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Since this seems to be the Forum for Christian bashing....especially today, Then why do you come to the Y?A in the first place...does placing blame on Christians for anything from stubbed toes to nuclear devastation really create justifications to your beliefs ( or lack thereof)?

2007-03-08 10:39:29 · 40 answers · asked by EvelynMine 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

OK..so I've read all 42 answers up to this point in time....most have responded angrily at my "?". So, I will agree that my "?" seemed defensive...I'm not above saying I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions but there are some who DO come here to hack away at
Christians. These are the ones that are remembered most often....so I am guilty as charged. This said, however, I will give each of you this much...we can agree to disagree. I am a Christian, I do believe in Father, Son and Holy Ghost. I am not afraid to say this just as many of you are not afraid to say where you stand. I can not and will not try to change anyones heart and/or mind....I'm not gonna "bash" in this response...I will, however, reflect on the answers with God in my own personal relationship with Him. So, I can not and will not play God with your minds and hearts. That's not my job... I was very curious and I certainly had my curiosity answered form each of your prospectives.

2007-03-08 11:28:30 · update #1

40 answers

No you are not blameless, per se, as while you may have ruled out the existence of a God who would judge how you have lived your life, there is still Society as a whole to consider and it's a mean bugger. Guilt and therefore blame, is part of human programming, whether it was inspired by God, or your mother when she yelled at you for the first time for not calling her more often.

2007-03-08 10:45:32 · answer #1 · answered by teacupn 6 · 1 0

Being Atheist (or anything else) does not deem anyone "blameless". This is a forum for bashing of all kinds. Stick around a while and you'll see. There are many reasons Atheists post in R&S (that question as also been asked over and over again). Best course of action is to simply ignore what you find offensive, as it's not likely to change.

2007-03-08 10:56:30 · answer #2 · answered by MyPreshus 7 · 1 0

You see the Christians just as the Muslims have it for each other ever back to the crusades , this two religions want to be right at all cost and it doesn't mater how many lives are taken from each side because vengeance is there to justified the expense , so what do you want from us atheists to say , do we have to say any more , it seems you the Christians have a chip on your shoulders isn't a secret believe that we are some what right ???

2007-03-08 10:49:27 · answer #3 · answered by young old man 4 · 0 1

No one is to be blamed for what is happening in the world. Just as if anyone who is without sin shall cast the first stone. Believers and unbelievers are to share for what is here that we see in the world of chaos and uncertainties because it seems that none of us given each other any sign of respect for what we are as individual and what we are human beings. Both side think less of one another instead regarding each other as a part of the puzzle of life. The world can only be made perfect by having each imperfect ones look for the right slot to be where he can be a part of a perfect puzzle of the world. Atheist have forgotten that their existence is to open up the blind faith of humans to what is real and what is illusion and the religions have forgotten theirs is to share to the world that humans becomes him because of the spirit that makes him more than just a mere creature that lives in order to die. We allseem to have forgotten that even the tiniest particles that can be seen beyond the naked eyes has a purpose that continue to share in the lives and continuing cycle of creation.

2007-03-08 10:57:48 · answer #4 · answered by Rallie Florencio C 7 · 1 0

The only justification we need for our beliefs is the lack of evidence you have for yours.
We come to the religion and spirituality section because we're interested in religion and/or spirituality. That's probably the same reason you're here, yes?
We don't blame Christians for stubbed toes.
Do you think Jesus would respond to 'Christian bashing' by insulting atheists?

2007-03-08 10:43:26 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I'm sorry. Uhhh... Let me try english so you can understand...

Christian bashing is always happening here, and it ought to continue until you christians realize that you do cause a lot of bad things to happen and if the concept of pleasing this "god" is so important to you then you're an idiot. Idiots take up 99% of the planet I'm going to bet. That 1% or more or less people that are aetheist understand that nothing outside our dimensions (1,2,3,4) can affect us. We realize that religion is a way to make you believe ridiculous things! That way you are controlled and you hand over money and power to these fakes like priests who are just ordinary people!

2007-03-08 10:49:20 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Oh, please.

We come to Y!A R&S because we have the correct answers to so many of the questions asked here, and because virtually all of the Christians - and some of the Muslims - who come here do so for no apparent reason other than to bash and lie about atheists.

I strongly doubt that any atheist here (or anywhere else, for that matter) ever claimed that his or her beliefs were justified by "placing the blame on Christians". Our beliefs are justified by the evidence. It is the Christians who don't seem to have anything to support their beliefs and resort to constant attacks instead.

The only reason it seems otherwise to you is because as a Christian you're used to getting a free ride. This is what it looks like to be treated fairly. If I came here making ridiculous claims about the existence of "gods" and the like, I'd expect to be ridiculed as well, and if my co-believers acted the way that right-wing Christians act, I'd expect to be blamed too - and rightfully so.

I expect to be held responsible for my actions - that's part of being an atheist. That's why I work to act like an adult, and make the effort to know what I'm talking about, and to believe things that are true rather than just things that I wish were true.
I appreciate that you came back and replied to your responses without being overly defensive and without attacking those of us who disagree with you. In doing so, you showed some character, and I certainly want to encourage that.

Do you see why your original question evoked these responses? Or if not, can you take a look at the context that makes Christians' complaints seem simply "whiny"?

(Later:) On re-reading your additional comments, I think I should congratulate you. You did a good job here, showing some real maturity. Nicely done. I hope to see other Christians behave as well as you just did - R&S would be a better place for it.

2007-03-08 10:41:45 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 11 3

There's no excuse for snooty atheists to act like that. But remember that atheists and agnostics have put up w religious fanaticism and even religious persecution throughout the years.

Atheists and Christians can both be stubborn elitist twats.

2007-03-08 10:42:28 · answer #8 · answered by acrobatic 3 · 1 0

No, not blameless, responsible for every action and for the stupidity of repeating the mistakes of the past. We are trying to evolve here, and expand out into the solar system and the universe. Some would rather blow each other up, because their god is badder that your god and vice-versa.

How's that for me blowing off some steam?

2007-03-08 10:45:29 · answer #9 · answered by Devil in Details 3 · 1 1

I think they come here to express and to point out natural selection and so you can test this knowledge in your neighbor hood. go outside and look this person was born to a wealthy person, this person was born to an average person this person was born to a poor family. I say it's time for the Christians to realize money is more valuable than air, why with air you can breath with money you can fulfill your dreams. You can worship god and follow god but in this reality you need money to fulfill. The church does it not need money, we can pray and you can say god said I do not need a lot of money because I would spoil it, however god did not tell you that you lied because you want that money to free yourself of natural problems and show other look how good god was to me and you to can be wealthy with god, but you know its a lie

2007-03-08 11:00:24 · answer #10 · answered by man of ape 6 · 0 1

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