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This is like saying the earth is flat? You can say it all you like, doesn't make it true.... Evolution was proven decades ago.

How did our society get this way? Cmon, it is idiotic. What's next /.......Gravity.

2007-03-08 09:55:02 · 32 answers · asked by Tazmaniac 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

32 answers

sorry, you seem pretty angry already...
and it is not like I wanna get you angrier....
my ancestors were not ever apes...
here is something proven;
if a species evolves, then what it started as is gone forever... extinct.. I see apes, chimps...
so; it can not be that....
"evolution" unproven

whether it was Adam and Eve or other "PEOPLE" the key word being people....they may have had more hair than now... they may even have had flatter foreheads.... cavemen... not apes...
my ancestors may have even done more grunting than speaking... like a baby does... still... they were not, not, not apes...eh, sceince has shown they might be close in DNA.... they are mammals.... they are intelligent even...
they are not my relatives.....although I could and really wanna crack some jokes on it.... naw....lol
guess in your mind's eye I just said hey, flat world! and no such thing as gravity.... so.... float up in the air and fall off the face of the earth... it would happen before you prove something untrue like people were apes...
oh, oh... maybe next you will tell me cats were dogs? worms were mice? turn one species into another why stop at apes to humans?

it is not something I believe...

NICHOLAS H: My head is not in the sand...I do not hide from the truth.. I seek it out.....
I have read far more in my short little existence about this subject.... for the pure simple reason I like logical... science is logic... and yet.. in this instance, and many others... like Pluto being a planet.... science is wrong....
you should watch how you judge there... do not assume to lump everything together......

2007-03-08 10:08:31 · answer #1 · answered by elusive_001 5 · 3 1

Evolution was not proven decades ago, nor will it ever be proven: You still have to find the "missing link", and "if" you do find it then you still have to explain how it got that way using other fossils:

Then you have to prove that life could have started from amino acids using the young earth's atmosphere, which you have no idea what it was like. Then you have to repeat it since science is repeatable: Then comes the Big Bang: you have to explain how it happened since if you have evolution you can't deny the Big Bang: Then you have to explain where time, space and matter come into play:

Establish right from wrong, and we could not have evolved this because you would say that killing is wrong? Right?
That is the complete opposite of evolution, shouldn't we be killing off the weak in order to make the strong reproduce to a new species? So why don't we? How can we have morals when we are no more than highly sophisticate animals?

Then you have to explain, how the amino acids that "supposedly" became alive how they became bisexual. and male and female: Then you must prove to us that you can use the Geologic Column scientifically without circular reasoning:

Next we have to dixcuss how all of the elements formed? Fusion is not the answer and any scientist can see this:

Then how do the stars form? When are we actually going to see them form? We have never proved that they can form, now have we? No. All they see is a spot getting brighter? That could be anything:

And also as far as the Big Bang goes where did we get the matter to make it? Do you assume it was there? That's not science at all:

Did you know that what we think that atmosphere must have been like is highly toxic? Why do they ignore that part? Not to mention that it is virtually impossible for the amino acids to form life:

And that is just the beginning: There are many moe topics that need to be adressed: You have to prove the whole theory not just parts of it:

2007-03-08 11:36:58 · answer #2 · answered by Case for a Creator 1 · 1 0

No, evolution has NEVER been proven. Don't fall for that. All the fossil record and all other branches of science ever show us is that there was a worldwide Flood that buried a lot of animals several thousand years ago (NOT millions), and that the Earth and the universe are young and intelligently designed.
I used to be an atheist and an evolutionist for 20 years. I knew all the arguments, and I even used to go online just like you and tell Christians how stupid they were for believing what they did - but that was before I really listened to both sides. When I examined the over 5,000 facts that deny evolution and support a worldwide Flood and a young earth, I dropped evolution like a hot potato. I now plan to teach Creation Science at a local community college.
There is a BIG difference between evolution and all the other REAL sciences like physics, chemistry and biology - the latter can be proven empirically in the lab - evolution cannot. If you don't believe me, try this experiment:

Using the SCIENTIFIC METHOD ONLY, in the lab, demonstrate how a dog can either produce or come from a non-dog ("dog" here being defined as any member of the "canis" family). Your results must be repeatable and falsifiable.

Can't do it? THEN IT'S NOT SCIENCE - and stop trying to shove it down the public's throat.

2007-03-08 10:09:35 · answer #3 · answered by FUNdie 7 · 3 1

It is not a scientific controversy because creationists do not use the scientific method. They take random facts and leave out information or interpret it incorrectly and then act as though they know what they're talking about.

Their favorite random fact to misuse is the Second law of thermodynamics, they fail to remember that the Sun continues to put energy into the system of Earth and that the law states "in an isolated system"

If they want creationism taught in a class room, they should actually use the scientific method to test their ideas. The way evolution was.

