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Having just watched this programme it has blown the theory that man has caused the world to heat up completely. The sun, clouds, water vapour, sea, animals cause the majority of the CO2 content in the worlds atmosphere, not industry, cars etc as we have been continually told and environmentally taxed.
Do you believe that our goverment is using this swindle to raise extra taxes under the guise of looking after our environment?

2007-03-08 09:13:32 · 101 answers · asked by Web Foot 2 in Environment

101 answers

Yes, I do. The awesome cost of the armed forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, plus the spiralling cost of the DSS system (which has no budget and is now out of control) requires that the government raise new taxes somewhere.

Despite the money that would be raised, the roads would remain gridlocked and there would be no improvement whatsoever in either the rail or bus networks. Indeed, the bus networks would be tested to collapse, swamped by all those people who could no longer afford to travel distances by car and who would be forced to travel by bus.

But once a new tax is introduced, it will NEVER be repealed. The Congestion Charge in London - introduced at £5 a day - was very quickly increased by FORTY per cent to £8.

Exactly the same will happen to the Road Toll. Strangely, we are asked to believe that inflation is under 3%!!! Every increase on ANYTHING is always more than 3%. House prices have increased 200% in 10 years. The poll tax has rocketed. Petrol has gone up and up. Gas has gone through the roof. Interest rates have increased peoples mortgage payments dramatically - but inflation is still 3%.

No, the government is lying as usual. We all pretend that it's not, but it is. Global warming is just another opportunity to raise revenue.

2007-03-08 09:31:13 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 13 10

Well I missed the programme unfortunately I hope its repeated at some time for me to watch it,anyone know??
Anyway this is a topic that I have believed true for some time. I have seen several programme's on the global warming theory in the past and from memory I recall most of them stating there has been many shifts in the earths climate in the past.
Anyone heard of METHANE HYDRATE its a substance found on the seabed all over the world,it consits of the remains of dead sea creatures which have settled on the seabed decaying and slowly built up vast quantities of methane gas sealed in ice and if disturbed by earthquake or a change in ocean current,it relaeses the gas in huge amounts. Its this gas which is allegedly the cause of so many ship and aircraft disapearences in the Burmuda Triangle,as the ships float over the gas bubbles they loose bouyancy and sink and the aircraft ignite the gas as they fly through it because of the engine exhaust.Its only been discovered in the last 25 years or so and has been there for eons so what does the goverment think caused all the other climate changes in the past.
I firmly belive the goverment is lining its purse with these taxes. Why don't they limit the engine size for cars,why do people need a 3,4, 5 litre which do 19 or so miles to a gallon just to do the shopping or pick the kids up from school,surely a limit on engine capacity would be a big help. This goverment is not shy on telling us what to do you can't smoke a cigarette out in the open air now if your on council on NHS property and so on,so why don't they make people prove they have a need for a big engine (for work/buisness etc) and all others have a less of a gas guzzler and higher emisions. Why does it have to be a TAX!!

2007-03-08 13:03:51 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I cannot recall when I have been so "stunned" by the incredible ignorance shown in most of these copious answers. I won't tax (no pun intended) your minds further with valid, scientific proof. There are some good links on here, but a mind convinced against its will is of the same opinion still. My points will be in a rather different direction. The anti-global warming paranoia blames scientists, (bloody money hungry for research); "Leftist" politicians; conspiracy to swindle us out of money; cow gas, & oh--really over the top! Was it fast forwarding the melting icebergs? I suppose the photo of NO SNOW on Mt. Kilimanjaro was faked, too? & channel 4 is considered a credible source for the truth? You guys have to be on another planet. Ooops. No. That would be VERY bad fo the planet. Of course this planet has gone through climate changes! But not at the rate it is now. & actually, I thought it was the other way around--global warming is DENIED for love of the oil industries, (one of the reasons), & what was the primary motivation for INVADING Iraqi? I doubt anyone knows that contractors were hired BEFORE the invasion, to "rebuild" Iraq. What fools mortals be! AND. There are none so blind as those who WILL NOT see. Now you can have fun giving me 15 thumbs down, which doesn't mean a tiddly to me. Only confirms that 98% of people are brain dead newts.

