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Let me know....if you don't, please state what you think is lacking or wrong.


2007-03-08 07:53:18 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Science & Mathematics Engineering

Whats w/ the hate?

state what your conclusion is then

2007-03-08 08:06:04 · update #1

you guys....i believe this equation is right and i dont believe the official story.

this equation is trying to point out that the official story is a fraud.

2007-03-08 08:09:16 · update #2

7 answers

Definately. I would expect to see a tent-like structure left at the end too, where debris fell outward since the center is where all the support is. As it was, I saw an empty shell. The weak outside walls held in tact, but the core of the building collapsed utterly and completely. All three buildings. There wasn't a structural failure, there was a structural shatterring, in each case. Not one center support column left. Gee.

2007-03-08 16:44:39 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I would think that this is a person with maybe a couple of college level classes doing the work. I am not sure about where their errors are but if you were to burn charcoal you can get almost to a thousand degrees of heat. People use charcoal to melt metal all the time.

I can imagine that jet fuel has a bit more kick than charcoal.

Even so, one of the assumptions this person makes would cause the heat to rise. The person assumes that all of the gases from the fire were contained. If that were so, then basic gas laws would cause the temperature to become higher. Gas pressure and temperature have a direct relationship.

Also, that assumption is wrong. Go back and look at the videos. There was a lot of smoke coming from the buildings. That would contain a lot of gas escaping from the buildings.

I don't care if you think that the official story is a fraud. I am just pointing out that I believe that burning jet fuel will burn hotter than 500° F.

2007-03-08 08:06:15 · answer #2 · answered by A.Mercer 7 · 0 0

This analysis lost its credibility after about the first paragraph. Allowing infinite amount of time to let temperature to come to an equilibrium is definitely not what happens in a conflagration. Thermal conduction is a very real phenomena that this analyst chose to ignore for the same of simplicity. Why? Either because he wants to spin the story or he can't do the analysis. No human being can do this analysis without a finite element model of heat flow. Assuming heat is uniformly distributed over all members in the structure and calculating the final, uniform temperature does not in anyway indicate what peak temperature might have reached during the time before heat equilibrated. He does not understand the difference between the concept of equilibrium and transients. It's like saying that if I hold a piece of glowing red coal in my hand, I will not get a burn in my hand because there's not enough heat in that charcoal to raise the temperature of my entire body enough to cause a burn. Yeah OK. I'll be sure to trust him when I have to work around the fireplace next time.

Second of all, more than jet fuel burned.

Third of all, it can't have burned 100% efficiently. Again, it's about transients. Flow and diffusion of oxygen to the flame will affect rate and efficiency of burn. If there's black smoke, it is soot. Soot is the product of incomplete burn.

Fourth, you don't need to melt steel in order to make the building collapse. All you have to do is to raise the temperature enough to anneal the work hardening and the temper out of it. The stength of the steel will quickly go away. This person has no concept of metallurgy and how tempered steel works.

And that's just flaws that came to the top of my head without thinking too hard, subject to the limitations of my understanding in only some of the science disciplines that are needed to fully tackle the analysis of this problem. That one person believes he knows enough of all the relevant disciplines and the assumptions that he makes are valid is incredibly arrogant. If he had at all made an attempt to ask any engineer whether he can assume thermal equilibrium in calculating peak temperature, he would have been told no 100 times by 100 engineers. Trying to pass this off as a valid analysis and therefore concluding that he has bee lied to is irresponsible.

2007-03-08 09:27:02 · answer #3 · answered by Elisa 4 · 1 0

At first, the science and methodology seemed fairly well done, except for the idiotic assumption that all the materials heated simultaneously to the same average temperature. Good conductors (steel) generally have a lower specific heat and reach a much higher temperature for a given amount of heat (calories). Inversely, poor conductors (concrete) have a higher specific heat and do not become as hot (temperature) for a given amount of heat (calories).

The study models an unrealistic scenerio by assuming that all the heat of the fire would be distributed such that all the different materials would reach the same average temperature at the same time. This is completely unrealistic and is an example of how a few flawed assumptions can turn what might have been good science into meaningless drivel. It is also obvious that the author began with his conclusion and then manipulated his calculations to prove his point. This is not science, it's propaganda.

2007-03-08 08:56:30 · answer #4 · answered by Diogenes 7 · 1 0

Quote from the article
[the jet fuel] "will release 10,850 x 44,000,000 = 477,400,000,000 Joules of energy"

According to my reference, that's the equivalent energy of a 0.1 kiloTon nuclear bomb. Certainly enough to take down a building.

As for what's wrong with those equations... They assume a point flame in an open atmosphere of infinite heat-sinking capability. They say nothing to the insulation, and containment of the fires. Heat *was* contained in a small area, and temperatures rose to much higher levels than this guy thinks/hopes. There's a perfect example of the first law of thermodynamics in action.

Look at the fire bombings of Dresden, Germany,;Tokyo and other Japanese cities in WWII. Napalm was used (gasoline), and those fires burned to temperatures well in excess of 1000 degrees. This is well documented.

Steel doesn't melt at whatever 'low' temperature this guy claims, but it can certainly become plastic well below the melting point, and fail as part of a structure, especially under stress.