To people who say "Evolution is just a theory" :

According to the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), a scientific theory is "a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that can incorporate facts, laws, inferences, and tested hypotheses." No amount of validation changes a theory into a law, which is a descriptive generalization about nature. So when scientists talk about the theory of evolution--or the atomic theory or the theory of relativity, for that matter--they are not expressing reservations about its truth.

The majority of creationists just don't read actual science books. They get all of their information from TV. If you actually read a science book then you'll see there is a lot more evidence than creation ever has had.

This shouldn't even be and issue, it's embarrassing.

Someone said

"How can you think creation is ridiculous? They find a jawbone and voila, the entire person is being formed out of that and with it the entire human history. Just because somebody with a degree states a certain hypothesis, doesn't make it so."

Evolution is by no means just a hypothesis, it has undergone over 100 years of research.

Another misconception is that we descended or came from monkeys or apes. The truth is that evolution says we come from a common ancestor, something ape-like, but not the gorillas and chimpanzees we see today. They went off to form their own evolutionary chain while we did ours.

If people want proof of a transitional species, then look go outside. Evolution doesn't have transitional species until a new species breaks off.

In general, most people who believe in some form of creationism and deny evolution don't understand it's theory, or even the term "theory" when it is used in scientific settings.

2007-03-08 10:01:48 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

Your details reveal your age to be very, very young. Do you always accept what public school feeds you at face value?

Forget the textbooks, math has to be the deciding factor. Mathematical probability, as given by Hoyle, states that the chances of life to spontaneously evolve out of a primordial soup is one in 10 to the 40,000 power. Now scientists agree that anything beyond one in 10 to the 50th power is consider an impossibility. So imagine adding 39,950 more zeros onto those odds!

You want to put those odds up against whether or not YOU are the idiot?

To produce this miracle of molecular construction all the cell need do is to string together the amino acids (which make up the polypeptide chain) in the correct order. This is a complicated biochemical process, a molecular assembly line, using instructions in the form of a nucleic acid tape (the so-called messenger RNA). Here we need only ask, how many possible proteins are there? If a particular amino acid sequence was selected by chance, how rare of an event would that be? This is an easy exercise in combinatorials. Suppose the chain is about two hundred amino acids long; this is, if anything, rather less than the average length of proteins of all types. Since we have just twenty possibilities at each place, the number of possibilities is twenty multiplied by itself some two hundred times. This is conveniently written 20 [to the] 200[power], that is a one followed by 260 zeros. This number is quite beyond our everyday comprehension.." Francis Crick, Life Itself, Its Origin and Nature 1981, pp 51-52

2007-03-08 10:05:38 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I am a Christian who believes in the Creator, the Genesis account of creation, and evolution. I just don't think the scientists have yet figured out the whole picture... but they are getting there!

Don't assume that science is always right. Read any science book from 10 years ago (when you claim evolution was proven) and you will see things that have been disproved since then. As we continue to learn, we will continue to understand.

I know there are some who think evolution is false. And that's OK too. I don't like to judge either way. It will all be proven in time!

Be blessed!

2007-03-08 10:01:41 · answer #6 · answered by Cool Dad 3 · 1 2

Im a Christian and I believe in evolution. Micro evolution that is. The sticking point with me is Macro evolution..I cant buy into the "theroy" that all this around us came about by pure chance. And that theroy has never been proven.
I do find it interesting that you will use a scientific fact in the preface to your rant. I feel its important that you too not forget that the scientists of that era had firm belief that the earth was flat...just as some of them..and a shrinking number of them at, that still adhere to the theory of macro evolution.

2007-03-08 10:03:12 · answer #7 · answered by Underdog 2 · 1 1

I believe in evolution but to say it's proven is not entirely true. It is indicated by scientific research But science is not proof in and of itself it is the processes used in the search for truth. The people that believed the earth was flat also included the scientist of that time.

2007-03-08 10:03:30 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I have never heard such a stupid arguement. How is this like saying the Earth is flat? Evolution wasn't proven. Check it out: the textbooks call it a THEORY. Also, there are many gaps in the theories, such as missing links, the fact that mutations have not been verified as being able to add genetic material (mutations are generally loses more than a switch in patterns), the one chromosome that did not fuse in the supposed ape-human ancestor (which would have made it incapable of reproduction).....

the list goes on. and gravity isn't something anyone can deny. so don't be stupid or sarcastic please...

2007-03-08 10:04:47 · answer #9 · answered by Hey, Ray 6 · 2 2

Our society is not idiotic even though I believe in evolution myself. Evolution is just a theory- that's why it's called the theory of evolution. NO hypothesis in science can ever be proven. Can you actually prove a species evolving? NO. We have a lot of evidence to support evolution, but it was never proven. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs.

2007-03-08 10:02:57 · answer #10 · answered by purple222 2 · 1 2

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