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Must Christians follow them? I thought Jesus freed Christians from the Law.

2007-03-08 06:00:21 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

Christ's commandments to love God and our neighbor actually amplified the original commandments. If you looks at the commandments Christ named as most important you will see that His words actually encompass all of the original Ten Commandments.

2007-03-08 06:29:26 · answer #1 · answered by Ask Mr. Religion 6 · 0 0

1) God gave man laws to prove that there is NO WAY man could ever be "good enough" for God by his own efforts.
2) Jesus freed Christians from the Law by providing a way to have a relationship with God.
3) If you love God and accept Jesus as your Saviour & Lord, you will have a desire to be obedient to His word. The things that offend God will offend you too, but that can only happen if you have the Holy Spirit living in you.
4) Christians aren't perfect - just forgiven.

P.S. Jesus said "A new commandment I give to you. Love others as you love yourself". In other words, if we keep this commandment, we will automatically be able to keep the original 10 Commandments.

2007-03-08 06:05:25 · answer #2 · answered by Romans 8:28 5 · 2 0

There are certain prerequisites for the Creation and Perpetuation of Life:

1) Motion - Without any motion, there can be no Life.
2) Order - Once there is motion, that motion must be given order and Purpose.

The mid point between the two is LAW. In order for MOTION to be given ORDER it must be subject to LAW - some force or principle that regulates and directs the Motion. Otherwise, the motion is random...chaotic...and cannot support Life.

Moses was given the 10 Commandments to give to his people to restore Order among them, as they were falling into disorder in his absence.

Jesus said, according to the Bible, "I come not to change the Law, but to fulfill that which is written in the Law...and not one jot or tittle shall be removed from the Law, until all is fulfilled."

Therefore, Jesus did not "free" Christians from the Law; what he did was free them from the "curse" of the Law, by helping them to see the Value of the Law, and God's Purpose for Givng the Law - which was to create an environment where Love could flourish.

The Law is only a "curse" to those who wish to live selfishly, without any regard for the consequences of their actions, or for their duty to contribute to the well being of humanity.

So, again, Jesus freed them from the "curse" of the Law, by inspiring them to see the Value of the Law in their own pursuit of true Happiness.

2,000 years later, it appears we still haven't gotten the message.


2007-03-08 06:16:17 · answer #3 · answered by A.L.M. 2 · 0 0

Yes we should follow them. Jesus, in the New Testament, also told us to follow them in the book of Matthew 19 v 16 -19.
He also gave us the two greatest commandments Matthew 22 v 36-40.

2007-03-08 06:18:17 · answer #4 · answered by Peace Maker 3 · 0 0

Jesus freed Christians from the Law of Moses.

The Law of Moses is the name assigned to the whole collection of written laws given through Moses to the house of Israel, as a replacement of the higher law that they had failed to obey. The law of Moses consisted of many ceremonies, rituals,and symbols, to remind the people frequently of their duties and responsibilities. It included a law of carnal commandments and performances, added to the basic laws of the gospel. Faith, repentance, baptism in water, and remission of sins were part of the law, as were also the Ten Commandments. Although inferior to the fulness of the gospel, there were many provisions in the law of Moses of high ethical and moral value that were equal to the divine laws of any dispensation. The law of carnal commandments and much of the ceremonial law was fulfilled at the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The law functioned under the Aaronic Priesthood and was a preparatory gospel to bring its adherents to Christ.

Therefore, in conclusion, the ten commandments are still necessary because they pertain to the higher law...not to the lesser law of moses.

2007-03-08 06:20:38 · answer #5 · answered by Arthurpod 4 · 0 0

Yes we are free from the law but they are in the New Testament also. Yes we as Christians should adhere to them. Jesus came to fulfill the law - but there are rules and we need to abide by them. It is not hard to keep the commandments of God - just follow Jesus and His teachings and it is easy. We are under grace - but that does not give us freedom to keep sinning. I hope this helps.

2007-03-08 06:18:38 · answer #6 · answered by jworks79604 5 · 0 0

Good point.

Jesus freed his followers from following the commandments. Or did he?

Who really cares?

2007-03-08 18:02:39 · answer #7 · answered by T J 3 · 0 0

Actually you get to take your pick...of course you realize that those are not the only commandments, there are like 813+ of them.

You get two choices:

Choice #1 Obey the Law. This is a tough one, so tough in fact that no one can do it. If one goes this route, they are going to guarantee to themselves failure. If we break just one little point of the Law, then we are guilty of breaking the Law, and by it we will all be condemned. However, there is some good news (which we call the "gospel"), Jesus Christ was the exception! Jesus Christ, being Perfect, being both God and man, He actually did it! He obeyed the whole Law at every point.

Choice #2: God's Grace!
Jesus Christ, who, being both God and man, grants to all who will, the free gift of Life. He lived the righteous life and He offers it to us on our behalf before God at the Judgment, so that His Life is considered instead of our own life. In return, our life, our sins, was placed on Him. He died for us, taking our punishment. Being perfect and being God, He rose from the dead. Jesus offers us this gracious gift for free out of love for us, and it is this which frees us from the Law, but ONLY if we pick choice number 2!

The choice is yours, what will you pick? [insert the "Jeopardy" game show music here for dramatic enhancement]

2007-03-08 19:50:50 · answer #8 · answered by Shawn D 3 · 0 0

ok as an Apostolica i think we do have to follow the 10 commandments because they arent laws they are commandments ... and like i read once God gave 10 commandments not 10 suggestions so we should follow them

2007-03-08 06:15:06 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The laws of Moses, not GOD.

The ten commandments were WRITTEN BY GOD IN STONE.

Jesus means we can WORSHIP and PUT other GODS before GOD!

Jesus means we can commit adultery!

Jesus means we can BEAR FALSE WITNESS

Jesus means we can STEAL

Jesus means we can COVET

Boy, you have a strange view of Christianity!

2007-03-08 06:37:07 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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