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of racism? I have not heard of anyone complaining when a white person is arrested by a black officer.

2007-03-08 10:55:17 · 107 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Law Enforcement & Police

107 answers

There was never any reason to see it as racism. No witnesses, not even a complaint of racism from the victim. But surprise, surprise - the video was provided by a black male with convictions for racism.

Surely it is time for people making false claims about racism to be prosecuted under the same law.

The real danger here though is the media who all reported it as a racist attack with not a shred of evidence other than the colour of her skin. The rabid, unethical and very unprofessional reporting could have sparked violence on the street as it has in the past.

Therefore I firmly believe that the reporting of this event and perhaps some of those involved in putting it into the spotlight are actually the racists here.

2007-03-08 19:47:59 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 4

Not having a TV I do not know what has started this thread, however it seems to me that as the percentage of the population that commits crimes and is from African origin is greater than the white European part then there will be a greater likely hood of a person of African origin being picked up. In the past before the mass immigration into the UK of Africans from the Caribbean the profiling was different and other groups were targeted but because they were not black there was no complaint. The race relations act is what has caused the problem not the individual rights that have been increased by the human rights acts. I would love to hear from a Black police officer on this forum about this question and the reaction of the white population to him.

2007-03-08 18:01:59 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

In the words of Marcus Garvey - "Until the colour of a Man's skin is of no more significance than the colour of his eyes". That’s how long we will have one race defiling another. Everybody needs someone to look down on, All the World leaders know this and use it to their advantage (Remember Hitler and the Jews?).
Racism, Sectarianism, Sexism or any other "ism" you can name are there to keep the public focused away from the real issues of the world. Whilst we are busy fighting each other we are not looking at what’s going on at the top. Unfortunately, it is now so ingrained in our culture that this generation will never see the removal of "ism's" but I hope the next one will.

The fact is that PC has taken over and now the people with the least rites are the white, smoking, drinking, working Male.

2007-03-09 00:48:45 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Round up the usual suspects, etc. What puzzles me more than anything else, is why we tolerate a Black Police Offiers Union? What would people think if suddenly there was a White Police Officers Union? They would probably be branded at best as supporters of the BNP.

The race card is used far too often. It amounts to very much the same thing as Jews using the antisemetism card. This by the way is already being used in sections of the Jewish press in relation to the Honours for Cash question and Lord Levy's possible implication in it.

I'm not holding any cards and bear no animosity towards any other member of the human race.

Take the issue of gun crime. The media seem to point always towards the Black Community, whatever that is. Gun crime exists in every community. In the last twelve months there have been a total of three [3] actual shootings. Why are we therefore all being lead around by the nose as it were, into believing that if we go out on the streets, we will all be shot dead?

I saw the CCTV video clip on BBC and ITV TV News of a woman being arrested on the back steps to a night club. I saw an officer [apparently] hit the woman several times. He has now been suspended from duty while inquiries are made. Saw the woman on TV in a later part of the news, also her father, who told us that his daughter suffers from epilepsy and that she was having a fit at the time of her arrest. All of this and more now has to come into court, that is if there's a case.

2007-03-08 18:52:43 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

I can't see what all the fuss is about, all I saw was police officers restraining a struggling suspect which is what I pay taxes for. Whether the suspect is black or female has go nothing to do with it.
As already pointed out it's called using the 'Race Card'.
As most people know used quite a lot to get around the UK legal system.
The 'Race card' is used as a get out of jail free pass and claim compensation afterwards.
If she wasn't black it would be the 'She's a female card' then claim sexual harassment and claim compensation afterwards.

'Toni Comer, 20, was arrested outside a Sheffield nightclub for vandalising a car when she was thrown out.

Police had been called when Ms Comer vandalised a car after being thrown out of the club. Two other officers and a security guard arrived. As the first officer attempted to put handcuffs on Ms Comer, he hit her five times with his fist. It is unclear what part of her body was struck.

Ms Comer, who appeared to be thrashing around, was eventually handcuffed and dragged away with her trousers down, as a police dog was brought to the scene.

She pleaded guilty to criminal damage and was given a conditional discharge and ordered to pay £250 compensation.

She admitted being drunk at the time of the arrest, about which she had no memory. She is epileptic and believes her movements may have been caused by a fit. It was only after viewing the film that she began considering civil action.'

