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By pre-history, I mean archaeological findings. Why does he only acknowledge the existence of Adam and Eve? Since God knows everything, he knew we'd find the bones of the dinosaurs, yet he left us the bible story to confuse us. People say the devil is the author of confusion. "People" say the bible is god's word, yet it's causing confusion. I believe in God - The Creator - existence of The Devil - Written language gave us the ability to pass this information on to our future generations, so they can join us in the confusion, the debate, and hopefully someone in our universe can come up with a believable explanation.

2007-03-08 04:49:20 · 17 answers · asked by Curiosity 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

17 answers

Perhaps no one asked dear. God "the creator" did not write the Bible, or a history book. Maybe God wanted you to wonder. Psssst

2007-03-08 04:52:17 · answer #1 · answered by pst 2 · 1 0

First of all: the Bible is indeed confusing. A word of explanation:
- There are two different stories in the book Genesis. Which one is the correct one? If God is all-knowing, and God is the author of the Bible, then why doesn't he know how he created his own earth?
- First only Adam and Eve walked this earth, there were no other people. They had 3 sons: first there were Kain and Abel, then there was Set. Where do their children come from?
- Why do the 4 gospels tell a different story?

Science (among which archaeology) do not confirm the Biblical story. According to bishop Ussher (19th century), the earth was created 4004 years before the birth of Christ. He had calculated this date by using the dates written in the Bible. Scientific research has since then clearly shown that earth is about 4,5 billion years old.
Archaeological finds have shown that mankind has evolved since about 60 million years ago, so it's impossible that humanity was created after the image of God.

2007-03-11 12:33:31 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It isn't confusing at all.
Follow the creation story in Genesis 1 very closely.
It's all in order.
God saw that it was very good - no death, no sin, perfect fellowship with God.
Then Adam sinned. Death enters the world and things begin to deteriorate.
After 1000 years, God decides to destroy his creation except Noah and his family, and 2 or 7 pair of every kind of creature that walks the earth (2 unclean, 7 clean).
The world is destroyed in a catastrophic event (the flood).
Now here's where you come in.
You have to study the evidences that support the scripture.
Why not begin with fossilization? It doesn't take millions of years to fossilize something. Google fossilized teddy bears and you will find some pretty interesting stuff. There are also fossilized hats, tools, a water wheel, etc.
Next google mt. st. Helen's and find out what happens when a catastrophic eruption can do to the landscape. Canyons are formed in a matter of minutes. Compare that to what may have happened in a world wide catastrophic event that lasted over a year.
Take a look at the articles about the T-rex bone, sinue and blood that were recovered from one dig.... why isn't this information published in mainstream science journals?
You can continue to dig from there. The point is, there is just as much evidence to support a young created earth as there is to support an old earth.
You are right - Satan is the author of confusion. And mainstream secular evolutionist scientists are doing everything in their power to suppress and discredit any legitimate scientific research on a young earth. It would seem that the scripture regarding those who are willingly blind of God's creation is in full empowerment now - just according to Satan's lie.

Romans 1:20
For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

But God is the father of righteousness and logic. There isn't anything He can't do and there isn't a question he can't answer. Ask and you shall receive is his mantra.... take him up on it.

It's sad really, that this is of such debate. And that such hatred comes of it. Science is the single most fascinating subject - and the great minds who choose to pursue their gifts of scientific study and knowledge could be working together to solve world problems rather than fussing over a debate that quite frankly - is moot.

One of the most common questions asked about the flood is "how did Noah get those big dinosaurs in the ark?". The quick answer is of course, that the majority of dinosaurs were only about the size of a donkey, and the really large ones would have been very young, and therefore quite small, when the embarked onto the ark.

2007-03-08 13:27:28 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Actually, dinosaurs are mentioned in the Bible, but they aren't called "dinosaurs". That word wasn't even made up until 1844. Before that, they were called "dragons". The Behemoth and Leviathan of the book of Job are dinosaurs. Some people think that they are an elephant or hippo, but come on, how many elephants or hippos have a "tail like a cedar tree"? This is evidence that dinosaurs existed at the time of Job. Noah brought 2 of every unclean and 7 of every clean animal on the Ark, which would have included dinosaurs. He would have brought babies or juveniles for obvious reasons. Human history since the Flood is littered with legends of human interactions with dragons/dinosaurs. Humans killed off most of them until by about 500 years ago, most of them were extinct. There are, however, still current reports of dinosaurs that still exist throughout the world.
Archaeological findings only corroborate the Flood catastrophe, as all dinosaur bones are found in sedimentary rock, and they are buried in the order in which they drowned, not in which they "evolved". Archaeology does not contradict the literal interpretation of Genesis, but supports it.

