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Pls tell me your experience whether yes or no. Thanks a lot ppl...

2007-03-08 02:52:54 · 9 answers · asked by Kcam 2 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

9 answers

Love at first sight is real. Or can be. Because true love is from God. I'm a Christian, I believe in God! And for that reason I believe that there is love at first sight. God sometimes maybe lets people (like me) see right away who He intended them to love and marry.

Love is different with everyone because we are all different! You can't describe true love for anyone! Everyone's experience of loving or being in love is totally unique. Because we area all unique! There are no hard and fast rules in love. Sometimes love at first sight is true. Sometimes it's not. Sometimes you really love someone you've dated for 10 years. Sometimes you ddon't.

I am so tired of the people that say smugly, "i believe in lust at first sight" because they don't know. I don't have problems with lust, and I have experienced that feeling of "wow, look, there he is, the guy I was created for". I just looked at his eyes from the side and I got that feeling. I wasn't looking at his body at all.
Please believe me- that even if it hasn't happened to you, or never will, it is POSSIBLE
Please do not listen to these other people. Although they mean well, I know personally that there can be real, true, lasting love (not LUST or INFATUATION! Boy am I sick of those dumb words! People just use them to sound grownup and wierd and fancy shmancy! {not to "dis" you other folks, but that's what it seems like to me :)} at first meeting- and yes, even at first sight.

As to what it feels like... everyone is totally different. If you think you are in love, and you love someone very much, more than any one else, than you ARE in love- for the time being. You may, who knows, some day, find someone else who you will be able to love even more. Not because you didn't love the first one- you did, as much as you could at the time. But each new person you fall in love with you seem to be able to love more.

Who can say whether we are all in love a dozen times in our life, or if we only "really" love one of those people, or if we never "truly" loved any of them?

Love is different for every person, at every different time. Sometimes it makes you sad, sometime it makes you happy, sometime insecure, sometimes confident. No one knows. But if you think you're in love, then tell yourself you are and go with your emotions, whether you become mournfully melancholy or exuberantly happy. There is nothing sweeter than feeling something deeply and telling yourself you're in love, whether it's for an hour or a lifetime- or eternity.

I fell in love from first sight with someone I have only met twice in the past two years I still am. For many reasons in a long story, we can't contact each other, nor do we "date" so there isn't a questions of all that "faithfulness" junk. But I knew at the first second that I was made for him and someday God will see we marry and live happily ever after. Sometime I will type up the whole story and post it on every "love at first sight" page and question and blog in the whole wide internet.

Again, I am not saying that love at first sight is the only right kind of love. Maybe you will hate the person you eventually fall in love with! Maybe it will take you years to gradually love them! Who knows? I am not saying that it is the only true kind of love. With some people, it may take a while to fall in love with their soulmate. But love at first sight is so very possible! Sometimes the good Lord is kind enough to show you right away. Like he showed me.
The moment I saw him standing there, I knew all about him. His character- how kind and sweet he was, how helpful and patient. And don't say I was judging a book by its cover. Later in the day I met up with him again and talked to him for five hours at that wedding reception. And my first impression- that split second thought of "this is who I was created for and am meant to marry" was strengthened. And he is in my every thought and dream. I don't give a passing thought or glance to anyone else- it's just out of the question. I’ve only seen him only 3 times over the years. It’s been so long. But I still love him! I do! It’s real!

I fell in love when I was only 13. But that’s how old Juliet was, and it was love at first sight and no one questions her! No one says “Oh, Juliet was so dumb, she didn’t REALLY love romeo, she just killed herself because she THOUGHT she did”. Why should people say that about me?

There is love at first sight.

Not lust.

Not infatuation.

Not a crush.

Not a passing attraction.

Real, true, lasting, beautiful, perfect love.


2007-03-08 11:44:23 · answer #1 · answered by nemo 4 · 1 0

I believe that people think love is some Dramatic, powerful, exceptional, force that is so rare and so uncommon when most people can't even define or describe it. It seems with most of the responses it's never actually love, it's always lust, or crushing. what constitutes love? How does it work? When you ask questions like these you'll get a different answer every time. Sometimes it seems like people are jealous, or haven't experienced it before. I know someone who was very dear to me. Married for 55 years, and believes in love at first sight cause it's true. That would be my grandpa. i also remember asking him if knew what love was, he said "when you love someone you want what is best for them, even if it means not being with them" I don't know, but i do believe i love at first sight. It is true.

2007-03-08 11:25:30 · answer #2 · answered by aphotic nostrum 4 · 1 0

I've always believed in "love at first sight." I believe in the whole concept of a "soul mate," that somehow you are supposed to be at a particular place at a particular time to meet a particular person.

2007-03-08 11:02:21 · answer #3 · answered by allisay2008 2 · 0 0

Yes. i do believe it, I been with my love for eleven years and still growing now. we have happy, bumpy, sad, laughter and grow together troughs that years still now. we learn with each other every single day and when I remembering the first time we meet each other in friday.sept.95, it just making me loving him more, BTW i don't believe in fairy tale story maybe because I've been on my own when i was 16 and then 31/2 years later i meet him.

2007-03-08 12:12:28 · answer #4 · answered by Ni Jen Ku El 3 · 0 0

honestly, i don't believe in love at first sight.... when you saw somebody and you felt like you fell in love with him/her, gosh, that's not love.... that's 'crushing' on somebody...

and sometimes, you tend to forget him/her just like that.....

i don't deny that love in first sight did happen to somebody out there, but to me, i prefer to be his/her friends first, cause that's the only way to know a person....

well, at least that's what i think....

2007-03-08 10:59:45 · answer #5 · answered by falcon a 2 · 0 0

Actually I don't. I do believe in lust at fist sight.

2007-03-08 10:58:48 · answer #6 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

no. i believe that lust or infatuation at first sight exists though.

2007-03-08 10:57:51 · answer #7 · answered by Jen_n_TX 3 · 1 0

umm no b/c the guy could be a rappest or something crazy

2007-03-08 11:01:22 · answer #8 · answered by larinalt72 2 · 0 1


2007-03-08 10:56:50 · answer #9 · answered by matt_archbold2002 4 · 1 0

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