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My period stopped and i keep fainting ( fainted twice this week and both times I had hit my head) .

A guy at the hopsital the other day suggested I have an eating disorder, but I dont see that I am skinny enough to be considered anorexic. How much do you have to weigh to lose your period?

I dont know what to do or what to think?

I do eat but like maybe one meal a day if that, I walk on the average 2 miles a day( somedays more), I do have a fear of gaining weight or becoming fat because of my mother and my sister are all huge. I keep getting told you are going to look like that , just wait you will be obese. Everytime my hubby sees a fat person he points and laughs and then points at me. My own sister although she is 300 lbs tells me I eat to much, and points at my stretched skin from when I was pregnant. I guess maybe I have too much negative people around, I dont eat or cant eat in front of people, I eat in the kitchen standing up facing the wall,. I have only thrown up a few times but couldnt do it anymore so I stopped, but yet there are times I do throw up it seems unvoluntary , after I have aten. Like the other day I ate a few french fries and started to gag after I ate them.
I dont know what to do or what to think , I feel that it is normal to diet and keep fit to prevent from becoming fat and obese. Cause nobody wishes to be fat.
The skinnier I get the happier I get. I know can fit in a size 2 loose , I have to wear a belt , But I dont feel bone yet, alothough I feel a bit of bone in my butt when i sit , I figure I would have be boney to be considered anorexic.

Please someone help me figure this out.

2007-03-08 06:17:54 · 17 answers · asked by Deanna M 2 in Health Diet & Fitness

17 answers

Okay, sounds like you may be suffering from anaemia, low iron levels can cause you to have irregular periods and feel faint and dizzy, especially after having a baby and not eating sufficient amounts during the day, Either get some straight iron tablets, or some with added folic acid, (FEFOL is a good one and it wont make you constipated).. As a mum of 3 littlies, I know that a handful of whatever will get you through the day.. You can also gets some appetite enhancers from the chemist which are all natural and will just help you keep a full meal down.. If you at least try to eat one main meal a day or pick on nutritious things throughout the day then you will feel much better within yourself, and don't listen to people around you if they are going to be negative, you need to feel good about yourself and to do that you need to be positive.. A good way to do this, is to turn EVERY negative thing that is said to you into a positive, try it, it works and makes you feel great.. If you are concerned then don't hesitate to see you r doctor, or even call a medical hot-line and express your concerns, after all they are there to help and will NOT judge you...
Good Luck :)

2007-03-08 17:44:32 · answer #1 · answered by Nishka 3 · 0 2

When your eating habits cause you to faint, miss your period, etc, then you have an eating disorder. Anorexia is not BEING too thin, but THINKING you are TOO FAT, no matter what the evidence (your body, your health) is. All of the habits you have involving eating have to do with having a disorder. And you do not, I repeat, do not have healthy and supportive people around you.

For you to get help, you will need a lot of support, and I doubt your husband or sister will aid in that. For your sake, I hope you find the strength you need to seek help, and especially have the strength to accept it (even if it means putting up with the hardships your family will no doubt throw at you).

2007-03-08 14:32:21 · answer #2 · answered by Tess O 2 · 1 0

Sweetie, you have an eating disorder. You need to go and talk to someone about it.

Eating barely 1 meal a day if even at all and walking for 2 miles is not good for you. Your not taking in enough calories and burning tons of them while walking. It's no wonder your fainting and lost your period.

It is possible to eat and take care of your body properly without gaining a bunch of weight. You won't become like your mother and your sister.

Please get some help before you make yourself even more sick.

2007-03-08 14:29:30 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

there are alot of things to consider here. first, your height. for every height, there is a healthy weight range set. like if your 5'2, then then your (estimated) weight should be between 106lbs and 116lbs. and so on and so forth up the line. you don't have to have your bones sticking out of your body to be anorexic. being slightly below your weight range is alright, but if your 5'6 and 100lbs, there's a problem. as for losing weight to start skipping your periods, not only will you lose your periods, but your body will start 'eating' away at your muscle tissue so that your body can survive. the muscle tissue will break down until you have virtually none left and look like a skelitin. read any medical journal about anorexia. search the net for info. you will find out all that you need to know. i just hope that you can stop this behaviour before you get to the point where you waste away to nothing.

