08 11:28:00 · answer #5 · answered by golden_sunset_xiii 2 · 3 2

All relious followers are brainwashed by the people who run their churches, it doesn't matter on what dsubject, because religion these days is used mostly as a tool to spread fear into people's hearts - not uncommon of how it was thousands of years ago still.

2007-03-08 11:30:51 · answer #6 · answered by Lief Tanner 5 · 4 1

NO!!!! I am straight. I am not a brainwashed idiot that believes that most of the bible is anything more that horse sh.it.

I apologize to Father K for my language. He knows how I feel.

2007-03-08 11:26:27 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

No, we know the truth, its gay people who are brainwashed by society telling them they're "normal" and we are the ones who are wrong. The Bible is never wrong, folks.

2007-03-08 11:59:53 · answer #8 · answered by the pink baker 6 · 0 1

I am straight, but am not brainwashed concerning the gay community.
Am going to cut and paste an answer for you to another question I answered.
The question was, "How do Atheists and Agnostics view homosexuals ?"
Please patiently read. Thank You.

*"I do not have anything against homosexuals, lesbians, bi-sexuals or straight people, and neither should anyone in the Philosophy of Life, which I practice.
All relationships, of any kind, which are based on loving-kindness, patience {which can be cultivated = patience is the ability to remain internally calm and undisturbed in the face of harm and difficulties in life), compassion, logical reasoning, acceptance
and wisdom can be wholesome to both partners in any type of relationship. Many of my friends are gay and lesbians, as well as bi-sexual. I find the gay community to be very intellectual, and open-minded. My wife and children are very accepting as well, not negatively criticizing, or judging, as our philosophy of life teaches us. Actually to be honest we were already this way, before we became students of Buddhism, but this philosophy fits our way of thinking very well, and has provided us with the balance in life that we wanted, bringing us peace of mind, and happiness.
Sorry, "not" attempting to convert anyone, that is not my way. I am just friendly, extraverted, and an optimistic individual.

Many people experience anger and hatred toward the homosexual community because they have not yet transformed their minds. The bible says to Transform one's mind {Rom. 12:2) by thinking on these things {paul said - Phil 4:7-8), and I believe as people do this, as a result - they will not negatively criticize, judge or condemn others {Jesus said not to judge others, but to take the log out of our eye=[lives] to see clearly enough to help {if they ask for help) take the tiny speck out of another's eye. Humility keeps one from judging others and keeps us from becoming self-righteous, but humility can only take place as we transform our minds, in order to Love all people unconditionally with Loving-kindess, Patience and compassion.

The bible provides its methods of transforming one's mind, for those who use mental and spiritual discipline, and the Dhammapada, & The Eightfold Path {for the Buddhists) has its very effective methods for Transforming one's Mind.

Patience {the ability to remain internally calm, peaceful and undisturbed in the face of harm and difficulties in life) is the antidote to Anger, and Loving-kindness is the antidote to Hatred.

Lastly {and Thanks for Patiently reading all of this), as one Respects the Free Will of others, they will live with a guilt-free conscience and will be one step closer to acquiring a truly stable peace of mind, and Happiness.*"

This was my answer to someone earlier today. It is very unfortunate that people are critical, judgmental and condemning toward others who do not think the same as they do. That attitude is a very narrow-minded or as some often call it, a very "small" minded way of thinking, and definately is not the mindset of a Transformed mind.

**Thanks for Your Excellent Question.**

2007-03-08 11:40:15 · answer #9 · answered by Thomas 6 · 0 0

Anyone who believes ANYthing in the bible is surely brainwashed!

2007-03-08 11:26:05 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 6 2

Yes. In ancient rome and greece it was common for males to have many lovers wether they be male or female. There is evidence that even Alexander the Great was gay. Being bi-sexual was accepted for hundred of years. Then the bible made it big and overnight many things became taboo.

2007-03-08 11:28:12 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

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