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I have to say that if i see an animal mistreated, in distress, dead, sad, and in poor condition it would upset me more than if it were a human.

I could see a human shooting himself in the head and not feel much towards it. But if i see an animal shot in the head then i would be devastated.

I think it might be because animals cant really help themselfs and us humans think that the planet is ours and we can do whatever we like.

Its just kinda weird when i can watch someone being shot etc and not feel much and if i see for example a cow being slaughtered it makes me feel sick.

Am i weird that i dont feel much for people, I have watched alot of stuff with violence etc one exception i feel great sadness for is executions of the jews in WW2, that cuts me up real bad.

Anyone else feel this way??


2007-03-08 08:55:07 · 83 answers · asked by Blink-Monkey-Blink 2 in Health Other - Health

Intresting thought i just had. With some animal their affection is 100% real. they arnt trying to get stuff out of you.

There was this strory in the paper about these guys who we in the sea. There were these huge sharks that were floating around getting ready to swoop in. These dolphins like 10 of them swam round the humans in a circle to protect them and the sharks left.

Then you see on the news some asian Pr**K spearing some dolphins because they wernt right for their zoo. i mean wtf just let them go!

2007-03-08 09:13:00 · update #1

But we dont put animals out of their missery take for example this guy straped his dog to a fence in the middle of nowhere in the freezing cold to die. This was in the paper and it made me so mad that i just wana batter the crap out of this guy. He could had left it with the rspca or even let it go run off but no the cruel git left it to die!

I just dont understand how humans can be so cruel to animals.

2007-03-08 09:16:18 · update #2

83 answers

Animals, definitely.

2007-03-08 08:59:48 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 8 3

I don't love one more than the other, however, I do like non-human animals more for they are less cruel. That's a horrible question. I am asked it so often and I Hate it!

In this type of debate, animals or people, so many people seem to forget that humans Are animals. We all live and breathe, feel pain, and, yes, love and affection.

It is absolutely horrible that people are so cruel to animals. There is no excuse for it. That whole "I'm a man, I hunt everday" bullshit is not manly at all. It's a pathetic cry for attention.

Humans are sadly lacking in compassion. I've said that a million times before, and yet again.

Not to be rude but I have to ask, how many of you that love and care deeply for animals still eat them? I have seen so many people who get fired up, vowing how they love animals but love their steak also. It's a bit hypocritical. It amuses me to see how people think being a vegetarian is so extreme. Really, how is it so bad?

I wait in vain for the day that people will come to the realization that animals are dead to the world, stupid. If you've ever been close to an animal you'd know they Do have feelings, they are sentient.

Was it really so long ago that black were persecuted for their color of skin? That men used to think women had no souls because they were only good for cooking, cleaning and having kids (yes, this is true)? Now animals are demeaned because they're not human. Anyone else see a pattern?

2007-03-08 20:46:21 · answer #2 · answered by still of the night 1 · 0 1

You have a lot of learning to do if you think humans are only cruel to animals.

Try broadening your horizons a little and read about Rwanda for instance or some of the child abuse cases we read about all the time. Read what some children go through in short lifetimes. Try reading up on female circumcision and how its performed.

Your experience seems to come totally from television or the movies - try for some real life and see if you would be so calm about someone shooting themselves in the head.

Go and do some volunteer work with real people and get off your computer chair and out of the house. What you need is first hand experience to be able to form any valid opinions.

You are not weird, you are naive and inexperienced.

Come back and re-validate your opinion when you HAVE actually seen a person shot in the head.

2007-03-08 23:55:26 · answer #3 · answered by Sue 4 · 2 2

When dogs attack young children and put them in hospital then the dog gets put down I would say the child has my sympathy. It all seems a little out of context as an argument because you would have to weigh up the worth of the individual animal vs the individual person. If it was a case of a 14 year old dog dying or a 3 year old child I would save the child without a thought. I don't agree with cruelty to people or animals and hate seeing both.

2007-03-08 16:54:45 · answer #4 · answered by SR13 6 · 1 0

Well humans bring destruction upon themselves with there lust for power. I will also tell you that if you actually saw someone get shot you will throw up alot more than seeing a cow getting bucthered. When someone gets shot , They go into shock after the first 30 seconds, then they urinate and excrete on the spot because of the fear of dying, and then in the second or third minute, the screaming starts. If I had to choose, I t would be animals because humans deserve to die for the way we have defiled our planet.

2007-03-09 02:26:45 · answer #5 · answered by scum_hate_fear 1 · 0 0

I understand your feelings towards animals being treated badly by humans. It makes me feel sick too. I think we are not revolted by movies as much because we know they are not real (usually). The only movies that make me feel sick where humans are the victims are the ones based on true stories. I think most of the reason we do not have respect for all of nature today is because we have lost touch with our spiritual side and think that humans are at the pinnacle of some evolutionary ladder whereas we are no more or less important than every other organism on the planet.

