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I have talked to a lot of Americans, and definately those that are educated, have succesful lives and have a descent level of culture have views that support immigration ( legal and illegal, even if it is somewhat controlled ) and now I just took the time to look at the profiles of all the ppl who answer ignorant racist like answers on immigration and then I see that the jerry Springer show guests do exist.

is there ANYONE a little descent that doesn't have buck teeth, works at Target and drives am 80's Ford vehicle that can SUCCESFULLY debate the subject????

2007-03-08 03:11:01 · 25 answers · asked by corporal.hicks 3 in Politics & Government Immigration

Oh Fozzie, wakka wakka, if you only studied a little bit, it's very easy. Make it easier to obtain forms to let ppl work for certain amounts of time. Trust me, the immigrants that come here don't come because they love Americans and their country and love to abandon everything they know, including families back home. They just come to make a little money and get a better life but with the intent of going back home and helping their country. None of us want to stay. Are you kidding me, having my child grow up so that he gets shot in school or does drugs like all his friends or gets sued for something so stupid?!

2007-03-08 03:19:14 · update #1

25 answers

No. Actually the anti-Immigrants are Israeli-lovers mainly

2007-03-09 10:10:19 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

And you are not being racist by saying that people that work for Target are less worthy than you? Let's move on.... Who are these very educated people that know the impact of illegal alliens in this country and believe that they are great for the economy and prosperity of this country? I would love to know, because I am one of the educated, high income, people and all my friends and coworkers are the same. No one that I know falls for the crap that the biased media and Bush want us to believe " Illegals help the economy" Sure they do, they give birth in our hospitals for free while the rest of us are afraid to have any health issues because of the cost attached to it. Illegals, work under the table, don't pay taxes and then collect wellfare from our taxes. Illegals cross the border just to have an anchor baby so that they don't get deported from this country and get all the nice benefits....need I go more? Which part of these issues do your intellectual, educated friends don't understand. IT seems to me that you don't need more than and 8th grade education to understand when something smells this bad....The fact is, illegals are breaking the laws by being here, they don't have any interest in learning the language and culture, they are only here to reap the benefits. They are here to yell at our schools for not having enough spanish speaking classes paid by our property taxes. So again, maybe your "educated" friends and you need to learn a little more about the facts and not be guided by emotions. I love it how this culture has become so ultra liberal minded that everything is guided just by emotions, no thinking, no logic. It's all a big game of emotions.

2007-03-08 12:37:28 · answer #2 · answered by AP 2 · 3 1

To add comment to your ‘additional detail’ remark--- how many Hispanic people actually move back to their home country after they’ve “made a little bit of money” in the country they “don’t love”; and go back to the native country which they only took a temporary hiatus (not abandoned, remember!) run amuck buy the corrupt government?

Obviously not very many otherwise this would not be a problem, everyone one of my frinds—who’s family came over here—are still, go figure. It’s been what 20 plus years… is that how long it takes to make “a little money”??

“None of us wants to stay.. have a child here” Then why do so many have children, just send the men to work and leave the women home while they get a monthly check?

Can you retort that? Inquiring minds would like to know!

Ignorance begets ignorance. Get your facts straight.

2007-03-08 11:43:42 · answer #3 · answered by aangita 3 · 3 1

No. Additionally, I do believe you mean illegal aliens. We are anti-illegal-aliens not anti immigrants. Get your facts straight.

Not everyone wants to participate in higher education. There are plenty of decent people who are not trailer trash, but aren't the scholastic type either. There are also students who need to work their way through college and/or get some work experience in menial jobs in order to get jobs at places that will pay them more. These fine Americans mow lawns, build homes, etc. So, I wouldn't suggest that you claim we need illegal aliens to do this work. I also don't suggest that you say well educated people are better than middle class/blue collar workers as many of these "educated" people you love so much don't give a rats azz about the people who come here illegally, they just don't want to mow their own grass or raise their own children, so they are willing to sacrifice this nation so their lazy elite lives won't be disrupted by mundane tasks that GOOD AMERICANS do for themselves.

PS: If you hate it here so much, leave.

2007-03-08 13:09:10 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I support legal immigration - I would not be here without it. It is the illegals I am worried about. At most construction sites in the southwest of good ol USA, it is difficult to find anyone that can speak English. And it is not German, French, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Korean, Arabic or any other of the myriad of languages spoken on this planet that are printed under English on signs, posters etc in our government offices. It is Spanish.

