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29 answers

Yes, not that it showed. But I sat in the dark, empty house we had bought and wondered what the hell I was doing and why. It wasn't that I didn't love her. It wasn't because there were family problems on either side because there were none. I forced myself to think back over several years and realize that I didn't really have to do this; I had dated several women and so it wasn't because I felt that I couldn't do any better or that nobody else would ever want me. But I felt the obligation that this was permanent, just as it had been for our parents. That alone, locking yourself in like that, is a big deal even when everything is smooth after a few years of going together. It would have disappointed everyone if I had bailed at that point and I would have looked really bad, but I couldn't let the expectations of other people decide who I would spend the rest of my life with. I thought of my parents and her parents, way beyond their attractive early twenties but still together. So it wasn't all hormones and aesthetics. And then I hit on what I needed to ask.

"Is this the woman I want to grow old with?"

Then we got married and I had no doubts. We were married for six years when she died of an illness, so I had to tell our daughter in my own lame way how much the mother she never knew meant to me and others. I think it helped us bridge across those tough teenage years to have that unseen presence. I told her everything that I could. Now she's engaged, and life goes on.

You have to sit alone in the dark, find your own question and answer it.

2007-03-08 05:53:17 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I was scared about my husband about a month before, like did I choose the right man for me and things like that, but I got over that quickly. Then a week before I was scared about how all these different things would actually come together the day of the wedding. But I was refreshingly not nervous at all once I woke up that morning. I had never been so sure of anything as I was that I was marrying this man.

We've been married for over 8 years and are in the process of planning our 10th anniversary blow-out!

2007-03-08 13:43:32 · answer #2 · answered by kateqd30 6 · 0 0

I don't mean to sound pompous. But, no. My older brothers all were shaking like leaves before they were married. I was pretty calm. I think they had more stage fright then anything because of the crowd.

As far as being married, I knew what I wanted and who I wanted. I knew I was making a right decision. And standing up before a room full of people is something I love.

There were times in the first year that I got scared. Times when I wondered what had I gotten into. Times when I wasn't sure if I was man enough to make it work. But, you put you head down and you charge on with a little faith in yourself, your partner and your commitment. Most of all, a lot of faith in God that He led you to the right partner.

I've been married 11 years, 3 kids, 2 house, 3 cities, 3 churches, 2 careers and a lot of happy and a few not so happy memories now.

2007-03-08 12:55:20 · answer #3 · answered by penhead72 5 · 2 0

Of course, I was very scared. This is the most monumental relationship of your life! Fearful questionsl like "Will we still accept each other?" and "How will we stay together" run through you mind.

There are lots of unknowns, and that is the most frightening thing about marraige; You know it will be unpredictable, but you do not konw WHAT will be unpredictable. That is scary, not having the control.

Go with the flow and try to communicate. The first year is really the most challenging in terms of adjustment. However, if you guys are the type that hang all over each other and can't get enough of each other, then that makes it a lot easier during the first year (or course it can delay other practical matters until later on).

Physical and emotional issues will be new to you. (Maybe not, in your case, I don't know). That is completely natural and the adventure of marriage. Have faith in yourself and go with the flow. It will be worth it =)

2007-03-08 18:35:11 · answer #4 · answered by shoshana 2 · 0 0

Not scared at all..then again I didn't know my future husband was higher than a kite and had been everyday since I met him.Was a little scared when I divorced him 8 months later.

5 years and not quite so naive later I was a bit scared walking down the aisle for the second time at 27 years old, but not so scared as I was when he walked into our apartment 1 year later and told me he was gay.

5 years after that, I walked down my own steps, and married the love of my life...After our 20 month anniversary (the combined time I was married before)...I started to not be quite so scared. Its been 5 years and 3 kids later and it feels better than ever.

You never know whats gonna happen when you get married...but don't ever feel stuck. Just because you make a mistake doesn't mean you have to pay for it for the rest of your life.

2007-03-08 14:02:27 · answer #5 · answered by ste.phunny 4 · 0 0

I have been married twice. My first marriage I wasn't scared about.......but I should have been! We were only married for about a year. (He was a control freak)

My second marriage I was completely freaked out for a couple of days before my wedding. I think I was just afraid of it not working out. I didn't want to be the woman who has been married a million times, you know. Anyway, I am still with my second husband and it has been 7 years.

2007-03-08 12:52:09 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I've been married twice now, and the only thing I was scared about was trusting the people who I had trusted to take care of things. I dated my first husband 5 years before we got married, that ended 6.5 years later. I met my now husband and I guess I had some jitters because I was taking that plunge again. But it wasn't anything like wanting to run away, I just wanted it over with! Heh.

Still happily married 2 years later!

2007-03-08 13:22:27 · answer #7 · answered by chefgrille 7 · 0 0

I've been married for 6 1/2 years. I wasn't really scared about anything - I was only 20 at the time and I guess I was nervous about "growing up" and being on our own. Up until then I had lived at home/college (we didn't live together before we got married) and had never done anything on my own before. It has been an incredible learning experience though and I wouldn't trade it for anything. My husband was and still huge a huge comfort for any fear I've ever had - choosing him was never something I questioned or feared.

2007-03-08 12:50:56 · answer #8 · answered by GingerGirl 6 · 0 0

I was scared, I was scared that I was not doing the right thing and thought that I was only doing it to make the perfect family for my two year old daughter. Well i was right I was only married two years and I left my husband for the man of of dreams who I have been with almost five years not married maybe someday but very happy

2007-03-08 12:50:54 · answer #9 · answered by slimnottygirl 2 · 0 0

I've been married for the past 5 months. I was scared like anything before my marriage. Ours is an arranged marriage. After our engagement my fiancee said that he was not intrested in me. It was like the sky broke on our family. I was scared till the last min whether our marriage will ever happen? because if this breaks, no other groom would be intrested in our family. That was a big insult to my father.

Finally we got married n neither of us liked each other. I just kept praying n left everything to God. I belive it's by his grace we r on the right track n we r leading a good family life. He says that he is fortunate to get a wife like me.


2007-03-08 14:17:58 · answer #10 · answered by Smile- conquers the world 6 · 0 0

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