2007-03-09 00:02:40 · answer #6 · answered by Catherine B 2 · 0 0

I think we should feel sorry for both animals and people. The circumstances are different and you should take them into consideration. let me explain...

When an animal is being mistreated by a human, it is the human that is being cruel, and the animal is like its slave; the human can do whatever they want (unless the animal is stronger than the human and ends up beating him, in which case justice is done :p ). This is cruelty and I share your feelings of anger towards these people. In Malta (my country) a handful of people are still retarded enough to go hunting birds, even when most of the beautiful and ecologically important species are dying out. It makes my terribly angry whenever I hear of some rare species found shot by hunters, it makes me want to shoot the hunters!!!

When a human is being mistreated, the situation is more complex. When somebody is mistreated by another (more powerful) human (e.g. rape, child abuse, bullying, domestic violence, genocide...), i think it is a situation no-body wants to be in, and one should feel anger towards the abuser, and pity towards the victim. The abuser is causing unnecessary pain (be it physical, psychological or emotional) to another person, and thus is to be condemned.

In the case of suicide, the person about to take his life is, too, to be pitied... The person is in a state of chaos, depression, huge sadness...and the factors driving him (or her) towards suicide usually block out any sense of reasoning and morality. The person, at that moment, just wants to die to be rid of everything else in the world. These people should be helped. In this case, one cannot possibly say that they CHOOSE to commit suicide, but at that point in time, they are unable to reason with themselves anymore.

I hope i answered your question fully.

2007-03-08 18:44:17 · answer #7 · answered by Eevaya 3 · 0 0

Yeah I am the same - I hate seeing animals in distress and it really upsets me. However it would also upset me seeing a human in distress, particularly a child.
I think this is because humans have more of an understanding of what is happening to them and animals just don't know and it must be incredibly frightening to them. I am not trying to say that humans do not suffer as much or are less frightened than animals, they just have more understanding of what is going on.
Also, usually humans are the instigators of animal cruelty.
It makes me sick that humans can be so cruel. How often do you see animals beating up, starving or just being downright cruel to humans??

2007-03-08 09:41:40 · answer #8 · answered by fijibabie 5 · 5 0

Yep i know where your coming from here! I too probably show more compassion toward animal cruelty! I hit a Blackbird in the car the other morning and although i didn't see it in the rear view mirror on returning home there were indications of a bird in the road and i feel guilty over that, and haven't stopped thinking about it!! As a child i was really cruel i shot everything that moved these actions now truly sicken me and i can't get over the way i am now as to how i killed with such ease?? I feel my compassion toward animals is their vulnerability and how in many ways they have to trust us!

2007-03-09 04:23:06 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well i would say i feel more for animals but i guess i feel a little for some humans. I dont feel anything for paedafiles, murderers, rapists etc in fact i think rather than being imprisoned they should all be put on the death penalty list like America. But im going off the subject i would say overall i feel more upset when i see an animal hurt

2007-03-09 00:07:14 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I completely prefer animals!! I'm like you, I could see a human (other than those directly in my life that I love) hurt a million times and it wouldn't bother me nearly as much as seeing some poor animal get hurt.

I see the big difference as that animals are innocents. They never inflict harm just for harm's sake nor pain for pain's sake. They only hurt other animals for survival or for procreation of their species. We humans inflict pain and suffering, KNOWING it is pain and suffering on every living being we can.

I agree also that the one exception is the horror inflicted on the Jews, gypsies, gays and others in WWII.

If you think the dolphin issue is bad, check out the links I provide in my source notations. Watch some of the videos and look at the pictures. If you do not recoil in horror, you have no soul. (not referring to the original question poster since that person obviously does!!)

The human species totally sucks and I wish we ALL (yes, including me and my family) would be erradicated from this world so that the animals could live in peace. We may SUPPOSEDLY be more "intelligent" than other animal species, but EVERY OTHER species has us beat in terms of morality! The other species are better than we can ever hope to be because our smug assumption of "superiority" constantly proves otherwise.

I personally love all these big, "brave" men (and a few women) who think they're hot sh*t because they can kill an animal with a weapon. But, gee, they aren't so great without that weapon, are they?

Boy, howdy, you picked a subject near and dear to me! I could go on for hours and hours and list hundreds of sites to prove my point.

Just go on youtube and look for vivisection or fur or dog meat or seal hunt or any other thing and it will prove my point. But most won't because it "offends their sensibilities" so they'll turn a blind eye and pretend this doesn't occur instead of fighting it. Go ahead....watch....I DARE you!!

2007-03-08 22:55:20 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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