It is wrong to turn a blind eye to the flood of refuges from central and south american that come to US. In this war on Radical Islam, I would prefer that all immigration coming to US for next few years be from Middle Eastern cultures. This war is a clash of cultures, and clash only solved if each culture is able to better understand the other.

Is that a successful argument?

2007-03-08 11:34:19 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I have a college degree and a pick-up truck, nor do I work at target. I am not against immigration; however, illegal immigration is a problem that needs to be addressed. Not all illegal immigrats are bad, but in all fairness some people come here illegally with ill intent.

weak border policies are also a matter of national security. What if Al Qaeda snuck across the US/Mexico border. I also believe some ideas like building a fence are ludicris.

If you want more info on why I am against illegal immigration check out www.fairus.org.

2007-03-08 11:22:27 · answer #6 · answered by evil_paul 4 · 5 2

Racism is and can be a natural instinct. Homer's the Odyssey explores peoples' natural fear of people unlike themselves.
Everybody is racist to some degree. But its how they act that on it, which determines if its appropriate.
As having traveled to more then 50 countries, in my short life, i can tell you immigration is not always the best idea. Immigration does need to be controlled and limited. Immigration in less wealthy counties or areas is even more problematic.
Controlling your home/country is a right of "self determination" that should be respected.

2007-03-08 11:23:19 · answer #7 · answered by iceblendedmochajavo 5 · 6 0

I would be happy to. I graduated from college, do not work at Target (although I don't think it's a bad thing) and have all of my teeth.
Illegal immigration is breaking the law. I am for anyone who wants to come to this country LEAGALLY and learn the language, become a productive member of society, and pay do what they need to do to support their family. Illegal aliens put a huge drain on the system. Companies in the U.S. aere not stupid. Why pay fair wages when you can hire an illegal alien for 1/4th the salary and not pay income tax on them. They hurt the American worker, and hurt the unions. While some illegals pay tax, most do not. they can't, they are here ILLEGALLY. If you tried to go to Mexico, even as a legal resident, then marched into an immigration officials' office and said you wanted free health care, public aid, and free schooling for your kids, and by the way, I want all of the services in English because I don't speak Spanish and have no intention too, not only would they fall on the floor laughing, but you would be given a one way ticket back to your country of origin.

Again, I am not against LEGAL immigration. There are many people doing what they can LEGALLY to enter the country to make a better life for themselves and their families. I welcome those people with open arms and I hope everything works out well. To those who are here ILLEGALLY and think they have a right to complain about not getting what they deserve, they deserve NOTHING.

I believe that the U.S. is the greatest country in the world, and citizenship is not a right, but a privilage. The last time I checked, a privilage is earned. How has someone who has not come here as a legal immigrant earned their right to be here. Legal immigrants have to go through a tough set of regulations to stay. They show they respect our country and want to be a part of it. Illegals do no such thing. they sneak in under the system, then expect our tax dollars to take care of them.
I was born in the U.S. and I earn my citizenship every day. I bust my butt to make sure my family is taken care of. I have gone back to school to become a teacher. My parents still are paying back loans that helped put my brother, sisters and I through school. My grandfather fought in WWII at Iwo Jima and Guadalcanal. My father-in-law did 2 tours in Vietnam. Every day I thank my lucky stars that I am an American, but I don't stop there. I make sure that I am worthy of the title Proud American. I wish everyone would.

2007-03-08 11:29:07 · answer #8 · answered by Natterjack9 5 · 6 3

Our people who work at Target, have fewer years of education, and have fewer options are the ones hit worst by illegal immigration. Whereas education is my hot spot, since the illegal immigrants swamp our schools and drain education funds effectively ruining the district where my children attend, those who make lower wages have the more immediate employment impacts of illegal immigration. Illegal immigrants drive down the working man's wage, and drain social services designed for OUR people, who need them.

You are hardly displaying your own education and debate skills by insulting those who have less money and education and fewer options than you do.

2007-03-08 12:59:30 · answer #9 · answered by DAR 7 · 2 2

How can there be controlled illegal immigration? Is that like allowing just a few bank robberies because you feel sorry for the robbers? I mean, they're just trying to get a better life for their family. Why should we prosecute them?

It's ignorant people who turn the ILLEGAL immigration discussion to racism and insults. I don't care who it is coming into this country illegally. They are committing a crime and using MY money to better their life. When I want to help the less fortunate, I donate my money and time willingly. I don't like it when people steal it out of my pocket.

If you really want to debate a topic, stop with the insults and cries of racism and let's talk about FACTS. When you have to call people names, it shows your lack of intelligence.


2007-03-08 11:14:56 · answer #10 · answered by FozzieBear 7 · 10 2

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