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Isn't just the same horrid nationalist philosophy

2007-03-08 03:04:49 · 7 answers · asked by Kraljica Katica 7 in Travel Europe (Continental) Other - Europe

1)Answerer no.3
I'm well aware of the history of both..and it's causes and what various individuals believe and claim.
I'm also aware that Albanians claim that 'greater albania' is a Serbian propoganda tool. Maybe the term 'Shqiperia e madhe' was created by Serbian..but are you telling me that no Albanian from Kosovo or diaspora outside the balkans (because those are mainly most nationalist) don't want Greater Albania or are Slav haters.
I've seen the map.. and those people claiming that eg Skope is in Albania.
And what about terrorist groups such as AKSH or those in Presevo?
I saw a video of a rap on youtube by Albania raper Etno Engjujt 'jovo' it was disgusting!!! Shamful comparing Serbs to rats. It is shamful that such a nazi is popular among Albanians.

2)Jeleno ..Ja sam nacionalista???! lol NISAM! Mozda ne razumes moju pitanju. Ja sam protiv SVAKI naiconalizam.
BTW I do know what is reality. But this is question site so I can ask about anything.

2007-03-09 09:11:31 · update #1

Oh.. and for reality.. The reality is that Kosovo will be an independent state. And that is fact only nationalist are living in unreality thinking it isn't going to happen.

2007-03-09 09:13:51 · update #2

I don't understand why being against both Albanian and Serbian expansion makes one a nationalist?
I think a lot of people think I'm attacking Serbia (or Albania) here, I'm not..
I don't want any more wars and further carving up of borders on ethnic lines... I don't understand this 'natural to desire to live under one roof' And it is impossible in the Balkans because it is so mixed. There are Slovakian villages in vojvodinja should they really become part of Greater Slovakia???

Thank you everyone for answering my question, I will leave it open a few more days to get more answers than choose a best.

2007-03-12 06:22:36 · update #3

7 answers

It is not the same.

Greater Serbia is a colonization attempt to reinstate the borders of a past empire, where Greater Albania is an attempt at a repatriation of lost land in The Treaty of Bucharest of August 10, 1913 (a slight modification of the Treaty of San Stefano of 1877-78).

While Serbia and Greece already had their independence from the Ottoman Empire, all of ethnic Albania was still WITHIN THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE.

After the Ottoman defeat in the Russo-Turkish war, a team of delegates were hand picked by Russia to carve up the former Ottoman land in the Balkans. Serbia was chosen along with Montenegro, Bulgaria, Roumania, and Greece. All of the delegates, with the exception of Roumania, had their fair share of expanding into Albanian land.

Read about who "gained territory" here:
Pay attention to the criticism of the treaty in the last paragraph:
"the boundaries which it drew bore little relation to the nationality of the inhabitants of the districts affected."

The fact is, Serbia GREW in territory with the help of their natural ally, which is proof enough that it had ambitions of a "Greater Serbia" outside its own borders.

The notion of a "Greater Albania" is just a PROPAGANDA TOOL OF THE TRUE EXPANSIONISTS.

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Re: Answerer no.3

The proverbial "terrorist" actions, similar to that of the AKSh, led to the RECOGNITION of Albania as a sovereign and independent state, being admitted to the League of Nations. Be careful of your choice of words.

You've asked:
"but are you telling me that no Albanian from Kosovo or diaspora outside the balkans (because those are mainly most nationalist) don't want Greater Albania or are Slav haters?"

Okay, when I stated:
"The notion of a 'Greater Albania' is just a PROPAGANDA TOOL OF THE TRUE EXPANSIONISTS."
I meant that the context of the term "Greater Albania" implies imperialism and is not the same as the term used by the Albanian diaspora, "Ethnic or Natural Albania" ("Shqipëria e Madhe" means close to what Answerer No.1 said). Furthermore, do not compare the feelings of the Albanians OUTSIDE the Balkans to the ethnic Albanian citizens of other countries who, by the way, fought for equal rights WITHIN those Balkan states.

The anger among the Albanian people is a manifestation of the resentment towards the begrudging of equal rights and the continued ambitions to PARTITION THE RECOGNIZED NATION OF ALBANIA SINCE ITS CREATION:

-1914, The Greek invasion of Albania.

-1918, World War I ends, with Italian armies occupying most of Albania , and Serbian, Greek and French armies occupying the remainder. Italian and Yugoslav powers begin struggle for dominance over Albanians.

-1919, Serbs attack Albanian cities; Albanians adopt guerilla warfare. Albania is denied official representation at the Paris Peace Conference; British, French and Greek negotiators decide to divide Albania among Greece , Italy and Yugoslavia . This decision is vetoed by American president Woodrow Wilson.

-1921, The Yugoslav invasion of Albania.

-1939, The Italian invasion of Albania.

-1945-48, Albania acted like a Yugoslav satellite and Tito aimed to use his pressure on the Albanian party to incorporate the entire country into Yugoslavia.

-2006, Greek government attempts to hellenize the southern Albanian population by offering dual citizenship to a mixture of Greeks, Vlach, and other minorities, exaggerating the number of Greeks in southern Albania. This motive greatly appealed to the Vlach, since there is a large Vlach community in Greece, as well.

Finally, I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOUR STATEMENT ABOUT THOSE PRECOCIOUS RAPPERS SPREADING HATE, however, I can understand their frustration from the events stated above.
How does this relate to the Greater Albania vs Greater Serbia discussion, anyway ???


