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¿E***, si no importas el pedir, cómo tu vida ha estado con los hombres en tu pasado? Has expresado que el hombre pasado a que pensaste tú iba a pasar el resto de tu vida con, terminado para arriba con otra mujer. Indicaste que esto era debido al hecho de que no eres fino. ¿Has fechado a muchos hombres en el pasado? Expresaste tristeza en no poder gozar de la belleza del tener, o criar a tu propio niño. La razón que pido, que soy porque detecto que te entristece, que todavía estás unattached. Si está de cualquier consolación a ti, dejarme te dicen que que seas lejos mejor apagado de ser unattached, sin niño, que serías, si estuviste implicado en una unión desgraciada, o una que falló, y dejarte como sola madre. Debes contar tus bendiciones.

2007-03-08 03:48:04 · 5 answers · asked by witheld a 2 in Society & Culture Languages

Here's the English version:
E***, if you don't mind asking, how has your life been with men in your past? You've expressed that the last man who you thought you were going to spend the rest of your life with, ended up with another woman. You indicated that this was due to the fact that you are not thin. Have you dated many men in the past? You expressed sadness at not being able to enjoy the beauty of having, or raising your own child. The reason I ask, is because I sense that it saddens you, that you are still unattached. If it's of any consolation to you, let me tell you that you are far better off to be unattached, with no child, than you would be, if you were involved in a miserable marriage, or one that failed, and leaving you as a single mother. You should count your blessings.
Please make any corrections you feel are necessary. Thanks in advance.

2007-03-08 03:49:46 · update #1

5 answers

E***, si no te importa el que pregunte, ¿cómo ha sido tu vida con relación a los hombres en el pasado? Me contaste que el último hombre con el que pensaste ibas a pasar el resto de tu vida, terminó yéndose con otra mujer. Mencionaste que esto era debido a que no eres delgada. ¿Has salido con muchos hombres en el pasado? Dices estar triste de no poder disfrutar de la belleza de tener, o criar a tu propio hijo(a). La razón de mi pregunta es porque siento que te entristece el no tener aún pareja. Si te sirve de consuelo, déjame decirte que es mejor no tener pareja y no tener hijos, que estar enredada en un matrimonio miserable, o que falló, dejándote como madre soltera. (Debes contar tus bendiciones.) I would say: Debes considerarte afortunada.

I left as much as possible of your own version.

2007-03-08 05:16:56 · answer #1 · answered by Martha P 7 · 1 1

You appear to have attempted to translate your English word for word using a dictionary without checking the meaning of the Spanish words you have found in the dictionary. Sadly, therefore, your Spanish makes very little sense. Many of the sentences you use in English are idiomatic and if you try to translate them literally they mean absolutely nothing. I have therefore completely re-written your Spanish as follows: If you plan to copy this, note the upsidedown question marks halfway through the first sentence. This is perfectly correct usage in Spanish, as only the question part of the sentence is marked by question marks.

E***, si no te importa que te lo pregunte, ¿qúe tal ha sido tu vida con los hombres en el pasado? Has dicho que el último hombre con quien te parecía que ibas a pasar toda la vida se ha quedado al final con otra mujer. Has indicado que crees que eso fue porque no eres una mujer delgada. ¿Has salido con muchos hombres en el pasado? Has expresado tristeza por no haber disfrutado la alegría de tener y criar a un niño propio. Te lo pregunto porque me da la impresión de que te entristece el hecho de que sigues sin pareja. Como consolació te diría que es mucho mejor estar sola y sin hijos que estar en un matrimonio triste o fracasado y abandonada como madre soltera. En este respeto te debes considerar afortunada.

Hope this helps.

2007-03-08 12:29:01 · answer #2 · answered by GrahamH 7 · 2 0

you mispelled some words but here is my translation.

And ***, if you do not concern requesting, how your life has been with the men in your past? You have expressed that the man passed to that you thought you was going to pass the rest of your life with, finished for above with another woman. You indicated that this was due to the fact that you are not fine. You have dated to many men in the past? You expressed sadness in not being able to enjoy the beauty of having, or raising to your own boy. The reason that I request, that I am because I detect that it saddens to you, that still you are unattached. If it is of any consolation to you, to leave me they say to you that that far you are better extinguished of being unattached, without boy, that you would be, if you were implied in a displeased union, or one that failed, and being like single mother. You must count your blessings.

2007-03-08 12:30:18 · answer #3 · answered by pure_sweetness1984 2 · 0 3

well...it's not a good translation, if you want me to b honest w/u!

2007-03-08 12:03:21 · answer #4 · answered by sweetrocker_131 2 · 0 0

Please that's a very bad translation.

2007-03-08 14:46:01 · answer #5 · answered by Jersey girl on Florida. 5 · 0 0

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