2007-03-10 15:44:57 · answer #3 · answered by Valac Gypsy 6 · 0 0

I remember when I was a kid - we were told the the average global temperature had been going down steadily for 30 years and eminent scientists were warning us that we were heading for an ice age........(this was reported with glee by the media in the same way that global warming is being reported now)

As this program pointed out, that was during the biggest industrial boom the world has ever seen - since then we've had 30 years of rising temperatures. Personally I've always had my doubts about the whole "global warming" issue - but it was nice to have it confirmed.

However - I still feel that we should be using our resources wisely. Especially in the UK where we are a net energy importer. Additionally, fossil fuels are a finite resource, I would still like to be able to drive in 20 years time.

Another thing to look at is pollution - OK, even if CO2 isn't a problem - smog and acid rain are - so let's have efficient transport and recycle what we can anyway.

2007-03-08 13:15:26 · answer #4 · answered by viking_raider_2005 2 · 4 0

Good subject:
I'm reading the question and answering from overseas and so I did not see the C4 programme but there will always be those amongst the human race and disbelievers whichever side of the fence you sit on and it seems that the C4 programme really did just that in a big way.
It is, and has been for a long time, known that animals create waste which can damage the atmosphere but in turn some of their waste actually helps. So lets get some balance in here. The impact of the sun and the clouds (which are water vapour) is greatly increased because our planets own protection system has been damaged by polution, the majority of which is man made not 'animal'. Just a simple act of cutting a tree down to make wooden floors in your house impacts Global Warming. The tree is no longer there to filter CO2, the burning of the 'stump' sends polution out and the factory process used to make the floor boards requires energy to make them which in turn adds to the polution, then the truck to get the flooring to you makes polution, a vicious circle.
Its simple maths, geography, physics which tells us that if the earths protection is taken away then the sun will melt the ice caps, which in turn raises sea levels, which flood low counties and kills thousands, plus the sun heats up more water to turn to vapour (clouds etc) which drop the vapour on you and me in the form of rain which creates flooding.
So by protecting our planet we get to enjoy a better life and live longer. Take a look at www.climatecrisis.net and refer to 'An Inconvenient Truth', that will change your mind again.
As for taxes, well I dont live in the UK but pollution is caused by us all, if it takes some extra taxes to stop the deterioration then I think we should all do our bit.

2007-03-08 17:40:13 · answer #5 · answered by John B 4 · 4 1

It goes far deeper than that!! Without going down the whole 'conspiracy route' those scientists who support the 'CO2 theory' are there to throw confusion and conflict into the 'debate', to muddy the waters and prevent any clear presentation of the facts. This is done by finding 'scientists' who are willing to put the argument that suits the agenda and, although it may have no validity, it dilutes the clarity there would otherwise be. As with any 'scientific study, look who benefits from the results. WHO BENEFITS??

I agree with some other posters here that there are an awful lot of ignorant people out there please investigate these issues for yourselves, those morons who think this is a conspicicy I challenge you to investigate further, you WILL be shocked at what you find.

This is the problem with the modern age that we live in, so many distractions in life we never have time to see what is staring us in the face.

2007-03-09 10:02:47 · answer #6 · answered by char1ie_brown_74 2 · 1 0

No telly here, however I have not in all my years at sea noticed any real change to the global weather.

As most governments are bankrupt, ours in particular due to having to pay billions to Brussels, Brown needs to find the extra money to pay his inflated salary. So all you Greene's who would cover our country with these windmills, take a note of where these machines come from and than not which are the most vocal countries in the green debate, no prises fro noting that it is Germany and Sweden both of which are major producers of the machines that are now being installed roughshod over our countryside.

I wouldn't mind if the free energy that was produced was sold at a lower price, but green energy carries a premium another lie. What I am waiting for is a sudden lowering of overall global temperatures and of course the taxes that will be increased to stop Global Cooling.

