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I have questions for any experts on islam

When was islam founded?

Who was the founding prophet?

Who is the deity?

What's islam's origianal language?

What are some followers on islam?

Does islam have any holy books, cities, or days? (Besides Sabbath)

Does islam have any teachers? (Of practice)

What is islam's house of worship?

What is islam's population?

Does it have a specific location?

What's islam's "code of life?"

Does islam have any sub-groups?

I really want to know

2007-03-08 10:39:14 · 13 answers · asked by piguyfun 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

13 answers

Salaam(peace)! The thing with islam is we learn everyday to what we know not. And what we know is what we know. What we believe is what we believe. I am no expert, but I will answer to the best of my knowledge inshallah.

When was islam founded? It was formed by the prophet muhammad(pbuh) whom received his first revelation when he was 40. Sent by allah to HIS intecessor gabriel to the prophet muhammad(pbuh). It was around 570-621AD that the prophet existed in the physical. Islam was not founded, but was the last revelation for mankind. That all should submit as muslims in islamic monotheism. By reciting wiht their hearts that there is no GOD but GOD and muhammad(pbuh) is HIS messenger. The final prophet. The seal and mercy to all the worlds.

Who was the founding prophet? I explained that in number 1

Who is the diety? Allah. The lord GOD of israel(pbuh) by true definiton. Ilah which means GOD in arabic. There is no GOD but GOD and muhammad(pbuh) is HIS messenger.

What's islam's original language? Arabic. But in all due respect, the language is understanding.

What are some followers of islam? I do not know what you mean by this inquiry. You mean muslims. They are ones whom submit. For the religion of islam, it means one whom submits to the will of allah.

What is islam's house of worship? Anywhere. Your own heart. But your prayers must be directed towrds the kabba in Makka. But the masjid is where daily friday prayers are performed after speech.

What is islam's polulation? About 1/5 of the world and growing. Only about 10-15% are arabs

Does it have a specific location? In your heart. In your thought. In your dreams. In your piety. All in the hands of allah.

What is islam's code of life? To show respect. To follow the 5 pillars on which islam stands upon. To follow the quran. And believe in allah. To aknowledge that there is no GOD but GOD and muhammad(pbuh) is HIS messenger

Does islam have any sub groups? Of course. Just like any other religion does. But are not muslims. Like the nation of islam in america for example. The nation of gods and earths. Now within the true religion of islam, that is a subject better left alone.


2007-03-08 10:59:11 · answer #1 · answered by effectivecause 2 · 1 0

I am a non-muslim expert on the subject of Islam. Below I shall list a variety of websites for your research. As for your questions:

1. When was islam founded? Generally, the time of 650-680 ad is given. This is supposedly the time Muhammad came to power and started the religion.

2. Who was the founding prophet? Muhammad. According to Islamic scriptures, he lead twenty-six battles of war, which of course, fully meets the standard of "warlord", although Muslims dont like the term "warlord".

3. Who is the deity? Allah. Pre-Islamic pagan religions believed in many God's. The evidence shows that the arabic word "Allah" is dervided from the pagan Moon God version. (google it).

4. What's islam's origianal language? Interesting question. Im not sure theres a lot of evidence on this subject but I do know that the arabic of the Quran is supposed to be a very different arabic dialetic. Thus, no one can even say with any certainity how it should be translated. Maybe Allah wanted to confuse everyone.

5. What are some followers on islam? If you mean sects, heres are the main three, although there are many further sub-divisions: Sunni (majority), Shia (next largest, believe in ancestoral succession to Muhammad), and Sufi (mystical small minority, where the few poets or creative Muslims exist).

6. Does islam have any holy books, cities, or days? (Besides Sabbath) Quran and Sunnah (sayings of the prophet - includes Hadtiths). Muslims like to say that the Quran is primary, but its a dog-n-tail issue. The Sunnah (haddith) is where Muslims get all there specific daily living commandments, so its these scriptures which impact them most. Mecca is the holiest city, the one that Muslims pray to 5 times a day. Medina is 2nd holiest. Ramadan is their holiday.

