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I'm 16 and I have been thinking too much about death (since last aguest)cuz I hate it and I hate to picture myself dead and in the grave.This anxiety have left me (not completely) but it came back Lately, the two dreams i've while im asleep in the last 2 days included death so I think that my death may be somming soon.followed by annyoing thoughts and scary ones , I feel that there is something inside me that wanna kill me ( even though I'm afraid of death) The thoughts are like "if you will meet that friend that means your death is comming soon" and I'm likely to meet that friend. or thoughts like : if the god is here you will die and as I believe in god i think that he can kill me to show that he is really here. what does all those thoughts mean? how can I stop them?

2007-03-08 02:51:22 · 13 answers · asked by Dejla 3 in Health Mental Health

13 answers

It is very clear to me that you are suffering from anxiety. These thoughts are brought on by anxiety. They are obsessive thoughts. The thing is when you take note of them, and it is hard not to, you become more anxious and it is a vicious circle.

Please visit the doctor, there is medication that can help calm anxiety and buy a couple of relaxation Cd's and lie down and relax your entire body while you listen to them. Do this daily somewhere you will not be disturbed.

I used to get thoughts like if I don't make it to the next lamp post before the next car does then that's gonna be bad luck!

These are ONLY thoughts you must remember that. Secondly, YOU are the one who is CREATING the thought. So tell yourself, your mind is creating these thoughts because you are anxious.

Face the fear: Remember your GENERAL anxiety is bringing these thoughts on and that is all they are...thoughts that cannot harm you in any physical way.

Take the step of seeing your doctor and explain everything carefully. Make a double appointment so you are not rushed.

Best wishes and I hope this helps a little.

2007-03-08 05:57:13 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

The opposite of fear is faith. the more faith you have , the less your fears will be. I am not a religous person at all, but I do believe that there is more to the world than total randomness. You seem to believe that too. The fact that you recognize these fears as irrational and ar discussing it means you are half way to solving your problems. Take it a step at a time and don't get over stressed when these fears come on to you......just try to delibirately concentrate your thoughts on other, positive things. Gradually you will find it getting better.

You could use the analogy of a wild animal yelling and screaming for food which in this case is your attention. The more you feed the animal, the stronger it gets. On the other hand if you ignore it, then initially it makes an even louder noise, but gradually becomes weak and dies.

All the best with tackling these fears, and remember, if you can't sort it on your own, ask for help !

2007-03-08 03:02:38 · answer #2 · answered by saurav 1 · 1 0

I think there are a lot of images and songs about death on the tv and movies and especially music. Your mind is a sponge that takes that stuff in and maybe even if you don't realize it, your brain stores that information and brings it out in times when you are alone or even sleeping. Be mindful about what you allow into your brain. think to yourself, If I go see that movie, or listen to that cd will it come back to me when I sleep? Talk to your mom or dad seriously about these feelings. let them know it's not just some kid thing. If you don't think your parents can help, see your school counselor or your priest or minister. When I was 16 I had death dreams alot. I would wake up terrified. the only thing that would help me get back to sleep was to read a little of the bible. (it made me sleepy too) I feel bad for you, and am praying for you.

2007-03-08 03:13:03 · answer #3 · answered by Yo C 4 · 1 0

I started thinking I was supposed to die when I was 11. I'm 53 now. At 16 my parents sent me to a psychiatrist who didn't help. At 37 I went back to a psychiatrist and have been treated since then. Back when I was 16 they didn't have the good medicines they have now. Please go to the Dr. and get on medicine and also see about counseling. Medication and counseling work best together. There is help out there.

2007-03-08 03:08:52 · answer #4 · answered by sweet sue 6 · 1 0

First of all you are 16 years old and need to get a grip with these emotions that are in control of your life. God does not want you to die. Period. You need to get counseling. Either privately or go the your local health department. If you have a medical doctor, call them or ask their nurse and she can help you. I get all kinds of help from my doctor's nurse. You are too young to even be traumatized by this type of stuff. Get help now. You have a great big world out there in front of you.

2007-03-08 03:01:29 · answer #5 · answered by Lost in Maryland 4 · 1 0

you should talk to someone. im afraid of death and the end of the world and stuff like that, believe me. but i had dreams like that as well years ago, and im still hear. the reason why you have those dreams is because you are thinking about it too much. what you need to do is maybe go out with your friends a lot and get your mind off of it... or talk to a counsler.

2007-03-08 03:00:12 · answer #6 · answered by angeleyes_0613 4 · 1 0

What are you thinking about before you fall asleep. I used to be obessed with dying "prematurely" but I found that if I am preoccupied with dying, I wount be able to live..... I still have an unhealthy attitude torwards death, but I feel that it will pass someday maybe even with the help of therapy

2007-03-08 03:00:28 · answer #7 · answered by ymeany 2 · 1 0

Ive had dreams similar when i as younger , i told my grandmother of this dreams and she said, i needed t drink warm milk and a shower before i went to bed , and it work for me. sounds funny i know but try to concentrate on work,school, family, any thing but death

2007-03-08 03:07:42 · answer #8 · answered by Big O 1 · 1 0

Talk to a counselor, these thoughts are normal in a lesser degree, but it sounds like your thoughts are starting to interfere with how you live life.

2007-03-08 03:01:33 · answer #9 · answered by justweird_sodeal 3 · 1 0

I think you sould try to calm yourself, like try to take deep breath and relax and try to get in to some interesring activity that will take your mind far away from this. Seriously.

2007-03-08 04:56:29 · answer #10 · answered by argamanj 2 · 1 0

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