2007-03-08 15:07:50 · answer #1 · answered by {~¿~} zZ 5 · 4 4

greater albania,would be albania incl kosovo
where ca 85 % are ethnic albanic,but the idea of a greater serbia, would have been the control over,croatia,kosovo,montenegro
and eliminating all muslim communities,
mainly in bosnia herzegovina.
but after the war,croatia ,bosnia became independent,and recently also montenecro
they had elections over the future of kosovo
but notting have been settled yet.

2007-03-08 03:24:50 · answer #2 · answered by Nanno D 3 · 0 0

Nationalism is the natural desire of one same nation to life under one same roof. Everything rest is political gameplay dipped in the historic and geographic constelation.

To deduce any similarity or difference out of the natural, between the two, is political.

2)Jeleno ..Ja sam nacionalista???! lol NISAM! Mozda ne razumes moju pitanju. Ja sam protiv SVAKI naiconalizam.
BTW I do know what is reality. But this is question site so I can ask about anything.

Jesi nacionalista.

3 days ago
Oh.. and for reality.. The reality is that Kosovo will be an independent state. And that is fact only nationalist are living in unreality thinking it isn't going to happen.

Ne, ustvari ti si opasan nacionalista koji svoj nacionalizam uzdize na racun drugog.


*I don't understand why being against both Albanian and Serbian expansion makes one a nationalist?
I think a lot of people think I'm attacking Serbia (or Albania) here, I'm not..

This is a very sensitive issue for us, as I have explained you in your other question.

*I don't want any more wars and further carving up of borders on ethnic lines... I don't understand this 'natural to desire to live under one roof' And it is impossible in the Balkans because it is so mixed. There are Slovakian villages in vojvodinja should they really become part of Greater Slovakia???

Natural desire... :


Nationalism is "an ideology that holds that (ethnically or culturally defined) nations are the "fundamental units" for human social life, and makes certain cultural and political claims based upon that belief; in particular, the claim that the nation is "the only legitimate basis for the state", and that "each nation is entitled to its own state.""


"Nationalism stresses the cultural similarity of its adherents, and by implication, it draws boundaries vis-a-vis others, who thereby become outsiders."

The panslavic nationalist movement was the motoric force for the creation of Yugoslavia in 1918. Yugoslavia was a world example of coexistence after WW2. Things did work there in that context. They could have worked still if all sides had wanted, and we all would have been a prosperous European country...

The problem with nationalism in Yugoslavia is that some historical issues, under Tito, have been suppressed. Every suppression leads to an eventual explosion. For example, Tito suppressed Serb nationalism regarding WW2 issues with Croatia, while the Croat nationalism wasn't as suppressed. Croat nationalism was meant to lead Croatia into independence, as it happened.

I remember, when I was a kid in the late 70' and we were in our house in my grandfathers's village in Croatia, one Croat from Zagreb broke our sun umbrella (that we used to leave on the beach) thinking we were tourists from Serbia (I'm from Belgrade.) That was the first time I personally came in contact with anything similar... (I think he later appologized to my grandfather, who is Croat.)

Allow me to say that Tito's Yugoslavia was a timebomb ready to explode after his death. He created this to happen. After he played his good dictator rhole and left us, it happened- the masterpiece commenced in 1991... Muslim Albanians awaited their moment too. Tito was friend of Enver Hodza and thus the Serbs who fled Albanian terror during WW2 (200,000-250,000 if I recall correctly), were not allowed to return to Kosovo!!!!!! The Albanian-Kosovo border was open to hundreds of thousands of Albanians "fleeing" from Albania. The Serb political intelligence was mutilated, and the Kosovo's independence started its way toward independence, with such an authonomy which suffocated Serbia as Republic in Yugoslavia. This explains you why Milosevic was so popular when he grabbed this situation and lowered Kosovo's authonomy in 1989 to an authonomy the level of 1974, which enraged Albanians who warped their separatist plans.

By the way, the Bosnian Muslims decided only when they were given the "order" from USA and Middle East. Otherwise, they would have stayed in confederation with Serbs and Croats (Coutilher's plan)... Bosnia was the heart of multiethnic coexistence.

The Slovaks don't complain. They are quite well standing in Vojvodina. No one is endangering their Slovak herritage. There has been some recent hostilities among Hungarians and Serbs in Vojvodina, but that was because of the situation in the neighbouring regions, and the Hungarians wanted some piece of it.

2007-03-12 00:56:58 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

There is one simple answer to this:
I know you refer this to Kosovo, let me tell you.
Kosovo was and is part of Serbia, historically, and what you want to claim here is that if Kosovo stay in Serbia it is the same as giving independence to Albanians who came from neighboring country and want to make 2 albanian states on Balkans.
There is no comparison to this, and you can only compare it if you don't consult historical and social fact and if you are totally ignorant or albanian propagandist, which is case here, and as we know, in propaganda you don't use truth or facts, just lies that you want to become truth.

2007-03-13 22:23:36 · answer #4 · answered by Jelena L. 4 · 1 4

I think Greater Albania would be better than Greater Serbia.
In Greater Albania Islam, Catholism, and Orthodox will live under one roof as brothers(Albanians belonging to all three of these religions and never quarreling over ones fate) while Greater Serbia would be build on top of mass graves of Bosnians, Croats, and Albanians. The Orthodox priests would bless the "Serbia Soldiers of God" as they would execute innocent unarmed civilians as they did in Srebrenica. Greater Serbia is a regional threat.

2007-03-12 23:20:00 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 5 5

Wow, You are such a nationalist.
Amazing, really, how unrealistic you are.

2007-03-09 04:49:39 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1


2007-03-08 03:12:21 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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