Much of Revelations was plagiarized from Daniel.
But, according to the Jewish view, the messiah will get it all done during his lifetime. No second coming need. Thank you very much.
2007-03-08 04:19:10
answer #1
answered by mzJakes 7
The white horse thing was two fold. First, there is quite a bit in Isaiah about the fierce battle where the Messiah will crush His enemies. But in about AD 70-80, (or CE 70-80) Domitian (the Roman Emperor) had a big event like the Olympics (called the Domitian games) and one of the main events was a horse race. Four horses, to be exact, each of a different color. The white horse was always the favored to win. John, the writer of the Revelation, used much imagery from the reign of Domitian to tell the Christians about the signs of the times, and to shed more light on the end of all things. But, the book of Revelation has so much imagery, prophecy and history-please don't believe anyone who tells you they have the whole thing figured out.
2007-03-08 04:14:44
answer #2
answered by girlpreacher 2
1) Correct.
2) Correct.
3) Yes -- re: the robe stained with blood, see Isaiah 63 (particularly verse 2), which describes Messiah's fierce battle to save His Jewish brethren. This is a parallel prophecy to Revelation 19:11-21. The Messiah's robe is red because it is splattered with the blood of His enemies. Scripture likens this to treading the winepress (quite a messy process); see verses 3 and 6.
I'm not aware of an OT scripture that states He will be riding a white horse, however.
You might also wish to read Daniel 7, which describes the "Ancient of Days" (whom Messianic Jews and Christians call "God the Father") and the "Son of Man," whom we call the Messiah, Jesus Christ.
2007-03-08 04:01:08
answer #3
answered by Suzanne: YPA 7
Did you know when a King came on a donkey it meant he came in peace and on a horse meant he came for war?
I don't think other than Christian prophecy(revelation) He's mentioned coming on a horse but coming as a King to deliver them (which means he'd need to come on a horse)
I don't remember revelation talking about flames in His eyes but that He would destroy the army coming against Him with a word and the blood as high as a horse's thigh.
I don't know what the Jews are looking for. The two Jewish friends I have aren't really expecting Him anytime soon.
2007-03-08 04:03:10
answer #4
answered by Jan P 6
Sources tell of big battles before the Messianic Age gets going, what's called the wars of Gog and Magog in the Jewish tradition, or what in Christinaity is called Armageddon.
Not sure where those descriptions come from through. I would take everything in the Christian Bible with a huge grain of salt. The stuff in there with some truth to it came from the Jews; the nutty stuff came from the Greeks.
2007-03-08 18:06:50
answer #5
answered by mo mosh 6
the genuine messiah had a spouse and babies that is foretold of in Isaiah fifty 3:10. The scribes edited and erased 1/2 the gospels to attempt to exhibit Jesus right into a god. even as all he became a mortal being raised from the lifeless resembling the 6 different characters contained in the Bible. Is the daughter of Jarius a Goddess because she became raised from the lifeless? Christians omit the common sense of the tale in Gospels. it truly is extremely elementary. Jesus became no longer God. Greeks wrote the Gospels and depending Christianity obviously they are going to imagine Jesus is a god. There minds are primitive.
2016-12-05 10:09:51
answer #6
answered by fuents 4
i did a search for those keywords and got isaiah 63
"Why is Your clothing red, and Your attire like that of one who trod in a wine press?"
judging by the use of capitalization, this verse is not messianic, it's referring to G-d's triumph over israel's enemies.
as for the rest, i don't know. i looked up the book of revelation on wikipedia and got this not very informative line about possible origins
"Some scholars have noted the similarities of the myth of Revelation about a rider on a white horse with the Buddhist and Hindu myths of Kalki who is considered the last avatar in the cycle of ages and is also associated with the end of time.[9]"
2007-03-08 04:13:57
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
In Times prophecy tells Us that in the book of revelation about the "great tribulation" and the
"war of Armageddon" which will happen in this lifetime and generation. Read your Bible. Peace
2007-03-08 04:13:40
answer #8
answered by poetified2 2
Oy gevalt. Hardly.
Wiki has a decent summary of the main points. Christianity's 'Messiah' is far removed from Judaism's. It like they took the same set of Legos and built a whole new critter.
2007-03-08 04:08:41
answer #9
answered by The angels have the phone box. 7
The Book of Revelation is some dude's nightmare!
2007-03-08 12:12:49
answer #10
answered by Hatikvah 7