2007-03-08 08:34:02 · answer #5 · answered by tlbs101 7 · 1 0

No social technological expertise and artwork - yet my ideals fall in precisely an analogous components as yours. i grew to become right into a technician in a chemistry lab for a jointly as yet my head isn't that technological expertise way out. i admire the innovations of chaos theory and kissing numbers love listening to human beings talk approximately them, yet cant get my head around them in any respect. artwork and social- psychology are nicely suited with spirituality.

2016-09-30 09:51:54 · answer #6 · answered by durrell 4 · 0 0

Hey Orange.....

ignore most.....some are just blind, others refuse to look, and some looked but were duped again so they still scream foul.

Remember....missed news today becomes tomorrows conspiracy theory.

Saw you dislike Rockefeller as much as I do....here is a cut out of my blog on that little man...... I use to think he was a master mind...but he is just another puppet with other rich....we still aren't at the head man yet...but REAL close.

Even at the end Prince Charles addition...he's just another cog, he's no master mind.


When you put things on a time line you can more easily see the work of Lucifer. Just start off with evolution in the 1870’s (started earlier but went main stream thanks to Darwin). Then evolution got worked into our schools by Rockefeller and is still held there today by 1 of his many many organizations. About this same time massive industrial boom was going on, fueled by oil. The big oil tycoon was the man who was doing evil deeds, improper business practices and just down and out dirty tricks, again Rockefeller. We had the introduction of the females into the work force due to WWII. Well once again when we dig down that rabbit hole, for this war and many others, we once again find Rockefeller.

Well with women in the work force, you can now double tax society and the family. In turn making the banks and industry more and more wealthy. Again, who profits from all this, the boom in oil, loans, money transactions, etc? Well of course, Rockefeller, for he controls the world bank and about 20 some other organizations that are all tied into it and throughout all of the cash flow. He is even on record stating that he was responsible for the woman’s movement, woman’s lib and funded every bit of it. He said he did this to double tax the people and to destroy the basic moral fabric.

Now why would such a rich, powerful man want to break the very fabric that built him to his empire? Cause again he is on record stating that he wants to chip the people of the world so he can control them as a slave workforce. So then it can be like it should, like the old days. A King and the upper class and super wealthy and then all the peasants that do the labor of the world, nothing more than sheep. He is also behind 9/11, JFK, funding Bush family to power, New World Order, making the stock market go up and down, creating depressions, wars, and that list can go on and on.

This is why you have seen a steady decline in family morals, families in general, respect in the world, the lack of religion, higher crime rates, more murders, higher jail numbers, etc. With the destruction of the very fabric that keeps humans together, family, anything is possible. And generation after generation is slowly trained and after awhile no one knows the difference. I am only 37, but I can see a huge change in the world, morals, family, industry, etc in my life time. And they have not been good changes.

Great and wise men came before us and warned us of such despair but the masses were ignorant. And today, we pay for that ignorance for the very path we are now going down. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln all spoke of secret governments and secret societies that wanted to take control for evil purpose. These were men of high stature and wealth, why would they speak out for no gain but humiliation unless they spoke the truth? What about JFK’s famous speech on the same topics just 10 days prior to he when he was murdered by just said such organizations? What about Martin Luther King? Listen to his words…he speaks the same language loud and clear, get past the racial issue. That is nothing more than another item pushed by Rockefeller. For it came along with evolution, for Darwin’s book is actually called, “The Origin of Species, By Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life”. He was preaching racial separation as well, to divide the masses for better control. Why is our current President on record stating that he is a member of a secret society? Is this not the very same thing that these great men warned us of?

Does this story sound familiar from somewhere? I know I have heard it somewhere….oh yeah! REVELATIONS and the BEAST. If you read the story you realize the Beast is not 1 item nor figure, but like an octopus of many fingers. Just like Rockefeller has control over the world, like the fingers of an octopus, control in all sectors of affairs. I won’t say I believe he is the Antichrist just yet….jury is still out on that one. But I do believe his “empire” is the Beast.

Revelations 13:18 (Kings James Version) ” Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. “

Rockefeller owns Standard Oil Company.

You do the math…standa (6) rd oil c (6) ompany (6)

There are many other ways this number could of been written. But I think that it was written this way on purpose. With the “threescore” as a clue. As a clue that the Beast is 3 words along with it being the number of 666. Now some get into old Hebrew text, Greek text and translations. But YAHWEH had but one language and all our of languages come from his. So no matter the translation, I do not believe he would confuse nor mislead. But ensure his clues, hints and words were understood by all that read them, in any language, at any time. For that is one of his great signs of his return. When his gospel is spread out upon the entire world.

Edit 2/23/07

Due to ongoing research….this section is not done for I realize I still have steps to go up the ladder to the truth. For what I thought was the top is nothing more than a door. Others have given me insight onto Prince Charles and his path as the Antichrist and how Rockefeller is just another cog in the wheel of all this. More will come as I continue my research.

Some will listen...most won't. To listen means they have to change their life cause they see the truth. Buddy of mine is like these people....no matter what I show him, no matter what documents straight from gov. or Bush and he still says its all lies...Gov. would never hurt him. Just pure blind.

2007-03-08 10:52:54 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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