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This applies to the Christian religion, as that's the one in which I was indoctrinated.

Centuries ago, the religious population denied evidence of the world's shape. They truly believed in the "four corners" mentioned throughout the bible. After awhile, the religion evolved to accept reality by defining the "four corners" as "not literal."

The religious also believed in a worldwide flood. After awhile, some accepted reality and call this "not literal."

Today, we see some within the religious sect fighting science again by denying evolution. I predict that, within decades, their religion will evolve once again to accept reality.

Where will the religion evolve next? Or will human's ability to think rationally increase to be immune to this religion? When people know more, will they still hold onto the religion by classifying everything as "not literal?"

I welcome input from theists and atheists alike. If an answer evades you, please resort to childish ad hominem.

2007-03-08 05:51:22 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

8 answers

It is really a question about empirical data and a body of evidence. When talking science such as evolution or chemistry etc, an investigation is initiated into the question of why something is what it is or the way it is. Only empirical data is acceptable as an explanation and it must perforce be verifiable. While it is true that this approach has yet to explain everything, it does however create a growing picture of the way things really are. In the context of religion, there is no empirical data whatsoever. There are no facts, verifiable or otherwise that would lead one to the conclusion that a particular belief has any validity at all. All belief systems require 'Faith" for the simple reason that there is nothing to substantiate them. An easier way to view this is with a metaphor. Lets say religion and science both represent shirts. While it is true there are holes in the shirt of science, it is also true that they are being knitted shut every day with new information and technology and someday, probably soon, it will be a whole shirt. Religion, on the other hand, simply asks that you believe a shirt is there. If your intellectually cold, which will you choose to protect you?

2007-03-08 05:56:49 · answer #1 · answered by ? 4 · 1 0

Regarding the worlds shape....

Copernicus was widely accepted in the church, considereing that if you were educated, it was done so at a churhc in those days. The concept that Gaiello was a heretic because of what he said is one of the most mis-represented cases of historical fact.

A worldwide flood is a geological fact. The question is the dating of the flood, not its occurance.

Science fights itself with evolution. Evolution is based on correlation data. It lacks the sound evidence to show biologically the link between an amobea and a man, and still cannot even explain the development of the eye.

There is room for literal interpretation and figurative interpretation of the Bible. Look to the poety of the Song of Solomon, or even to the parables. There is room for the fact of the bible as well.

I think we can all recognize that if you are making a weapon, a helicopter beats a flying chariot anyday. Yet, look to the figurative language of Daniel and Revelation.

2007-03-08 14:07:31 · answer #2 · answered by lundstroms2004 6 · 0 0

The irony of this particular question is that if Christianity is to survive it must evolve, but it doesn't believe in evolution and thus a lovely little irony to enjoy. Every day there are more Christians who change from "God went click" to "God kick started the Big Bang". Ultimately, there will be a time when a Church-Funded Hospital releases a study on the cloning of organs for implantation. Adapt or die, law of the jungle.

2007-03-08 13:58:48 · answer #3 · answered by Huggles-the-wise 5 · 0 0

1. bible clearly says earth is round...forget the passage but it says " and God sat on the CIRCLE of the earth ". The four corners is correct also....for lay out a circle flat, what do you get? 4 corners. Just look at a globe map that is cut off the globe and laid flat...what do you see? 4 corners.

2. world wide flood did happen....this use to be a huge item I used when I was an atheist for 30 yrs to prove religion was false. today that same evidence has proven to me that I was proven wrong, for there was a world wide flood. there are just lists of evidence to back this all up. Anyone who wants to chat bout it, holler at me, glad to go through it (w/o preaching, science only)

3. I can prove evolution is false, from dino's to even how each factor in the science was created and show how they are flawed from the git go. So when you apply multiple sciences that are flawed together, what do you get? One big messed up flaw.

4. Realize the church is what you are speaking of here...not the religion. For I am a Christian and I am not like those that you speak of. I even believe in UFOs but not in the way the media says little green men. I don't ignore what is in the book, heck, 362 mentions of UFOs are in there, how can you ignore that?

5. Look at passages like Rev 22 and how it says to not take away or add to the book. then realize each church does just that, to suit what they think, what they believe, etc. That is wrong...then realize the book also says that those that do change it, will get his wrath and tells us these are false prophets. And we are told many false prophets will come clothed in white, like sheep that are hiding their true wolf. Then look at the church, all you see, and consider yourself what the book says as " a wise man, for he can see and hear ".

Follow the book, only the book....no man, no preacher, no pope, no church, no building, no idol, no figure, no name but his....for all these are what he means when he says " put no god nor idol before me ". what are all those things doing? exactly what he says for us not to do.

I sure don't recall any descriptions of buildings, red carpets, big candles, preacher getting a paycheck and a free house and car in any of Jesus’ writings. Sure don't recall him asking for a new chariot to do his preaching....he walked.

TV preachers are even worse.....just look at them when they pray...their hands.....they give the sign of Lucifer, many of them do. There are many MANY who think they are in religion, but since they live within a lie that altered the book, they live a lie. And they will be the ones that Jesus talks about on judgment when they say " but didn't we do your biddings? didn’t' we do what you wanted? and he said...be gone, I do not even know you".

That line, is my biggest fear of all....to not have him recognize me....so I follow the book.....and the book, PERIOD.

my opinion......:) have a great day!

2007-03-08 14:06:38 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

actually the intelligent design movement is going to turn evolutionary theiry on its ear. That is if they ever get the chance to get a fair hearing. Also I would reccomend the book evolution a theory in crisis by agnostice Michael Denotn and the icons of evolution by Jonathan Wells. Sadly most people will not even bother to check these out for themselves. I say let people present their own ideas in their own words to reduce the risk of being misquoted and intentinlly misrepresented. Another good book is darwin's Black Box tenth edition by Michael Behe. Sadly at this point people are not even allowed to question evolution which is really kind of sill because even evolutionists don't agree and there is not simply one theory of evolution.

2007-03-08 13:56:03 · answer #5 · answered by Edward J 6 · 0 0

"Today, we see some within the religious sect fighting science again by denying evolution. I predict that, within decades, their religion will evolve once again to accept reality."

Contrary to experiences here, most Christians already accept evolution.

but if you want really scary, see how they've changed what being a "true Christian" means over time. Shudder.

2007-03-08 13:55:39 · answer #6 · answered by LabGrrl 7 · 1 2

I am sure that eventually the argument will resort to "Souls are not literal" or even "God is not literal."

The concept of 'God' is becoming less and less necessary, and not to mention more and more irrational. Eventually we will live in a society where almost everything is known about everything- evolution is reproduceable, mechanisms of gravity is finally discovered, and sea otters wage war with humanity.

Okay, the last one is from South Park, but you get the drift.

2007-03-08 13:58:56 · answer #7 · answered by dmlk2 4 · 0 1

The bible taught the earth was roud by the way.

Evolution is junk science.

2007-03-08 13:56:51 · answer #8 · answered by Chase 4 · 2 2

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