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i KNOW i have posted more questions with the same problem in the past, but its been getting worse everyday...im now suicidal, bulimic, im tired of having problems EVERY day and im just tired of holding on to something that doesn´t exist )= im really tired of everything and i think i need help )= please,what can i do, i´ve even tried killing myself, i cut myself too...please help...please )'=

2007-03-08 11:06:39 · 20 answers · asked by guille 1 in Health Mental Health

i forgot, already went to the doctor, it actually made it worse...i know it sounds wack...but it did

2007-03-08 11:13:33 · update #1

20 answers

I don't know what is upsetting you so much, but if you are like me you are looking at what you don't have but you disire. When really you should be looking the other way around be thankful and enjoy that you have things, I don't know what you have but at least you have axcess to a computer, and computer with internet, enjoy the fact that so many people on here are trying to help, look at life as a roller coaster, you maybe really far down right now, but that is just a sign of how far up you can go in the future, be optimistic, this is going to get better, it may not be tommorow, it may not be next week but things will get better. I am sorry to say this but, its not easy for other people to help you, you are going to have to want to help your self, take all of your negative feelings and make them into something positive, If you dislike the rain, say at least the flowers will bloom, set little goals for your self everday and accomplish them to give you a feeling of success, I just want you to know that you are special, I don't know what you will do for me today, or what you will do for me tommorow, but now our roads have crossed just through the medium of internet, I may not have helped you, but your helping me, and I thank you so much. One other thing that I have to say that has helped me, I found it on a zen card, " Each day, accept everything that comes to you as a gift. At night, mentally give it all back. In this way, you become FREE. No one can ever take anything from you, for nothing is yours that they can take." This little saying has helped me alot, I hope that it can help you. Be strong, and keep looking for the silver lining that is coming your way.

2007-03-16 06:51:35 · answer #1 · answered by keyleeshay 2 · 0 0

Hi.I'm really sorry that yur having such a hard time.I can't say that I know exactly how u feel.Cuz,nobody knows that but u.I can say that I've suffered fr/the things u've mentioned.&,it's easey 4 me or anybody else 2 sit here & give u advice.Or,tell u 2 get help.But,what most people don't understand is how hard it is 2 talk 2 people when u have a problem.Or,2 find help.If u don't have the insurance 2 get the proper help,&,u want 2 get admitted somewhere 2 get better or 4 yur own safety...the best thing 4 u 2 do is go in 2 the ER.They have 2 put u in somewhere.&,they can't make u sit there & talk.U know all the BS that happens if u call a hot line or help line.Sounds like 2 me that u may nd 2 get put on some meds 2 help u.It works 4 some,not all.As far as the cutting goes...I found out myself that no amount of councelers or meds in the world culd help me w/that.I had 2 figure it out on my own.Learn other ways of managing my anger.I'll b honest w/u.When I 1st quit it.I started out by doing something less severe.Hitting walls when I felt like cutting.&,then I just gradually took it down step by step.&,haven't did it 4 a long time.I really encourage u 2 get some help b4 it's 2 late.I hope u get 2 feeling better soon!*

2007-03-16 17:43:58 · answer #2 · answered by Joyful 3 · 0 0

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Dear Guilly.

I don’t have the answer to your problem; in fact I don’t know what you can do. Although, I have something and it is my own undesirable experience.
I was a little 3 years old boy, when my mother took off with some one else, and since then never saw her face again. My dad stood with us, we were 5, my little sister was only 3 months, and my older brother was only 8 years old. Well, there wasn’t a day when it came to mind self suicide. Yes, that because of my dad`s brutal castigation. I remember some days when I was a well of blood, due to the savage punishment of that, who is my father until he dies. Any way, I can understand the pain you might be going through, and I want you to be strong, you can make it through whatever you are confronting. Worry not for tomorrow, because tomorrow is another day, and we don’t know what it will bring.
At age 15 my dad kick me out of the house, so I went 2 years with no place to stay, sometimes, I remember I even eat garbage from the trash cans, and sleep wherever the night fall on me. At age 17, a Good Samaritan came a lone the way and give me his hand. And it seems like if God have sent some one to rescue me from the must horrible way of living.
Friend, now I am a Teacher, yes I study and study real hard, with my own determination, there wasn’t a day I didn’t whished to kill that father who lay such pain to my life; but my will to survive, to be some one in life, to earn freedom of mind, to be a man and let behind my old life, led me to what I am now. I can say, I am a very happy marry man. I survive, if I did you can, believe me. Life is so beautiful; you only need to now you can, because I did.

