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2007-03-08 11:08:28 · 6 answers · asked by fallenangelhunter 2 in Pets Dogs

6 answers

The main reasons a dog will eat feces:
1.)They're bored... Give them something to do other than sniff around all day and they should stop.
2.) They're missing something in their diet. Usually it's protein and the eat their own poop to make up for the lack of.
3.) They don't know it's gross. Yea... dogs missed that memo.
Lol, I hope that helped some. But definetely call your vet if your dog is coprophagic (a stool eater). There are a lot of products ou can put on their food to make them not want to eat their stools, but if there is a problem your vet needs to know about it.

Oh, and I definetely agree with BabyGirl up there about Drs Foster & Smith. These two vets didn't like the quality of the pet supplies on the market. So they got together and made their own company. Their products are great and anything you get from them is worth the money. http://www.drsfostersmith.com/

2007-03-08 11:25:17 · answer #1 · answered by luvn_bois_is_sin 2 · 0 1

The crap smells good to them. Especially if the food it gets has a lot of corn or fillers. What ever isn't needed by it's body is excreted in it's crap and still smells like the food. corn and fillers aren't ever needed, so it's always excreted. I don't buy the story that they eat their feces b/c they lack certain vitamins and minerals. Yeah, they know when they are hungry or have to pee, but how the hell do they know their nutritional needs? As evolved as WE are, we hardly know what we need! My dog gets plenty of walks, training, challenges and attention. She's not bored and she still does it. My dog gets a very high quality premium food and she still does it. The yard is cleaned up immediately and she still does it. Sometimes there is no rhyme or reason for it. If you want to make it stop, here's some things to try. Add 1-2 tbsp crushed pineapple or pumpkin to it's food, or moisten the dog's food and add meat tenderizer or the products- deter, for-bid, or dis-taste. I've tried the pineapple, it slowed it down at first but now it doesn't faze her. I recommend trying one of the products if you're not into wasting any time.

2007-03-08 23:15:13 · answer #2 · answered by Shellie 4 · 0 0

This is a condition called Coprophagia and lemme tell you...your dog has a dirty little secret...

Here is background on the condition known as coprophagia, and what you can do to discourage doggie-do-eaters from this somewhat common, natural behavior that strikes humans as a disgusting pastime.

Background and principles:
* Coprophagia is a condition that compels dogs to consume feces.
* Why does the dog engage in this habit? A dog may ingest fecal matter for various reasons:
*He may be hungry and has no access to real food.
*You may be feeding a food lacking in sufficient nutrients and/or not appropriate for your particular dog.

When a dog is fed low-quality and/or inappropriate dog food, he feels compelled to eat more of it in an attempt to satisfy his body's craving for nutrients. As a result, the dog is ingesting excess food, and a large proportion of the food goes through his digestive system undigested. The resulting stools smell and look fairly close to the food that the dog previously consumed, so the dog tries to consume the 'food' again. This is not just a vulgar habit; it is a cry for health. The dog needs a better diet that will enable him to absorb the nutrients his body needs. When dogs consume feces from other animals, they may be seeking minerals lacking in their regular dog food. The dog may be consuming feces out of boredom, loneliness, anxiety or stress. A dog who is confined to a kennel, chained, or restricted to a small yard or other space may eat his feces to occupy himself or clean his personal space. This dog needs to be exercised and played with several times a day. Some breeds instinctively like to carry things in their mouths. Picking up feces and carrying it around may signal that the dog needs more daily exercise, mental stimulation and interaction with his people. A yard or kennel where stools are allowed to pile up may prompt a dog to 'clean up' his stools. Be sure to clean the dog's area every day, and preferably right after the dog eliminates. The emotional stress of being left alone or restricted to a small area for long periods of time without the companionship of the caregiver can result, for some dogs, in the eating of his own feces. Internal parasites may lead a dog to consume feces, because the parasites can leach nutrients from the host animal's system. Thus, the dog will feel unusually hungry. If a dog is punished for defecating in the house, she may eat her feces in order to hide the evidence and avoid punishment. Typically, when a dog defecates indoors, it is because she feels unable to hold it. It is a myth that dogs poop indoors for spite; spite is a human, not a canine, emotion. More responsive management and training by the owner is the solution, not punishment. Also realize that elimination in the house can be a sign of a health or medical problem, from parasites to a serious condition.

* Sometimes a mother dog will eat the feces of her pups out of a natural instinct to hide evidence of her offspring from predators.
* It is common for many puppies to taste and try to eat feces. Some researchers even suggest that some components of feces actually can stimulate the brain and immune function in young animals. However, that possible benefit is far outweighed by the health risks of ingesting excrement. Prevention is the wisest practice. Don't let the pups indulge, and they won't develop a taste for excrement ... and won't develop this habit.
* Prevention is better than treatment in mature dogs as well, since coprophagia is usually self-rewarding, meaning that the act of ingesting the feces is satisfying to the dog so he is likely to repeat the undesired behavior.

There is a chewable pill over the counter at the pet store you can get by a brand called 8-in-one for Coprophagia to try and stop it. If this doesn't work, try talking with your vet on getting on a diet that insures your dog is getting the right amount of vitamins and nutrients in their food. I posted a link with a pic of it below. Hope I was able to help! :)

2007-03-08 19:37:37 · answer #3 · answered by Jessica♥sRRidgebacks 3 · 0 1

well it's not only nasty, but he/she could catch things from eating other dog's poop. is the dog being fed a hi quality food and the right amount for its size/age/activity level ? sometime theyll look elsewhere for nutrition if their food isnt doing the job. i know of a pet supply that sells this stuff called dis-taste and it makes the poop taste nasty to the dog so it helps with stopping the eating of it. search up dr. foster & smith and thye carry it, also you could ask your vet if you have one about how to stop it too.

2007-03-08 19:20:24 · answer #4 · answered by *KySeN && gAvInS mOmMy* 3 · 1 0

I have heard this is due to boredom in dogs (?) but is natural in cats... go figure... anyway, it is disgusting, and dangerous. Heart worms and practically any other disease can be transmitted in this manner.

2007-03-08 19:23:42 · answer #5 · answered by Blitzpup 5 · 0 1

well my puppy did when he was about 2months old but he stopped and now its cat poop he likes so i dont know
try feeding him more dog food.

2007-03-08 19:21:00 · answer #6 · answered by redhotgermangrl 3 · 0 0

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