2007-03-08 21:32:53 · answer #5 · answered by downunder 2 · 3 0

What are you saying you have been present at all the arrests? if not how can you make that kind of comment? Maybe they were a bit rough! Not all coppers are the same and neither are all black people!
There will always be someone like you winding people up therefore we dont stand a chance of eradicating racism. What do you say to that?

What about the white people in South Africa? the way they treated the black people in their own native country? No you dont seem to give a s*** about that or is that ok in your eyes because the perpitrators are white?
What about when the British went round taking over countries that did not belong to them? - So perhaps you should be putting the blame on your forefathers! as they say "karmic retribution"
So tell me who started it all????

2007-03-09 00:38:00 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Thw word racist is pathetic and dangerous it is used as an excuse for everything. It gives one section of society an advantage over the other in everything form healthcare to housing. All anyone coloured has to do is say somethings racist and they get their way. If a white person says they have been racially discriminted against they say it is racist to say so.
Lastly ther is no such thing as an ethnic minority in this country any more the numbers are almost equal.
No I am not a racist but I am sick of unfair advantages being offerd because of one six letter word!
IF somebody calls me a racist I don't take it as an insult I just consider them a complete idiot. All this compensation and unfair advantage is a bubble that will burst one day.
Anyone under attack has the right to defend themselves no matter what colour the attacker is whether they are a police officer or not!

2007-03-09 00:32:59 · answer #7 · answered by deep 1 · 1 0

I am sure that you are saying this in response to the fact that an officer repeatedly thumped a woman as she was being restrained on the floor whilst , alledgedly, having an epileptic fit. This being the case if you actually watch the news and have seen the interview with this girl's father he actually said that he didnt see this as a race issue.

As a black person I am more disgusted by the fact that a man in authority thought that he was justified in repeatedly thumping a woman who is already being restrained and is distressed. Colour doesnt come into it.

It's usually the media who jump on the race band wagon in order to hype up the story and reinforce commonly held stereotypes.

You may have not heard a white person complaining when arrested by a black officer but i bet you, and many of others, have heard white people who are restrained by black people in authority call that black person a number of racist comments.

It's a fact that black people have, and continue you to be, targetted by the police, teachers and others in authority... and are targetted just because of the colour of their skin.

The reason why you get accusations is because racism is still rife in the UK and racists are narrow-minded and think that they can get away with this just because they are the ones in authority.

If people held their handbags tighter everytime you walked past them, called you racist names, police stop and search you in the street because of your colour and teachers tell you that you will amount to nothing... then I think you would also be wary of white people in authority.

2007-03-08 21:27:11 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I am not a racist and have friends from all sections of society - gay, black, Asian whatever label people want to put on them. They are all individuals and should be treated as such, there are just as many idiot coloureds as idiot whites.
However I have to admit in my experience as door staff and later as a Police officer if you have dealings with a coloured person that they do not like in a high number of cases they will pull the race card. It is a safe way of getting people to back off and doubt themselves and not proceed with what should be happening. The officer or door man etc is scared stiff of being tarnished as a racist because it will always stick.
Racism happens it is a fact and the people that cry wolf and play the card cause trouble, doubt and hurt for the true victims.
In my opinion people who play this card to help them get off when they are in the wrong are quite simply bullies and racist themselves using the colour of their skin as a weapon against others.

2007-03-08 22:33:25 · answer #9 · answered by Zaksta 4 · 2 0

We are meant to live in a free country to be able to speak our minds but we get condemned for it if we speak out against so called ethnic minorities!

I am not a racist and I know some nice law abiding hard working black and Asian people but it is statistically proved that black people commit more crime

It isn't racist that there is more black people in our prisons it is because they are committing more crime! simple!

Look at the recent Gun Crimes in the South East all in predominately Black areas! Why? I'm sorry but it is true that black people will be pulled over more by police because they are black a sad affair for those who aren't criminal but that is the case!

Look at what happened when the bombs went off in London Loads of Muslims were taken aside and had their bags checked on a daily basis that wasn't racist or anything it had to be done because it was Muslim people who were targeting us and most of those people that were taken aside understood why and didn't make complaints!

If those people can except it as how it has to be because of safety to others and crime in general why can't black people to be honest I think Muslim people had it rough then with all the fear and looks that they must have seen from White people but they understood and kept calm never once cried about it and started to use that as an excuse for criminal activities!

2007-03-08 22:09:48 · answer #10 · answered by Peachy Girl 4 · 2 0

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