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Hypothethtacally speaking who thinks if the US could remove all the illegal immigrants in the US that the ecomony would crash. I do. Some people, just don't think about that.

2007-03-08 06:01:07 · 21 answers · asked by Mary N 2 in Politics & Government Immigration

21 answers

who is with u ???

alan greenspan :

more from Alan u can be read all in this article :
4. Finally, this is the time to recognize that our failed immigration policy must be normalized. This Congress must re-evaluate and change the complete lack of legal recognition of millions of immigrants who are the backbone of the U.S. economy. For example, everyone is aware that there are over 4 million undocumented Mexicans living and working here in the U.S., providing our services, construction, agricultural and other industries with essential labor, by doing the jobs that U.S. citizens and residents do not want. As Alan Greenspan acknowledges, even with the current economic crisis, our economy is dependent on undocumented workers, who are replacing the productivity lost through the aging of our workforce. 19

more from Alan Greenspan :
According to Alan Greenspan, Federal Reserve Board Chairman, congressional testimony, July 2001, "undocumented workers contribute more than their fair share to our great country". He continued to inform Congress that immigrants, including undocumented workers, in essence donate $27 billion to state and local economies.

This is the difference between what they pay in taxes $70 billion and what they use in services $43 billion. Greenspan also testified that in Illinois alone "Illegal workers pay $547 million in taxes yearly, compared to $238 million in services used." This is a net "profit" for Illinois of $309 million.

bloomberg :

rudy Guliany :

Bill Gates :

Barack Obama :

Nancy pelossi :D


2007-03-08 06:47:31 · answer #1 · answered by game over 5 · 3 6

It's not what I think about it, but what I know about it. I know for a fact that the US economy would not crash if we deported all of the illegal aliens today, tomorrow, six months, or a year from now. That is a myth that alot of these "alienists (similar to a racist, but believes that illegals are far superior workers, linguists, morallists, etc.), " like to promote. Illegal aliens only make up less than 5% of the American workforce; therefore, their total disappearance would be nothing short of a nuisance. More people need to read about immigration, both legal and illegal, so that they can understand the effects that immigration has had on America (both good and bad). Additionally, illegal alien workers only work in certain areas, such as manufacturing, food services, construction, hospitality, and farming, that if they lose a portion of these workers, they would not totally collapse (as many ill-knowing "alienists" suggest).

2007-03-08 15:06:39 · answer #2 · answered by Terry H 3 · 4 0

The US economy would in no way collapse. That's right up there with the moronic remarks of NYC Mayor Bloomberg stating that NYC's economy would collapse if the illegal aliens were deported.

Simply not true, illegals are more of a hindrance than a help. They LEECH from the very system we, as LEGAL Americans, pay taxes into. We've got hospitals closing at an alarming rate, more so in areas with heavy concentration of illegals with false or fake identification. We have school overcrowded with children who's parents don't contribute dime one to the system they LEECH from.

$50 for a tomato? Get real, the one thing that keeps the farm industry from automating the process is the fact they have no incentive. Why invest money in technology when you have people willing to work for peanuts? Personally, I say automate the process, our food supply would be SAFER.

Do you honestly think that whatever financial benefit there may be by hiring these LEECHES is passed on to the consumer or do you think unscrupulous employers are lining their pockets with ill gotten gains?

Lastly, mass deportation of illegal aliens in not unprecedented in this country. In he early '50's Eisenhower ordered a clean up and several hundred thousand illegals were sent back.

2007-03-08 15:43:16 · answer #3 · answered by free_eagle716 4 · 2 1

TOTALLY DISAGREE! YOU ARE WRONG! You have no evidence that our economy will crash. There is plenty of evidence that our economy will improve.

Besides, WE DON'T NEED THEM!!! May 1, 2006 - "A day without an immigrant" protest. All pro-illegals boycotted schools & businesses. This protest was suppose to shouw how much we needed the illegals and how our system would be crippled if they weren't there. Well they were wrong. Businesses functioned perfectly. Schools were better becasue the teachers could actually teach their students. You could even drive 75mph on "the 101" during rush hour! You can't drive 75 at midnight sometimes.

Pro-illegals claim food prices will rise dramitically. Labor is only a small part of the cost.