7. Does islam have any teachers? (Of practice) Many names for Islamic teacher, but "Imam" is the most popular.

8. What is islam's house of worship? Mosque or Masjid.

9. What is islam's population? Estimates range from 1 billion to 1.6 billion. I have read most of the stuff online and still cant find anything definitative. Its hard to measure when you think about it.

10. Does it have a specific location? Yes and No. This question is critical. Islam is a national identitity. The same way a German feels German, a Muslim feels Muslim. Germany is the nation of a German, and Islam is the nation of a Muslim. Germany has a fixed place on the map, but Islam exists, as a nation, wherever Muslim live. The Quran instructs Muslims to "fight until all religion is only for Allah" (Surah 8).

11. What's islam's "code of life?" Submitt to Allah's will. Whats Allahs will? Its whatever the Imam's say, because the Quran says to "obey Allah, Muhammad, and your leaders". This is why Mutada al Sadr has so much power. Muslims are to do everything their religious leader say.

12. Does islam have any sub-groups? Yes, see question 5.

2007-03-08 10:50:30 · answer #2 · answered by PragmaticMan 1 · 3 2

When was islam founded? 7th cenury AD around 621AD

Who was the founding prophet?
Mohamed could not read or write and claimed a vision

Who is the deity?
Allah... which was formerly a moon god

What's islam's origianal language?

What are some followers of islam?
Mohammed Ali

Does islam have any holy books, cities, or days? (Besides Sabbath)
The Koran and also Torah Gospels Psalms
days would include Ramaddan and the Sabbath for them is Friday. Moahammed claimed Christians and Jews could just check their torah and gospels and see what he was saying was true but... there seem to be many significant differences which always caused Christians and Jews to doubt it... Moslems claim it is because he other books are corrupt but this makes MOhammeds claim impossible to test

Does islam have any teachers? (Of practice)

What is islam's house of worship?
mosque, there tends to be nothing like hymns/worship songs but a sort of chant call to worship

What is islam's population?
about 1 billion

Does it have a specific location?

What's islam's "code of life?"
submission and the 4 pillars
They do not believe God adopts the redeemed as His children and do not believe in Jesus dying on a cross or rising, interestingly Jesus called God father in all except one of His prayers

Does islam have any sub-groups?
sunni and shiite (also black muslims such as Farakahn... but they are more of a folk islam and add allot of stories)

2007-03-08 10:48:50 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Islam (Arabic: الإسلام; al-'islām (help·info)) is a monotheistic religion originating with the teachings of Muhammad, a 7th century Arab religious and political figure. It is the second-largest religion in the world today, with an estimated 1.4 billion adherents, spread across the globe, known as Muslims.[1] Linguistically, Islam means "submission", referring to the total surrender of one's self to God (Arabic: الله, Allāh), and a Muslim is "one who submits (to God)".[2]

Muslims believe that God revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad and that Muhammad is God's final prophet. The Qur'an and the traditions of Muhammad in the Sunnah are regarded as the fundamental sources of Islam.[3][4] Muslims do not regard Muhammad as the founder of a new religion but as the restorer of the original monotheistic faith of Adam, Ibrahim and other prophets whose messages had become corrupted over time (or according to some authorities only misinterpreted).[5][6][7] Like Judaism, Christianity, and the Bahá'í Faith, Islam is an Abrahamic religion.[8]

Today, Muslims may be found throughout the world, particularly in the Middle East and North, West and East Africa. Some of the most populous majority-Muslim countries are in South and Southeast Asia. Other concentrations are found in Central Asia. Only about 20 percent of Muslims originate from Arab countries.[9] Islam is the second largest religion after Christianity in many European countries, such as France, which has the largest Muslim population in Western Europe, and the United Kingdom.[

2007-03-08 10:42:46 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

I can give you one good fact about Islam. No one knows who the deity of Islam is. Muslims say the deity of Islam is Allah. Allah means God in Arabic. Most religions are centered around a god. There are many gods because of that. Muslims can't really explain to you who the God of Islam is. That's because there is nothing unique about the God of Islam. There is no real way to identify who the God of Islam is. What's really odd about Muslims is that they believe their religion is the only monotheistic religion known to mankind. Muslims think they are only people worshiping one God.