2007-03-08 14:34:58 · answer #4 · answered by Lindsey D 1 · 2 0

Okay - you definitely have an eating disorder. Eating only one meal a day (especially when you do a fair bit of exercise), feeling like you're going to throw up after eating, not eating in front of people, eating standing up, stopped periods, fainting, being obsessed with getting thinner and thinner, and associating increased skinniness with being happy, even when you're thin to start with - these are all classic signs of anorexia. Your periods stopping is a serious sign that something's wrong, and you need to see a doctor asap.

Ignore your family in this matter. It sounds like you're living in a pretty unhealthy emotional environment, where fear of being fat like your mother and sisters has led to a lot of pressure being put on you. Your husband's comments aren't helping either. These people are being irresponsible - they are encouraging you to make yourself ill.

2007-03-08 14:31:18 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

First of all, I'm not sure exactly how thin you need to be to loose your period, but it's not as thin as you might be led to believe. I was told by the doctor three months ago that the reason I've had extrememly irregular periods for the past three years is because I don't have enough body fat. I'm 5'7 140 pounds. I'm no where near emaciated yet I am considerably athletic.

Fainting is often caused from not eating. That's one thing I've been told year after year in athletics. "coach, I don't feel well" "Did you eat anything today?" ..... Not eating is extremely bad for you. If you don't eat your body has nothing to rejuvinate itself with; you're wearing yourself down. Also, you're metabolism goes down when you don't eat. Your body also starts to eat muscle tissue. These are all negative effects to not eating.

You said that you walk 2 miles a day. That is great! It's a great thing to exercise regularly. I can understand the emotions that are driving you to not eat, however unhealthy it is. My grandmother, now deceased, and my mother are both considerably overweight. My grandma did move from her recliner in the last 20 years of her life, not because she couldn't but because she chose not to. I find myself fighting to not be like those two. It definately does sound like you have a lot of negative influences in your life. This is not a good thing, especially the type of negativity that is coming from your husband, of all people. I would try talking to him and let him know how deeply this upsets you and when. Let him know that you're making an honest effort to not be overweight like your family and that it is hurtful when he insinuates that you will be one day. If he can't respect this, maybe there are other issues you two need to work out.

You don't have to be an ethiopian stick figure in order to he anorexic. You can be 567 pounds and be anorexic. Anyone who purposely skips meals or starves themself is anorexic. An eating disorder isn't defined by your weight, but rather by what your are doing to try to reach that weight. Purging/throwing up is considered bulemia and this also has a slew of complications associated with it. I would encourage you to talk to your doctor. He can help you find an exercise program that will work for you and also work with you so that you are comfortable eating. It would be better for you to learn how to eat healthy and sensibly than to not eat at all. I took the time out of my day to write this incredibly long post not because I want to offend or upset you but because people with concerns like yours deeply affect me when I read it. Please consider speaking to your doctor. And to your husband, get him to be there to support you, not put you down.

2007-03-08 14:38:03 · answer #6 · answered by Pinkerelli 1 · 1 0

It sounds like you are borderline anorexic. Anorexia has nothing to do with you being bony and everything to do with how you see yourself when you look in the mirror. It simply manifests itself in you not eating. If your period has stopped, you have lost way too much weight. If you keep fainting, your body isn't getting enough fuel and is shutting down. Your body is telling you something is wrong. Listen to it. Your husband and your family aren't helping matters none, because it's obvious you have a problem. If you don't stop, you could wind up doing irreversable damage to yourself. Don't do that to yourself or to your child. Please get some help before its too late.