This doesn't even take into account the fact that taxpayers won't have to pay for the services that the ILLEGAL aliens demand and extract from us. Why should tax payers have to foot the bill for education and health care for 20+ million people that are blatently breaking the law. They steal jobs and identities!!!!

No ILLEGALS in the US - great! When can we get it! I can't wait!!!

2007-03-08 14:11:17 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 11 2

Even if the economy crashed it would be worth it. There are more negatives to illegal immigration then positives. If it means we all have to pay 50 buck to get our grass cut rather then 25 I think we could handle it. Let alone when these illegal immigrants bring kids into this country they by law have to let them into schools. Think of the tax money we all are putting out to school. Minus the illegals we could pay less in taxes.

2007-03-08 15:07:04 · answer #5 · answered by Robert and Tanya 2 · 3 0

I totally disagree for far too many reason to post here. It wouldn't happen ,its just more unfounded pro illegal alien rhetoric and propaganda.
I dont have any respect or regard for any of the people in the links posted below. Big mouths and big business or business associated. Why wouldn't they say that,its the way they get cheap underpaid labor?
So they can continue to make millions if not billions off the backs of illegal aliens,instead of paying legal Americans a livable wage.

It's too bad Alan Greenspan wasn't exposed for the old fraud he is while he was the Fed chairman. When he started mumbling on during some senate testimony about how the United States must open the gates to immigration so we can keep "our" economy growing, it would have been great had we a senator on the committee with the intelligence and character to nail him.

The size of the overall economy is an economic statistic with no value outside its usefulness to frauds like Lawrence Kudlow, Tamar Jacoby, and the editorial board of the Wall Street Journal as a means to hoodwink gullible and short-sighted Americans into acquiescing to the radical transformation of their country through mass immigration.

2007-03-08 14:29:15 · answer #6 · answered by Yakuza 7 · 3 3

Ok, but the jobs that these people are doing, were not just made up to give illegal immigrants work. In answer to who is going to do these jobs, the same people who did years ago, hard working Americans. The last I saw, we had like 10 million Americans not working.

2007-03-08 15:17:04 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

OR, the jobs that are traditionally done for less than minimum wage by illegals would still have to be filled and to do that the employer would have to raise the pay and we would see American unemployment disappear and wages increase without raising minimum wage.

As for our economy crashing, I don't think so, the illegals are not running major companies or have anything to do with the banking industry. But you would probably have to pay $50 to get your yard mowed instead of $35 but the extra $15 you pay would be going into SSI. SO maybe if all illegals were gone and all Americans were getting higher pay and there was no unemployment SSI would fix itself because of more legal workers and higher wages?

So, how about a guest worker program????? That would allow all illegals to work (and pay into SSI) but as a guest worker you would never gain citizenship or receive benefits?

There are many options but it is not working right now! ! !

2007-03-08 14:16:06 · answer #8 · answered by me4tennessee 6 · 8 1

I disagree with you 100%. Those jobs that the illegal immigrants had previously filled would then be filled by legal citizens/immigrants. Those legal citizens would then put the money they make back into the economy instead of sending it to another country. The economy would flourish by the newfound income. Crime would drop drastically, and we wouldn't be paying for everything that illegal immigrants use. More money in our pockets.

2007-03-08 14:48:10 · answer #9 · answered by Kikyo 5 · 7 1

Remove all the illegal immigrants and H1-B VISA immigrants and the US economy would suddenly explode with PROSPERITY!

Corporations would have to pay a decent wage, instead of slave labor meaning American families would earn more and enjoy a higher standard of living. More job opportunities would abound.

Life would be good!

2007-03-08 14:26:37 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 7 1

There would be dislocation, however we would flourish at the smaller size we were before once the dust settled.

There is no question the vacuum effect would come first, however. The question is, what else do you suggest to save our ruined schools, lowered wages and drained social services?

Those are very real impacts, as well.

And to Game over, Greenspan and Gates both were discussing legal, SKILLED immigrants, not illegal immigrants who don't pay in taxes what their families use in education and other service funds, fyi.

2007-03-08 14:52:22 · answer #11 · answered by DAR 7 · 5 3

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