2007-03-08 18:24:28 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I've known all this for years and it was even covered in the Penn & Teller TV show in America called 'Bullsh*t', where each programme looked at cons, scams and misinformation that is believed and taken as truth by the media and public.
Patrick Moore was on there too (co-founder of Greenpeace - which incidentally is not an environmental movement but a political one now), and he said the same things back then.
This entire CO2 Global Warming fiasco has been and continues to be one giant con, perpetrated by governments for the purposes of tax and big business by making sure third world countries don't use their oil and coal until they can get to it.
The fact so many 'ecologists' and protesters stand up for this blatant crap without one real shred of decent, justifiable evidence has annoyed me for years.
Technological and industrial progress in the last 100 years has seen the biggest and fastest increase in the standards of living, travel, healthcare, and food production (which by the way INCLUDES genetically altered foods! Another subject 'environmentalists' like to attack with no real evidence) the world has ever seen. These benefits should be felt by ALL countries and peoples, instead of making them feel guilty and contine to suffer under this blatant falsification of facts.

2007-03-08 12:09:36 · answer #8 · answered by Psichore 1 · 2 1

Anyone heard of METHANE HYDRATE its a substance found on the seabed all over the world,it consits of the remains of dead sea creatures which have settled on the seabed decaying and slowly built up vast quantities of methane gas sealed in ice and if disturbed by earthquake or a change in ocean current,it relaeses the gas in huge amounts. Its this gas which is allegedly the cause of so many ship and aircraft disapearences in the Burmuda Triangle,as the ships float over the gas bubbles they loose bouyancy and sink and the aircraft ignite the gas as they fly through it because of the engine exhaust.Its only been discovered in the last 25 years or so and has been there for eons so what does the goverment think caused all the other climate changes in the past.

2016-03-05 05:12:03 · answer #9 · answered by Indukanth 2 · 0 0

I think it's always nice to believe that we are not responsible for something! It is even nicer to believe that we can carry on forever throwing tons of noxious gases into the atmosphere, with-out ANY consequence. It may be the case that this has all been over-played a little, it may be that the natural environment is as much responsible. But it certainly is NOT the case that we are blame free.

We should not try and convince ourselves (or the less inteligent with-in our society, that get easily confused) that we carry NO responsibility for the ONLY enviroment that we have.

How CAN it be right to continue riding massive jets, pouring tons of crap into the upper atmosphere, like you are the only one doing it; when you can stand (more or less) anywhere in the world, look up and see hundreds of the bloody things criss-crossing the sky. How can it be right to have fifteen layers of packaging on items sourced (and then transported) from the other side of the world, when they could be got loose (with-out any packing) from the bloke up the road!

Point is there are so many things that we do that are not only pointless (to all but those at the top of the **** heap making all the money out of them), that ARE having an overall detremental effect on our lives, our health and this beautiful planet (and all that we share it with).

I don't condone 'scare-mongering' and fully accept that the picture has been painted really black. But this is because it needs to be if stupid people are to wake up and realise what they are doing!

Modern life breeds selfish, consumer driven morons that cannot see the impact of their actions until it is too late; they'll end up with all the MONEY they could ever want, living with deah and misery all around them!

Taxes are used in all area (eg: smoking) to try and help promote the right lifestyle choices for the people who either don't understand or don't care about their (and everyone elses) future.

Thing is, all the MONEY in the world will not bring this planet back from the dead when we have used up every resource that we have in the pursuit of money!

2007-03-08 21:32:38 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

y quickly increased by FORTY per cent to £8.

Exactly the same will happen to the Road Toll. Strangely, we are asked to believe that inflation is under 3%!!! Every increase on ANYTHING is always more than 3%. House prices have increased 200% in 10 years. The poll tax has rocketed. Petrol has gone up and up. Gas has gone through the roof. Interest rates have increased peoples mortgage payments dramatically - but inflation

2014-10-03 10:24:27 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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