2007-03-08 15:25:18 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I'm not Muslim but here are your answers

1. 600 - 700 AD
2. Muhammad
3. Allah
4. Arabic
5. Muslims
6. Qu'ran, Hadiths
7. Imans
8. Mosque
9. 1.6 Billion
10. All over the world
11. Not sure on that one
12. Yes, Sufi, Bha'i and other sub groups

Did I pass being a non-Muslim?

2007-03-08 10:46:50 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

I'm not sure I know all your answers but I have a few muslim friends so here goes:
the population: Islam is one of the fasting spreding religions. Orgin of lanugage: arabic. Well Islam is belived to be going on scince frever that adam was a muslim. The house of worship is call a masjid. The followers are called Muslims. The lords name is Allah. Well I hope it helps =]

2007-03-08 10:44:16 · answer #7 · answered by DJJDB 3 · 1 2

Tried check on this link I provided.You will get some basic understanding in Islamic religion.

2007-03-08 17:30:39 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

The literal meaning of Islam is peace; surrender of one’s will i.e. losing oneself for the sake of God and surrendering one’s own pleasure for the pleasure of God. The message of Islam was revealed to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings on him) 1, 400 years ago. It was revealed through angel Gabriel (on whom be peace) and was thus preserved in the Holy Quran. The Holy Quran carries a Divine guarantee of safeguard from interpolation and it claims that it combines the best features of the earlier scriptures.

The prime message of Islam is the Unity of God, that the Creator of the world is One and He alone is worthy of worship and that Muhammad (peace and blessings on him) is His Messenger and Servant. The follower of this belief is thus a Muslim - a Muslim’s other beliefs are: God’s angels, previously revealed Books of God, all the prophets, from Adam to Jesus (peace be on them both), the Day of Judgement and indeed the Decree of God. A Muslim has five main duties to perform, namely; bearing witness to the Unity of God and Muhammad (peace and blessings on him) as His Messenger, observing the prescribed prayer, payment of Zakat, keeping the fasts of Ramadhan and performing the pilgrimage to Mecca.

Islam believes that each person is born pure. The Holy Quran tells us that God has given human beings a choice between good and evil and to seek God’s pleasure through faith, prayer and charity. Islam believes that God created mankind in His image and by imbuing the attributes of God on a human level mankind can attain His nearness. Islam’s main message is to worship God and to treat all God’s creation with kindness and compassion. Rights of parents in old age, orphans and the needy are clearly stated. Women’s rights were safeguarded 1,400 years ago when the rest of the world was in total darkness about emancipation. Islamic teachings encompass every imaginable situation and its rules and principles are truly universal and have stood the test of time.

In Islam virtue does not connote forsaking the bounties of nature that are lawful. On the contrary one is encouraged to lead a healthy, active life with the qualities of kindness, chastity, honesty, mercy, courage patience and politeness. In short, Islam has a perfect and complete code for the guidance of individuals and communities alike. As the entire message of Islam is derived from the Holy Quran and indeed the Sunnah and Hadith (the traditions and practices of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings on him) it is immutable in the face of change in time and place. It may appear rigid to the casual eye, in actual fact it is most certainly an adaptable way of life regardless of human changes.

Islam teaches that the path to spiritual development is open to all. Any individual who searches the One Creator can seek nearness to God through sincere and earnest worship; it is central to establishing a relationship with the Almighty. This positive message for humanity fills hearts with hope and courage.

At present there are 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide and they form the majority in more than 50 countries of the world. Today Islam is the fastest growing faith in the world - its beautiful message is reaching millions in the far corner of the earth.

2007-03-08 11:05:04 · answer #9 · answered by SOCCER GIRL! 5 · 2 1

You can try these links

2007-03-08 10:47:09 · answer #10 · answered by Ahmad 4 · 2 0

fedest.com, questions and answers