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i am 5ft 5 and i weigh 115llbs. i really want to loe more weight but i do want to stop wot i am doing to myself, there is no weight im going to tell anyone so don't bother telling me i need help. i no i do thats why i'm asking you guys!!

2007-03-08 03:30:04 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diet & Fitness

7 answers

Hi there,
I have bulimia and am currently getting help. I know it's so scary to admit you may need it and even worse to consider getting it because you can feel ashamed about it, but once you start to open up that goes away, you start to realise you are sick, just like someone that broke their leg...and you do need medical care.
People on here usually have very little experience of it unless they suffer from it, try even going to sites like www.b-eat.co.uk as they offer online self help support. i know your searching for an answer on here, hoping someone will say something to make it all better but it won't happen. What about telling family or a close friend you confide in?
unfortunately it's a illness that only gets better with help from others, for if you realy had control you could stop yourself, isn't that right? And every time you ate you wouldn't feel so frustrated. I think with builmia it sooo often starts with you thinking your in control and has a way of making you think that always even when you don't i have had it for years and even thought I have admitted i have a problem, a large part of me believes i control it, but thats not the case really.
It's great that you do want to stop what your doing and that you are begining to aknowledge the fact you have bulimia...but im sorry because you won't find the answer to it here.
Try eating disorder websites though...if your really not ready to talk, then you might pick up some self help tips there.

best of luck


2007-03-08 08:39:44 · answer #1 · answered by SH2007 6 · 0 0

Ok...so i used to be bulimic and also have my degree in psychology. You can be bulimic and still be in a normal weight range by the way. You really should try to talk to someone about this... like a school counselor. I wouldnt recomend telling friends unless you are asking for help, otherwise you may not get the reaction you want and become more involved in the illness. If you are not going to seek help you should try eating small amounts of food that are good for you throughout the day... I know this is hard to do so start out with stuff you feel safe with like low cal foods like vegetables. When you eat one of these small amounts (that you have to keep down) take a daily vitamin with it so it will be absorbed. Seriously though, if you want to ever change then you need to find a support group or counseling or something because it is very unlikely that you will be able to get over it by yourself.

2007-03-08 03:55:02 · answer #2 · answered by Ashes 3 · 0 0

Good I'm glad you have spoken up about it, the first thng any one needs to do is realise what they are doing needs to stop.
Being 5ft 5 and 115 is a BMI of 19.1 which is very low.
What you do nned to do is think about the long term consequences of what you are doing.

Bulimia side effects - chronic intestinal inflammation, chronic constipation, irregular bowel function, and systemic toxicity, kidney damage, body fluid stagnation, and blood pressure problems. menstrual cycle interruption, hormone irregularities, insomnia, decreased bone density, osteoporosis, irregular heart beat, low red blood cell levels, muscular weakness, hair loss, dry skin, low body temperature, organ damage, immune system damage, and many other serious problems.

Other bulimia side effects include difficulty conceiving a child and a much larger risk of miscarriage and premature birth after conception.

Please stop and if you can't get help I have been bulimic since I was 14 and now 31 you don't want some of these things they'll tear your family appart - the help I got was great nothing heavy very practical and supportive I didn't see a shrink just a nurse practioner she was great.

Good luck there is no point being beautiful outside when your insides are a mess.

2007-03-08 05:19:25 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You should really bring this up to your parents, a close adult friend, a school counselor, or your family doctor. Tell those close to you, and seek professional help. As someone studying to be a psychologist, I know that you are more likely to start treating yourself right if those around you are helping you and supporting you. There are probably support groups in your area for people who feel exactly the way you do. You can talk to a trained professional. Your parents and friends can help you eat healthier, and make sure you arent going to the bathroom afterwards to throw up.

2007-03-08 03:41:05 · answer #4 · answered by Kristina N 3 · 0 0

Why do you just THINK you are bulimic? If you eat and then throw up the you ARE bulimic. Bulimia does not require consistency. Once is enough, duration causes other problems.

2007-03-08 03:41:36 · answer #5 · answered by Ray2play 5 · 0 0

Honey.....being bulimic isn't about weight control.....you eat, you make yourself sick....you're hungry again.....bulimia is about control....feeling as though you have no control of your life in some way....I was bulimic for a few years a while ago & at the time thought I was doing it to control my weight.....it was only when I told a really good friend that she suggested the control theory to me....I came back with the answer that I was doing it to lose weight & she said....."no actually it isn't about losing weight....normal people go on a sensible calorie contolled diet to lose weight".....I still continued to be bulimic until one day with my head shoved down the toilet I thought I was going to have a heart attack......that shocked me back into reality & although I was often tempted to repeat it I never have...I've since learned how to control my weight by healthy food choices & weight lifting.....& it WAS about control....about the lack of control I felt I had in my life....the lack of control from being married to a guy that totally controlled all I did plus a lack of control over my weight....that's all changed for me now

To tell you to talk about this to someone will probably fall on deaf ears so until you're ready to do that, the only advice I can offer you is to follow the guidelines set out below.....they'll help you to take back the control of your life a bit more....

Try to eat on a preset schedule, dividing your food into equal balanced meals throughout the day. You should try to eat 4 to 6 small well-balanced nutritious meals throughout the day. Try not to skip any meals.
Your diet should NOT contain refined sugar, corn syrup, honey, or other simple sugar sources or the foods made from them. You should also try to limit the amount of potatoes, weight, corn, and foods made from them because they can have a negative effect on your blood sugar and your hunger.

You should also make sure that you consume approximately 20 percent of your total daily caloric intake from polyunsaturated fats, such as olive oil, canola oil, sunflower oil, and the oils contained in numerous fish such as mackerel, hearing, salmon, and tuna.
People who suffer from eating disorders often have a zinc deficiency. Taking a zinc supplement is very important to battling eating disorders because it helps to control your appetite and aids in the sense of taste. It's generally recommended that you take 50 to 100 mg of zinc daily.

Tryptophan is an amino acid which may help to curb the desire to binge. Your brain uses this amino acid to produce the chemical serotonin, which curbs your desire to eat carbohydrates.

Make sure you take a high quality, daily vitamin mineral supplement.
When you're ready...seek help & support

I'll tell you this for free honey.....the body you have is the only body you're ever going to get....until you can learn to love the only person that's able to take you on this journey through your life....until you can learn to accept the person you are & respect yourself...until you learn to trust yourself...until you can love you for who you are....you will continue to have a distorted view of what you really look like.....you must first come to love the person you are....come to love the body you have with all it's imperfections, then & only then will you be able to do anything to change it.....you can't swap it for any other but you can improve it.....bulimia nervosa isn't the way to do it though..... I think the fact that you posted this question proves that you're well on your way to healing

good luck sweetheart,

2007-03-08 12:49:23 · answer #6 · answered by Funky 6 · 0 0

are you making yourself sik? bbulimic is where yoo make yoorself sik after yoo hav eaten! 115 pounds is a normal weight dont worry yoorself! there may be presure to be so skinny but theres no need do yoo think those models are truly happy? ii dont

2007-03-08 03:47:44 · answer #7 · answered by abbie c 1 · 0 1

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