2007-03-08 13:08:34 · answer #4 · answered by FUNdie 7 · 0 0

The point here no one know the true history of the bible. There are many interpretations so who is right. You can't use a book to justify itself. Real reason comes from looking at many sources to get a realistic foundation of the validity of a book. The religious use faith to get around real thinking.

The bible is an out dated book created from a time when man was caught in the dark ages. Hardly a book is divine because it says it is. There is mounting evidence against the bible as being a God inspired book. If this were true all countries would have a different versions say about the same thing. It is man inspired and that is that. Faith is a poor excuse to believe in a book as divine truth.

As we learn our knowledge is reflected in the books of our time. Even if man did find evidence back then about prehistory life they would have buried it or called a sin against God.

2007-03-08 13:15:31 · answer #5 · answered by T-Rex 5 · 0 0

That is a good question...I still think about that too. I am a Petroleum Engineer who has to deal with geology all the time. I believe that God has created everything. There is absolutely no way for everything to just exist by chance...even in a billion years...time has nothing to do with it. It has to do with the creation of a order of things. Now, the question is why has God not revealed everything to us in a straight forward manner. For instance, why is there viruses and why does the body have a defense system against them...if everything in the beginning was created perfectly. Certainly evolution can't explain this and the Bible is silent about this other that a few statements about sickness and health.

There is a pre-history, but what is believed is that this existed for billions of years. From my investigations and dealing with geology, my opinion is that we really don't know. You could explain everything if you wanted in 6,000 years or in billions of years. But, we now know that that time is relative and not absolute thanks to Einstein...so that throws another parameter in the mix.

So in the end, again in my opinion, that God created our minds in a certain way to understand the things on this earth. But in God's reality, there exists such a complex system that we as people and even Angels cannot ever comprehend. That is why Satan wanted to be God, because it is sooooo awesome. So, that is why there is this "lack of understanding". Maybe someday we'll figure it out...

2007-03-08 13:09:43 · answer #6 · answered by }-{2(o) 2 · 0 0

Well the Bible doesn't talk about EVERY single other kind of animal, either. But it does indeed speak of dinosaurs!! :D Job talks about the behemoth and leviathan - both of which are obviously dinosaurs of some type. I believe somewhere else in the Bible speaks of dinosaurs but I can't remember exactly where at the moment - but I know of Job for sure.

The reason the Bible doesn't call them straight out "dinosaurs" or "Apatosaurs" or "Tyrannosaurs" etc. is because all of those species names were created by men much later on in the 1800s, when they started to discover the fossils.

2007-03-11 05:20:19 · answer #7 · answered by smokestack.lightnin 2 · 0 0

You are making quite a few assumptions, one being that the Bible is the one book that describes creation from a religious viewpoint. Kindly check out the concepts of the aboriginal people of Australia and Dream Time, as well as the Upanishads, the Vedas, the Zenda Vesta of Zarathustra--and perhaps also A History of God by Karen Armstrong.

2007-03-08 12:53:12 · answer #8 · answered by KCBA 5 · 1 0

In the Book of Job the dinosaurs are mentioned, but they are called behemoth "with a tail like a cedar tree." Huge tail, but eats grass as an ox. Sounds like a dinosaur to me.

Jesus said that He saw Satan fall like lightning. Prehistory is told about angels.

2007-03-08 12:57:01 · answer #9 · answered by Jeancommunicates 7 · 0 0

The Bible is clear. Why is it God's fault that you get confused easily? You say you believe in God, but accuse Him of being the author of confusion, which is what the Bible describes as being Satan. OK, so your God is not the God of the Bible, your god is the god of this world. Better start coming to terms with who you worship.

2007-03-08 12:53:04 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The Bible is the history of the whole world. Well beginning times as you are saying. Dinosaurs are in it. Ever read the book of Job he describes an Apatosaurus. No the Bible is not confusing at all as you have already said Lucifer is. Lucifer is known as the father of lies, the prince of darkness the king of this world. He has many titles. If you pray while reading the Bible the Holy Spirit will open your eyes and heart to what is really inside. Repent and be baptized. Amen and Peace out..................

2007-03-08 12:55:44 · answer #11 · answered by powerliftingrules 5 · 0 1

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