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Yes or no can you give a example? thank you.

2007-03-08 03:01:06 · 23 answers · asked by golfman333forever 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

23 answers

YES, I have a GREAT one for you...5.5 yrs ago I was having a difficult time deciding if I should have another baby...I had 4 children at the time. I went to a friends church where the minister had said "if one of you is having a difficult time finding the answer to a question" NOW tell me that wasn't directed straight at ME! "take the question to God and He will answer you". Then he said you must ask in the name of Jesus & this is the way you ask him...I did as he said that very night I got on my hands and knees...prayed for God thru Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior..."Should I have another baby, Lord, I have already 4 wonderful healthy children and I'd like another but is it Thy will that I have another or is it time to have my tubes tied? My life is not what I'd chose for my own if I were you Lord. I am willing as your servant to do Your will. In Jesus name I pray. Amen." The very next day...I got my answer! I was walking to my oldest son's freshman football game...once I got close enough to hear the loud speakers from the game that had just kicked off...another loud speaker came on...God said to me "You WILL have another child, it will be a GIRL, you SHALL call her Miracle! She will be very special! Go tell everyone this that I tell you, that your daughter will be very special." I asked "Miracle with an 'i' or an 'a'..." I was so neverous! (miracle or maracle... He ANSWERED me) "Miracle with an 'i'!" And that was that! I ran to my mother who was at the game already and told her of my divine interventioning experience! She was like "yeah, whatever..." Well, two months later my husband and I were always arguing...he was still hitting me/pushing me/holding me down for hours...I had decided to leave him. I made an appt to have my tubes tied...he said "what about the divine intervention thing?"...I told him I just couldn't live with his domestic violence any longer...we had NO business bringing another child into this world. He finally agreed. At my pre-op for the tubal...my doctor found that I was barely pg! I know the EXACT date of conception NOVEMBER 25, 2001. My hubby and I had only done it ONCE...and my pre-op was on November 27th! Now you tell me it wasn't a MIRACLE! I contenplated abortion...why bring another child into this messed up relationship...he said what if the baby is a girl like God said it would be? I had the baby...YES, she was a girl...we stayed married for her sake but I had moved out 3+yrs ago after he beat me so badly I could hardly walk. We are officially divorced now...I say this b/c I don't want anyone to think that God choses the "best ppl" in the eyes of humans but the best ppl in HIS eyes...believe me, I kept asking him WHY ME...I am a lowly servant...he said BECAUSE I chose YOU. My daughter...Miracle Noel...is now turning 5 July 30th and YES, she is very special...she will grow up to do GREAT things...perhaps find the cure for AIDS!!! Who knows?!

FYI, I attend a nondenominational church 3 or 4 times a month. I teach my children about God, Jesus, the bible. God has spoken to me twice and both times exactly what he said would happen, has happened! He is alive! He does exist! He answers my small prayers every day...my b/f came after me Dec.16th...I asked God to protect me...God stopped him in his tracks! The guy got 22 stitches in his head! On his way up the stairs he hit his head on the frame of the doorway...ripping his scalp up 6 inches...instead of hurting ME...he hurt himself! God put that in his way! And my b/f gave God ALL the credit for that one too! He told me on the way to the hospital...that God had proved him to be a moron...that he was sorry for losing his temper and he would be sure to LEAVE the house if he ever got that angry again. God got my b/f to start going to church this past Sept...I prayed for 2.5 yrs for God to speak to him while he slept...I prayed very hard the night before my b/f woke up all of a sudden and said to me "I thnk I want to go to church"...I grabbed the phone, told him to call his buddy, we'd go to his church...it was nondenominational. God has answered soooo many of my prayers recently...even the small ones! How GREAT Thou art!

2007-03-08 03:33:27 · answer #1 · answered by HeavenlyAngel 3 · 1 1

Absolutely. He answered my prayers even before I knew Him. My first prayer was when I was about 10 and had a sharp stomach pain. I prayed for relief and it came. Then in a track meet, I prayed to run well and win, and I did. Now I pray for wisdom, grace, and help, and He answers these prayers constantly. We should remember that prayer is not just requests, what we call petitions. It is communion with Him, talking with Him, getting to know Him. The Word says He is already meeting all my needs, so I don't need to focus too much on that. It says first to seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness. But the one thing I most vividly recall as an answer to prayer involves the time my wife suggested we should go our separate ways. I was heartbroken, and poured out my heart to God. The problem dissolved,and I was intensely thankful.