Ps. sorry for any misspelling, I just wanted you to see it as I went through.
God bless.

2007-03-08 19:52:27 · answer #3 · answered by FlowMaster 3 · 1 0

Look at your question and count how many times you used the word 'I' or 'I'm'. You should try thinking about others rather than yourself. There is way to much attention on your needs, your wants, your issues. Have you thought about how your family or friends feel? What about people in your community? Instead of spending time diving into self despair and self hate, use that energy to volunteer, write a book about your life, take a run in a park or anything else positive. Having goals and helping others gives you a sense of belonging and purpose. You should try to focus on things that are good and right in your life. Trust me, you could have it a lot worse. If you are this aware of your problems, I think it may just be psychological rather than a chemical imbalance.

2007-03-16 11:38:11 · answer #4 · answered by S W 2 · 0 0

I think you need to find another doctor if the one you saw made it worse. This is not the place to get advice for something this serious.

Maybe you can try to get into some kind of church group, prayer meeting or something spiritual. I always find God and the Bible to be a positive and uplifting thing.

Whatever your problem is - suicide is not the solution. Not only because it isn't a good thing for you but it is really tough on those who love you. That is not fair to them - even if you feel angry or upset with everyone you know - you will be leaving them with a terrible legacy.

2007-03-08 19:25:02 · answer #5 · answered by painterswife 2 · 0 0

If that doctor didn't work, then you should go to another, and don't wait. Call the suicide helpline, they will listen. If your suffering from depression, medication can help and you should try it and stay on it. Some medication can increase symptoms, so if you start to feel an increase let your doctor know right away, they can stop that med and start another. If you feel that your going to try to hurt yourself, call the police let them know that, and let them get you to a crisis center. Above all take action to help yourself. These thoughts are very hard to live with, I know because I've felt them myself before. There is help, and there is hope. Don't give up.

2007-03-14 21:51:22 · answer #6 · answered by Kellie 5 · 0 0

I'm sorry that you are having such a tough time. What really concerns me is that you said that you are suicidal. The eating disorder as well as your depression need to be addressed right away! Please do either call 911 or have someone drive you to the ER crisis center due to your suicidal feelings! It's crucial that you get yourself some help and you must want help and to feel better to have (thankfully) posted here. After you get stabilized, perhaps the medical center can get you transferred to a program for those with eating disorders.

Thank you for reaching out for help and please do take good care of yourself. Just be really honest with medical staff about attempting to kill yourself and your self-harm/cutting behavior. I take the antidepressant Prozac, prescribed by a psychiatrist, for anxiety, depression and ocd, and go to therapy. It can and Will get better! And there are various drs and therapists that one can go to if the two of you don't quite click. Please do get help immediately!

2007-03-08 19:12:15 · answer #7 · answered by jannsody 7 · 0 0

I been there, but not as bad though. Don't see a medical doctor, they will just try to dope you up to make it go away. See a psycologist that will try and find the real reasons why you are depressed. Good luck and hang on in there, remember, killing yourself is the ONLY way to guarantee that things won't get better, and NOBODY want's you to be no more. There is always somone who cares about you.

2007-03-09 22:11:09 · answer #8 · answered by Wocka wocka 6 · 0 0

Start two simple things and I PROMISE you it will make the difference.

Tomorrow, get up and eat some healthy food. DUMP THE SUGAR!!! NOW!!! And every day, go out for a walk. Do this at least twice a day. So, eat well (you know how to do it), dump the SUGAR (I bet you are eating a lot of it, huh?) and get out and go for a brisk walk. The walk itself will give you bette results than any antidepression drug will. Good luck, God bless. Remember, He loves you!

2007-03-13 23:35:03 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

although meds and psycho therapy will help, you need to have good friends who you trust helping you every step of the way. keep yourself talking, and have someone to hold you accountable. remember this always. you are responsible for your own actions and reactions. something may get you depressed, but what you do with that depression is up to you. does cutting yourself, and vomiting really make you feel empowered? go to a church. talk to the pastor, or one of the elders. even if you don't believe in God and the things they preach, they do have good advice, and they do have help programs, usually that they will put you into for free. as far as i know, they don't usually prescribe medications, but they do help. i know what you're going through. trust me.

2007-03-08 19:21:53 · answer #10 · answered by sf1medusa 1 · 0 0

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