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The Christian belief is based on him being ressurected and his pyshical body was gone from the tomb. (the diciples even accused the romans of stealing the body), so wouldn't this discovery negate that story entirely? It would prove hin to be as mortal as you or I.

2007-03-08 04:20:33 · 22 answers · asked by buttercup 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

22 answers

The show that was on recently didn't go into why those bones couldn't have been Jesus the Savior. It's not even close to the way certain people would have reacted back then. What we have are ossuaries with names of people on them. We apparently also have people who were related to eachother. Beyond that, we have speculation.

The defining factor that I contend with is; There is no way the Jews who were Pro Judaism would have allowed the claims of the disciples to be be spread when they had the bones of Jesus right there in Israel. Their religious world was being torn apart. IF they had his bones, they would have used them as an arguement against Christianity in general. There would not have been so many converts to Christianity in Jerusalem. The disciples message was not only that he lived and was crucified, but also that he rose and ascended into heaven.

Bones were not a part of the 'ascended' expectaion. The Jews would have the most to gain by exploiting that as a fact. They would have therefore told the Christians, " Be quiet, he's right here." But they couldn't, they didn't have those bones.

2007-03-08 04:37:52 · answer #1 · answered by Christian Sinner 7 · 1 0

1. It would prove that Christians are to be pitied more than all men (seeing that there is no hope for eternal life).
2. It would prove Christianity to be a farce. Read 1 Corinthians 15 on it.
3. It would prove that Christianity was a lie & not worth following! It would actually be the worst of deceptions, that has led millions astray.

However, what if Jesus did rise from the dead like history says? What would that mean for your life?

2007-03-08 04:31:18 · answer #2 · answered by Jeff- <3 God <3 people 5 · 0 0

I will not take man's word over God's Word. The Romans thought the disciples would steal the body and for that reason they had hot wax and a string seal the tomb stone with 16 top soldiers guarding the tomb. The disciples were too scared to accuse anybody. They received their strength later when the Holy Spirit came into them. Then you saw the disciples martyred for Christ.

2007-03-08 04:35:13 · answer #3 · answered by Jeancommunicates 7 · 1 0

They completely ignore a lot of other evidence, this would be no different. The whole story is counterintuitive, Pontius Pilate didn't even want to crucify him. It took most people two day, it took Jesus three hours. I think that Pontius had him cut down as soon as he passed out with the admonition that his wife and mother take him to a cave to tend his wounds and keep it quiet. He healed then said goodbye to his buddies ( a gross miscalculation of their ability to shut up) and left with the wife and sprout to live out his days somewhere else. You tell one drunk friend that you were snatched from the jaws of death and it spawns a religion.

2007-03-08 04:29:09 · answer #4 · answered by Huggles-the-wise 5 · 1 0

It's fatal to the Emperor Constantine's edited version of the New Testament. Hopefully it will encourage the reinsertion of the apocrypha and more research to find the information that was edited out of the New Testament. If we find more writings we can reconstruct the historical truth again.

2007-03-08 04:35:34 · answer #5 · answered by ideogenetic 7 · 0 0

You're right in most of your statement. (Although the disciples at first thought His body was taken away they were quickly shown that Jesus had been risen from the dead.)

Conclusive proof that the bones in a cave belonged to Jesus of Nazereth would completely shatter the Christian religion "for if Christ is not risen then our faith is in vain."

Now answer my question. If there are never any bones found which are shown to be Jesus of Nazereth's will you bend your knees to Him accepting Him as your Saviour?

I hope you do this before you are made to do it because then it will be too late.

2007-03-08 04:28:21 · answer #6 · answered by Bud 5 · 0 1

If it were proved, it would put a major dent in Christianity. It would certainly cause me to rethink my beliefs. However, everything I've read from archaeologists who've examined the site say it's unlikely to be true, and I don't see any way for it to be proved even if it were. I don't plan to worry about it a lot.

2007-03-08 04:28:15 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

The recent discovery is 27 years old! It has already been dismissed, except by those that have a problem with Christianity. It's not The Son of God in that tomb.

May God Bless you.

2007-03-08 04:29:09 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Nothing. It has already been proven false 20 years ago. Just because a director says its true, doesn't make it true. After 2,000 years of trying to prove Christ wrong, nobody has done it yet. Christianity has stood the test of time.

2007-03-08 04:28:37 · answer #9 · answered by Fish <>< 7 · 0 2

if this was really the tomb of Jesus, which it is not since He is risen, why haven't more "real archeologists" been included in the dig? where is all the hoopla? It is becuase the dig is a farce and is fake.

2007-03-08 04:26:26 · answer #10 · answered by nolet93 3 · 2 0

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