2007-03-08 03:12:01 · answer #2 · answered by Rick 5 · 1 0

Eventually yes he does.
Having trouble with my son in school for years he was having such a hard time and I had to tutor him every night after working a full day.... I would pray and ask God to please help me as I had such hard days. I would pray and ask God to give me the capacity for such a long day and help me to help my son. I did this for two years. Each day became more fun and easier tutoring my son. My son is now on the honor roll and I never have to help him or tell him do finish his work. He makes straight A's and learned good study habits from our time together which is something the teachers don't teach (study habits). So there was a long period of time where I didnt' think I could do it and I saw no end to it. Then once I did see an end, I saw the reason for that hard time.

He answered my prayer, in his own timing. I got through it just fine and so did my son. Through prayer, as if I did not pray and did not believe that he would help me, I would have lost my mind.

2007-03-08 03:07:38 · answer #3 · answered by sassinya 6 · 0 0

yes, When I asked God to let my unborn child be born healthy HE did. I had a bleeding spell and the doc only gave me a 50/50 chance of keeping him. When I asked God to give me a baby girl He answered that prayer too, He said NO! It's a good thing I didn't have a baby girl. I wouldn't be where I am today if I had had a daughter. And although it's too late now for that I am content that Jesus hears me when I pray and does what is BEST for me despite my incessant whining and sinning. (Not unlike the children of Israel in the dessert)

2007-03-08 03:11:20 · answer #4 · answered by I-o-d-tiger 6 · 0 0

yes, God has answered lots of my prayers. I prayed for my husbands salvation and God answered. We tried for 5 years to have a baby and finally broke down at a home bible study and told others and my church family got together and all prayed and then a month later I was pregnant. We prayed for an affordable house and we got one, we prayed for my husband to get a good job so I can stay at home with the kids, it was answered. I could go on and on but who has enough time to. I've also prayed prayers and God said no and later on I realized how glad I was He didnt.

2007-03-08 03:10:15 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, this same Almighty who created the heavens and earth has looked down and answered the prayer of an ordinary mom who was worried about her son's addiction to drugs. I prayed that he be healed of his drug addiction and would not be able to put drugs into his body anymore. Soon after I prayed, a calmness came over me and I just knew that God was going to help my son. I just did not know how He would do it. Anyway, my son became ill and we had a cat scan done on him. It showed that he had a tumor on his liver that was making him very sick. He was losing a lot of weight and the doctor told him it as long as he put drugs in his body, he would continue to be ill. But if he were to stop, he would be able to live with the benign tumor on his liver. He did not believe the doctor and tried to do drugs again. He became so ill he told me that death was preferable. He never put anything into his body after that. Today, he is healed from his addiction to drugs. He has a good job and reads his Bible everyday. I continue to thank God for what He has done for my son and His many blessings on my family! I tell everyone how powerful our petitions to the Lord are! God is awesome!
I spend time with the Lord everyday and just talk with Him! I look forward to this and dwelling on His word.What a mighty God we serve! One who heals His people and covers their sins with the blood of Christ!

2007-03-08 03:39:24 · answer #6 · answered by Marie 7 · 1 0


2007-03-08 03:07:54 · answer #7 · answered by Angelz 5 · 0 0

Directly, I tend to dobt it. But there are guardian angels with limited powers and the ability to interact and comprehend. They do God's work and they know God's plans and if your free or accidental set or random circumstances goes contrary to the master plan they can intervine to a great degree.

If you ask for something they might show it to you, but you better be VERY specific and after that FREE WILL comes into play. They will NOT stack the deck for you, only turn over one card for you to see.

If you choose not to see what is revealled to you that is YOUR short coming.

It means you're not yet ready.

It means you have work left to do.

You have two paths, something compells you to go left and you chose instead to go right, that's you're choice.

The most some Angel can do is blow some wind to make you incline to go left, but if you take all your energy and fight the wind and go right, that's YOUR CHOICE.

Don't blame God for not getting what you asked for.

2007-03-08 04:35:21 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think God is the good in us that makes us make the right choices but I dont believe that he can like provide me with a job, cure an illness, make a family member change, etc. What I believe is that if like my family member would listen to their heart more then they would make more loving kind choices for example and directly impact the relationship they have with me.

2007-03-08 03:08:47 · answer #9 · answered by Alejandra 1 · 0 0

Yes, He has answered prayer, but I'm not not willing to share personal details in this forum.

However, many people are confused about what prayer is. The Lord's Prayer says, "Thy will be done," not, "My will be done."

2007-03-08 03:08:06 · answer #10 · answered by cmw 6 · 0 0

All prayers are not answerable for example, praying to win the lottery.

2007-03-08 03:06:12 · answer #11 · answered by MoPleasure4U 4 · 0 0

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