2007-03-08 14:29:31 · answer #7 · answered by nycgrrl4eva 3 · 1 0

Basically you are suffering from a form of anorexic and depression. Theses are two major things that if not seen by professional help can kill you. Your life is surrounded around a lot of negative. If people continue to make fun of you about wiegth issues. the more weight issue problems you are going to have. And to be honsetr your hubby and family and friends to act as they do and say the things they do. they surly have the problem. consider this, no woman is completly happy with themselves. it's a struuggle. But trying to love yourself is all it takes. The problem you have is just love yourself. If you don't no one will.

2007-03-08 14:33:17 · answer #8 · answered by sf 1 · 2 0

Okay, first, if you're fainting, go to the ER. There is not a way to faint and still be 100% normal healthwise. You could have some kind of serious problem, and fainting is, more often than not, one of the major symptoms (not like a headache or even a little bit of being dizzy.) Not to mention, what if you pass out while you're driving? What if you pass out and hit your head on something, have an actual head injury, and no one is around?

I think it definately sounds like you could have an eating disorder. Eating "maybe one meal aday if that" is almost definately not giving you enough calories (which is actually a measurement of ENERGY) to keep up your exercise routine of walking two or more miles per day.

Having an overweight family does not mean you will definately be overweight as you grow older. While body type CAN be effected by genetics, the amount of fat you have is ultimately caused by the lifestyle you choose to live, whether you eat healthy foods in moderate amount, and whether you exercise.

You need to slap your husband everytime he points and laughs at someone who is overweight. I know children who are mature enough to know that that kind of behavior is wrong. You really need to tell him that it really bothers you that he points to you, too. The pressure he's putting on you to not become fat is most likely a major contributing factor to your altered sense of reality.

If you gag eating french fries, don't eat them. They're greasy, and a lot of people don't handle greasy food. But you should not hide eating, it's not wrong to eat. It's the way we get the nutrients and the energy we need to stay healthy. The problem is that a lot of people don't eat for that reason, they eat because it's a hobby, or out of boredom, or even out of ignorance about what is actually healthy.

In some ways, it is normal to diet and keep fit to prevent from being overweight. It's healthy. But you aren't fit, you're fainting. Fit people don't faint from not taking care of themselves. That's why they're called fit. Fit = healthy. Fainting is almost definately a sign of not being totally healthy. You have gone in to the other extreme, and that is no healthier than being overweight. And unfortunately, it's often harder to correct, because it's a mental thing.

I want to say this, too. I'm not obese, I'm not one of those people who can't fit in just one chair, but I have a little extra weight. And you know what? I'm happy. I know who I am, and I'm not ashamed of it.

It doesn't sound to me like you're all that happy with yourself, even if you are a size 2. You're constantly worried about being seen as fat by yourself, or by strangers, or even by the people in your life who are SUPPOSED to help you feel good about yourself. Your entire well-being is wrapped up in how tiny you can make yourself, and that's not healthy.

You mentioned being pregnant once, which I assume means you have a child. PLEASE don't pass on these unhealthy body images to your children. You may not realize it, but your kids could look at what you're doing and think it's right, and healthy, and it's NOT. Not to mention, since you're unhealthy in some way (I don't know if your fainting is caused by this or not, but I'm serious about it not being a sign of good health, and you need to go to a doctor), you're risking not being able to be there for them.

You're held captive by these altered ideas of what is healthy and what is not, and what is fat and what is not. I think you should do whatever you can to free yourself.

2007-03-08 14:58:00 · answer #9 · answered by CrazyChick 7 · 0 0

It definently sounds as if you have some sort of eating disorder. Try looking it up online. Maybe you should consult with a Counselor or Psychiatrist? According to the Diagnosis thing, you would be considered Anorexic.

I've been through this, so if you need to talk, please email me or IM me.

eileenprince @ sbcglobal .net

2007-03-08 14:25:58 · answer #10 · answered by ashleyuvjra 3 · 1 0

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